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The Trip (2010–2020)
Perhaps I'm not their audience?
29 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Only watched the first season, but it was difficult to finish. Felt like an excuse for them to visit places and eat. Between the relative zero drama of driving, checking in to hotels, and watching kitchens briefly plate food we see them bickering and imitating a bunch of British actors.

Maybe I don't appreciate the effort impressions take. Or the nuances they included. But I'm just not that big a fan of impressions in general.

And I'll admit to 'not getting it' often from supposed comedies. Maybe my own tragedies push me to pity rather than laughter in those situations. When we're supposed to feel joy at experiencing someone else's foibles, and preferences/patterns that are odd.

Felt like it generally went nowhere when it finished too. No big reveal, no change in their relationship, no expectation that the trip had any impact on anything or that it was an obvious success/failure.

Is this a 'character study'? I'm not an 'artist' by any stretch of the imagination either, so perhaps they'd appreciate all of this more?

It mostly felt like an overly long, boring movie... A glimpse into a couple of old friends, and the baggage they still have and won't deal with or change about themselves. With some dark/dreary scenery, food we can't taste, wine we can't smell, and a glimpse at what travel in Northern England might be like (never been myself).

Anyway, I gave it a go. Having no idea what to expect. I'm just baffled at the high ratings now. It did feel 'honest' at least. Just not about stuff I want to focus on... Real life offers enough of the same for me, and I don't feel joy at others pain or embarrassment. Nor at attempts to mimic a range of well known actors (over and over and over), most of which I didn't recognize the sources for (meaning the person's name yes, but the specific movie/lines no). And I think I'm close to the right age range... just not being British maybe factors into things too.
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Fire Country (2022– )
Soap opera + frequent life/death situations + unusual specialty job
13 July 2023
I've never wanted to punch and yell at my screen so often (the people inside it need a wake up call, and to stop being stupid). But what they're doing isn't the worst television I've ever seen either. Just isn't for me...

When the viewer hates half the characters you frequently show? They won't want to keep watching. No idea if Cal Fire is really like any of this, but if so they need to create a therapy corp too. One at least as big as the number of workers they have otherwise (1 for 1).

People can't change if they don't start somewhere else. But most things need pacing.

Maybe I should invent a program to publish the emotions shown in a season of a TV show. How often do they pretend to be so angry that they twitch periodically while delivering a haughty critique. And how many people in a relationship assume the other person is cheating on them for no reason.

I could call it a toddler score. Or "This one gets 10 Jerry Springers!"

Guess I should appreciate the dialog being so much clearer than usual, with all the yelling so often.

Maybe I'd feel different if I watched it one episode at a time? And I can see the similarity to some of SEAL team (what I'd seen Max T in before this). It had WAY more drama than I wanted to deal with.
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Fair attempt, but fails miserably in typical fashion.
12 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Take an already complex story, and artificially add steps/levels to make it feel larger than it is. Now hide the dialog behind background, ambient sounds (like most current film/TV). Then pick a villain with a relatively breathy, deeper voice (unusual for a woman) that'll be even harder to hear.

Sounds smart, right?

On top of that use a topic most people don't understand, where we keep making up new wild ideas to explain what we've seen... Ideas that are reported to the public as if they're fact already. Or are ignored by fiction authors... made to flip to whatever they'd like at the moment.

Please make dialog discernible to 80-90% of viewers, including those that are slightly hard of hearing or have mental processing issues like Autism Spectrum Disorder or ADHD. This is not a new problem, but it's much worse over the last decade or two.

And when you won't explain something, make sure it's possible (and likely) to figure it out in time. Having dialog about a blurk isn't useful unless I have a clue what a blurk is.

Hiding the cause of odd results behind your own weird interpretation of a many worlds theory only works for you because you thought of it.

Might as well toss "god" into it, and the pizza monster for a little Deus Ex Machina action.

[I'm only half way through season 1, but already really annoyed... I'll consider updating again after I finish if it changes anything for me]
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Wolfe (2021)
Sad it only has 1 season, but I get it...
12 July 2023
I wouldn't want to pretend to be Dr Wolfe Kinte, nor have that be how people recognize me, either.

Imagine a high functioning mentally ill forensic's person, and the team that might exist to support them. Now glimpse their life at the start of a manic shift.

My biggest issues have been no clue what they're talking about, a lot more often than the other brit shows I've enjoyed. Meaning they use lots of slang and phrases I'm not familiar with. It happens so often I'll have no clue what they're "whingeing on about".

