
2 Reviews
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What/If (2019)
Unexpected greatness
27 May 2019
All the twists and turns keep you wanting more. So good! Nothing like it.
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Hotel Mumbai (2018)
It's a true story
6 April 2019
I dislike much of the reviews here. If you cant deal with watching a story of a horrific event, then dont. You know straight up front what your getting into. It's a terrible tragic situation. Yes it's frustrating watching people react that gets them killed. But we weren't there and aren't in their shoes to say we would do differently. They are afraid and desperate for a chance. The movie does a great job of telling a story and making you feel the emotions of what happened. It's awful, but that doesnt make the movie awful. There are scenes that are hard to watch. It's a great eye opener for what our world has come too and what is probably in store again. I look at it as an educational piece of history. Its intense and a must see.
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