
1 Review
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Sepet (2004)
31 August 2005
I was impressed with the story telling ability of the director. A simple and yet touching story. The best movie that I have seen this year. Very different from the type of movies that I would usually watch (e.g. Lord of the Rings, Star Wars). I am looking forward to its sequel.

Perhaps its appeal was the realistic rendition of life in Malaysia. That's how we talk... a 'rojak' (mixture) of various languages... with the Englishman's English to become Malaysian English. Despite being a multicultural country, very few Chinese or Indians intermarry with the Malays in West Malaysia. Whilst in East Malaysia on the island of Borneo, the proportion of intermarriages in the population between the Chinese and the local populations of Ibans, Bidayuhs, Kayans, Muruts, Kadazans, Melanaus etc is much higher. The proportion of the population with mixed blood may approach 30 - 40%.

Lots of my Indian and Chinese friends who never watches any Malay movies before actually went to see SEPET. Lots of my Malay friends also felt that it was good. We couldn't understand the massive protests from the movie directors' association when the movie emerged as the best movie in Malaysia's annual movie award recently.
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