If you're sensitive to drama or rudeness, avoid it. For only 6 episodes, they manage a good progression for some characters. And enough repeating things that people appear to have personalities.

I hope the main character finds a role he enjoys, as he's an interesting person to watch (so far). I'm curious about lots of stuff, and generally knowledgeable so like hearing about current science use. And I appreciate seeing examples of other people's mental health issues since living with them can make you feel alone. And we don't realize how some people can manage success, even thriving, with the same symptoms you loathe.
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Transplant (2020–2024)
Trauma porn? I feel beat up after this...
23 June 2023
I go back and forth on this. Yes, I'm getting what seems to be an honest insider's view of some really uncomfortable situations that I don't already see. But it isn't like they solve them.

I'm a fan of the medical dramas often. But past shows had enough medical centered issues (versus emotional or psychological) that I didn't feel beat up quite so much.

Every episode I get angry at a number of people, and feel bad about a previous period of hating someone. Where they became extremely irrational (sudden anger outburst), or made a really terrible choice out of the blue then compounded it. Or they're a new character and they're showing the worst part(s) of them first.

I don't know if it's on purpose, but I feel like they purposefully go bad. They want to show where the world fails someone. Or where irrational people make medical professional's lives hell. Or a sibling or parent is just nuts, and everyone else deals with it.

I know all of this stuff from personal experience thank you very much. No need to live it again, and again, and again...

I'm not a doctor, nor Canadian, nor Syrian, etc so I can't say how accurate any of this is.

And while not terrible, I do feel like the character's acting can feel extreme at times... forced. "Why is the angry guy suddenly quiet?" But the story always explains why after a bit (if I want to know or not). Usually it's an extreme reaction or their baseline. Not a lot of subtlety that I remember, but maybe I'm just telegraphing other discomfort.

The people who need this (uncaring), won't be bothered by anything it can show them. People who blame the victim will continue to. And the people who already have empathy might feel beat up after it.
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Even just the idea seems dumb/wrong...
8 April 2023
Go back in time and give them the tech to go back in time. Repeat until we're super advanced and spread out enough in the universe it doesn't matter what the aliens do.

Or go back and tell everyone to start having as many babies as possible. To put all efforts into preparing for the initial incursion. You don't try to stop a problem when it's almost over. Stop the first infection and it can't spread, and grow.

These are just off the top of my head after seeing the trailer. I'll update this if watching changes my mind, but I doubt it.

No amount of comedy, whiz bang SFX, or comradery is going to change that.
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Extraordinary (2023– )
I don't watch TV to be preached to.
20 March 2023
The people who would listen already believe. The people who won't listen won't care what you pretend happens later.

I don't want to watch anything where the main purpose is to scare me into doing what logic hasn't finished. Where A-holes argue with each other the same way they do today, with an uglier background. Yes, they'll continue the same excuses and plans.

Seeing the same depressing situations in slightly different lights won't improve the result. Showing the same situation for an hour instead of 5-10 minutes doesn't change minds any better. If you think it's a lie, then all they'll do is laugh at your attempts.

That isn't me. I'm annoyed at these people and get angry at the TV show the whole time. I'm guessing the goal is to spark "action" by "the people". Nope. It sparked me to turn it off.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Not my thing, but... well done for what it is.
18 March 2023
I'm not into the whole "completed 101 impossible things before lunch" thing. There is only so much that can happen in a row that's improbable. My suspension of disbelief isn't this good.

Pretty SFX, and Jerry Springer level drama every few seconds it seems. Honestly gets tiring. If everything is high priority (or dramatic), then nothing is.

And I get tired of every human being showing you why humanity needs to be wiped from existence. I mean it feels that way in real life, but I don't want to pretend that too. This is supposed to be fiction that distracts me from my woes.

Some of this might not matter if thinking or logic let the viewer predict anything beyond "everything will go to hell soon". It's always "I know! Let's use this thing I luckily stumbled over earlier, and took with me."
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The Ark (2023– )
Young adult drama in space
1 March 2023
So far artificial drama all the time, and lots of dumb decisions commonly made by young people.

Take a situation where everything goes wrong. Now remove any planning ahead and backups/support. Add a dash of epic SFX scenes, and you're pretty close to what I've seen so far.

