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Trigger Point: Episode #2.2 (2024)
Season 2, Episode 2
Ridiculous Scenario
15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode ruined the credibilty of the series for me.

The lift/elevator rescue was absolutely ridiculous and factually implausible..

They do not have an access point in the ceiling and they definitely require cabling to operate.

This scene ruined the show for me, whilst artistic licence is understandable, this is a blatantly lazy way to script an episode.

I thought the carboard on the floors in the previous episode ( that everyone ignored ) was stupid. This is beyond poor scripting.

I hope the rest of the show doesn't contain the same level of absurdity. It could be a very exciting show but they have to be realistic.
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The Staircase (2022)
Same Old Acting
9 June 2022
I've yet to watch an Australian drama where the acting doesn't resemble that in a soap opera.

Everyone wears brand new clothes, emotions are overstated and angst is the underlying theme. Casting is predictable, without the attention to detail of British dramas. Characters have no real depth.

Yes I'm Australian.
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Firebite (2021–2022)
23 December 2021
Utter garbage.

Plot is corny, characters are rubbish and storyline is chaotic.

OK now they're the good points!

Do not waste time on this show, it seriously is a load of garbage.
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The Outlaws (2021– )
23 November 2021
Well cast and an enjoyable silly show.

The last episode wrapped things up poorly, in my opinon and felt rushed.

Overall it was entertaining British comedy ,nd I'm hoping season 2 does eventuate.
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The Anomalyst (2020– )
Utter Garbage
18 May 2021
The plot is as bad as the acting and the show is a waste of time. Avoid it...
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Soap Opera
14 September 2020
As an Australian I've seen way too many Australian drama series. What they have in common is they all are produced as if they are soap operas. The dialogue is over dramatic and stilted, every item of clothing is brand new and perfectly pressed, the people are all beautiful as are their homes. Every show is the same plastic wrapped sterile effort. Compare this to British shows where actors are sought that look the role, from drug addicts to peers of the realm. They talk like real people and react like real people. If you're into soap operas you'll probably enjoy this show, if not look for something else to occupy your time.
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12 Monkeys: Die Glocke (2018)
Season 4, Episode 6
Emily Hampshire is Brilliant
27 June 2018
If you watch nothing else of the series watch the entertainment scene in Season 4 Episode 6. Brilliantly written and Emily is simply fantastic in her gloriously insane role. it is absurd, comedic and compellingly RIGHT for her character and executed oh so well!
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Shooter (2016–2018)
Entertaining But Unbelievable
7 February 2018
So you can discharge very high calibre weapons at will in public places and no-one calls the police? People can be killed and no-one ever witnesses the incident. Did the American people all go overseas at once as there is a complete absence of normal movement of people during incidents in the show.

Entertaining but totally unbelievable.
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Blood Drive (2017)
23 June 2017
The show could have been watchable it just needed a different plot, different actors, different screenwriters... I think you get the idea by now.

This watches more like a cheesy Uni project than an actual television show. It tries to be campy it fails, it tries to be horror it fails, in act it simply FAILS. There is nothing plausible or entertaining throughout the show and as previous reviewers have commented the sooner it finishes the better.

Do NOT waste your time on this!
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Roman Empire (2016–2019)
Not a Documentary
25 April 2017
Although this is tagged as a Documentary under Genre it is just a TV show. Any resemblance between this show and actual history is purely coincidental and no-one should use this show to inform anyone about any aspect of the Roman Empire or any of its inhabitants.

As a TV show it's entertaining, as an historical documentary it's junk.
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Alone (2015– )
Greed Not Need
9 December 2016
Yet another show where the environment is secondary to entertainment and greed is more important than conservation.

How much of our dwindling wilderness is being trashed by endless reality TV shows in order to make money and entertain couch potatoes?

Drop them in the middle of the ocean and let them survive that or become fish food! That would let the wildlife have the upper-hand for once

I see these are being tagged as documentaries, how are these shows documentaries? Attenborough does documentaries, reality TV doesn't even come close to fitting the description of a documentary.
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Pure Genius (2016–2017)
1 December 2016
Another fantasy show that is so insulting to reality that it should never have been made. In the real world people are dying in America because they cannot afford drugs or ongoing treatment.

Shows like this reinforce a lack of social conscience, a quick fix tech-solution mentality and the misconception that a 20-something with the ability to make money off people, while doing nothing to actually earn it, can solve anything.

This show is just an insult to the intelligence of anyone over the age of 10. The sooner TV shows have to meet even a modicum of reality the better, no wonder so many people believe in alien visitations, teleportation and anti-gravity, they've been fed a steady diet of crap like this. They really should come with a disclaimer banner advising people that it is fiction.
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