Lord of the flies, but in space. "You're not the boss of me!" "I'll just take this resource and hide it so I don't run out later, screw everyone else." Everyone has a secret, and is doing something bad/wrong.

If this was actually our Ark then we deserve to die as a species. I have zero interest in what happens to these people, and feel like viewers have no reason to think. There is no way to figure anything out ahead of time...it's all made up farce that goes *plaid* through space (but without being funny like Spaceballs).

I'll try to get through 2-3 episodes before I give up, but I'm getting nothing of value out of this so far. Coming from a huge Sci-Fi/Fantasy fan.
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Tries, but gets some smart stuff wrong...
5 February 2023
Sadly I understand what they're talking about well enough to know that they don't understand it. Or are purposefully being obtuse/wrong?

It's "diffie q's" aka 'diff. Eq.s' not "differential equations".

I've yet to ever see a "2065" bit encryption key. Computers are based on binary, and lots of things work best on them in multiples of 2 like 2048, 1024, 512... Every once in a while something odd happens like the 140 bit encryption, but that's a rarity. Here I think they looked at current recommendations, doubled them and fudged the value for no good reason (more is better, right?).

You don't drop random balls in AR then ask the computer to grade you (to save your brother). If your can instantly measure the validity of a solution you have the computer create lots of random attempts then use genetic algorithms to work around local minima.

Yeah it's hard to make science look interesting or worthwhile to action fans. Maybe I'm just not the target audience here...

I appreciate a number of unusual things they attempted in the Wakandan culture. But it just feels like a bunch of superficial tweaks. They're still led by a king/queen. If they were truly as advanced as they claim they wouldn't need to be authoritarian. People would do what should be done.

I get tired of seeing various people's supposedly futuristic versions of reality that feel like today in all the ways that matter. "Yes general." "I was only doing what I was ordered to do." etc

I'm guessing because those with power don't want people to think. They imagine they're the reason for all the successes, but blame others for any failure.
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Lee'd the Way (2021)
Not perfect, but a lot of really good stuff!
24 January 2023
As a person who would self identify as a mostly "undiagnosed high functioning neuro-atypical" a lot of my first viewing was painful. I felt too much of a kinship with the main character, and what bad things happened to them. And felt jealous that so many tense situations worked out in their favor for no reason I could tell of. Or nitpicking how they weren't doing a credible reaction by the main character to the latest problem (yeah, it can get annoying to see someone react over and over too...there are "good times").

Or feeling that a scene's emotional energy came out of left field. And that they were trying, but it felt manufactured. Forced. And that the music was a bit generic, though I'd only call it that after focusing for a bit on my second viewing.

But there is a lot to enjoy here too...

I liked seeing some culturally unique people who weren't just the "native American ..." whatever (geek, jock, etc). But the story wasn't all about using native American magic/ideas to solve everything either (or didn't feel that way to me).

Even during COVID lockdowns they tried to do a neat flick about being better together (with no more than 10 people together at a time for a number of scenes).

Feels a bit "play it forward" like, in that I'm sure they're hoping to spur some community efforts.

I was surprised that the goggles the main character tries to use were a real device. I kept hearing "my new eyes" when they meant "my NuEyes". Wish they'd explained a tiny bit better what they did. They just showed some warped and zoomed images a few times, or blurred a scene.

I'll admit part of my time was spent admiring the female co-lead Carolina Hoyos. I'm a sucker for a smart, powerful gal with a bit of curve to her (and a pretty smile).

Who should watch: if jaded then probably best avoided. You'll think it's all a fairy tale farce. If interested in politics, communities, or are somehow connected with someone on the ASD spectrum it'll probably be worthwhile to you.
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
Depends what you're looking for, but I like it a lot...
5 July 2022
Had zero idea what to expect. For the right people I think this is a great series, and I hope it managed a couple seasons at least.

I can't say if "typical" fans will like it, though honestly I've been bored with comic movies for a long time (still watch them as I enjoy weird/fantasy things and am curious what all the hype is about).

What I've liked about it...

* glimpse into a very different culture from my own, with an honesty and intimacy I appreciate (like "family" would tell you) * fun music I never would have heard otherwise * every person feels real, and different from each other (uniquely them) * upbeat, but not Pollyanna levels of it * lots of characters, with varied locations and wardrobe (like a vicarious vacation)

The only complaint I'd offer is the basis for the origin drama is fairly mundane feeling, broadly speaking. And it's basically delivered on a platter. It's hard to imagine a lot of progress/arc to be had there. Do or do not...

Anyway, I appreciate them trying to offer "brown girls from Jersey" a hero too.
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Unpleasant, but has interesting questions/ideas...
22 June 2022
It's hard to watch (shock factor), confusing, and weird. But I think is trying to bring up some valid questions/topics.

What is "OK" (moral, allowed, valid) and who decides that?

Humanity seems to be changing, and is that good/bad/both? Should we be fighting/helping/forcing anything? Would we even get to choose for ourselves or will the past push us into patterns?

Would we recognize and help adaptive change? Or fight anything that we fear or don't understand, and profit from the misery?

Will our previous choices create natural adaptations if we let them?

What would change if physical pain was no longer a motivating factor? If life was not so fragile as it seems today.

I'm sure more that I'm not coming up with. And yeah, it took until the end for me to see beyond the gross out factors, odd deliveries of lines with flat affect, and pale colors with boring clothing.
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Doesn't understand the concept, and boring.
25 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
They tried to create a linear story to explain how simultaneous actions can somehow offer a best solution at the end. But ended up with mostly inane actions in a world that suddenly changes for no obvious reason. And interruptions by glimpses of other times it seems. With yes, ear splitting sound and a bit of a bait and switch with the poster. With my final nail in the coffin being no big conclusion, just one more thread in the web. Some may be fine with that, but...
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Wish for a 0 rating possibility...
9 May 2020
Sorry, too weird even for me...and that is saying something. Don't care about random person or random person or random person. Don't care about beeps or boops. Don't care about ominous music throughout (if everything is scary then nothing is). Or the deep voice reading off poetry unrelated to what I'm seeing.

Pay the viewer and maybe you'll get someone who actually finishes it. Or give an intro so we care about the characters...or have characters. Something beyond "child who we saw the parent and grandparent of once".

Why would I want to watch a movie with text going by about how terrible the work is. Why not viscerally show me how terrible it is? Or at least hint at it. Though maybe they think this blank space is horrible (seems like life to me).
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Abigail (I) (2019)
Don't believe the 9 star lies.
7 January 2020
Feels like a Harry Potter knock off. Poorly dubbed or at least seems like it (lips do match English mostly). Lack of logic to most of the story. Yeah, it's a bit pretty, and not terrible music. The main characters feel stuck in soap opera emotional mode (extreme everything).
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Little Joe (2019)
HATE the dissonant high pitch whistles.
20 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, using music to induce a mood can work. But PLEASE cut back on the same annoying clip of flutes or whatever with a high pitch whistle of two tones that warble together. I may not even finish this junk if they can't stop playing that music over, and over.

Other than that I see nothing logical about their story or the characters. Just "GMO" scare material here. Come up with a result you want. Then invent a "reason". I'm much more interested in the reverse...create an interesting situation and explore what that could mean (good and bad).

And add to that artificial "drama" from obviously unstable, and intransigent people.

Should have been a 15 minute short. Very little to say here.
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Nightflyers (2018)
Why won't any sci-fi focus on the aliens anymore?
7 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I keep running into the same issues. They start with an interesting premise, then get lost in the drama and relationships of the people nearby. It's like they're just trying to fill in the season with something, and then they finally give you the one thing you cared about for the finale (if that...often they'll just toss in new questions instead).

Some neat ideas, but also some trite and boring "drama". I wish I could pick a story line and just follow that. Even if it's like a single episode worth of video (might even be better).
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V-Wars (2019)
Dumb, and arbitrary drama.
7 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry...I hoped for a new Helix or something. But I've been poorly disappointed. Nothing new here. Stupid people doing stupid things designed to cause "drama". "psy-ense" dressed up as possible. Pretty people speaking things they don't understand. And basically one starting premise so far (starting episode 3 now), and not even a unique one. I mean other than the airborne prion disease (don't think they know the difference between a virus and a prion).
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Roswell, New Mexico (2019–2022)
Wow...Horrible science wrapped up in high school drama and judgement.
13 May 2019
Sorry, but I can't ignore the lame attempts at unbelievable/impossible "science", and soap opera level drama and judgements by every character that is supposedly 28+ years old by now. I'm frankly amazed there will be a season 2 of this.

Yes, I see parallels between this and the old one. Not horrible acting, and has some tie-ins to current moral issues/worries (not a big draw for me...but I guess if you're going to update something).
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