3 Reviews
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Enjoyable, just doesn't feel real
10 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I love Gina Gershon, I love American punk, I love films. Hence put the 3 together and you should have my dream come true, but its sadly not the case.

The story is interesting, but the attitude towards reality just doesn't work, almost every character has had a bad sexual experience and it seems that if you have ever been raped or abused you immediately decide to become a punk rock loving rebel, and don't worry because one day you will get revenge on your attacker, it worked out that way for all the girls in Clamdandy.

The music is pretty cool and I think Ginas voice is groovy but the song lyrics are soooo clichéd I felt embarrassed, pretty much every track is like "I swear at police and I drink and drive, and I don't care about men and I stay up really really late and I wear rude t-shirts and I litter" gee, Can you hear me back there in the 70s?

Some of the direction is handled very well, like during the songs and the films more disturbing moments and strong performances are given by all the cast (special praise to Drea De Matteo who is worryingly convincing as a drug addled rock casualty) My problems with the film are not with the performers, just for a frankly patronising script.

Finally, There's this "comedy" character who is this ultra cheerful young girl learning to play guitar who keeps making the horns and shouting "rock onnnnnn!!!!" and the clamdandy girls are all like "haha, she hasn't a clue" I tell you now; There's NOTHING "punk rock" about trashing someone else whose just trying to enjoy what they do in their own way.

Gina looks amazing, everyone tries real hard. Kudos to them, But, ultimately, the films patronising attitude to sexual abuse and unrealistic approach to life and punk rock in general just falls at the first hurdle.
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Bad film, great fun
6 September 2005
I picked this up 2nd hand and really enjoyed it, in a campy way. Tommy turns up in some rural town and steps right into a race war. Tommy is basically given reason after reason to take on guys of 4 or more and throw them through various fruit stalls, ticket offices, coffee tables, and french windows. The gorgeous Gina Gershon does her best as a choir teacher helping Tommy out, but whenever she needs to be "helpless" it kinda doesn't work because she now plays such strong, female roles.

The acting and direction are seriously questionable but this film is obviously about fight scenes and they are entertaining enough, from the moment we see Gershon's house is full of glass tables, flimsy bookcases and china filled cabinets we know we are in for a treat.

Terrible, patronising attitude toward racial issues but, hey, its got a rocket launcher and plenty of flying kicks.
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Hit and miss factors, but A+ for effort
29 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The problem with this movie lies in its unevenness, As it is supposed to be "real", some of the characters are completely believable whereas others are just bad actors, most of the victims are great, and Max's assistant is spot on as a troubled man in WAY over his head. Kevin Howarths performance is chilling enough, but, as others have stated, we are never convinced of his problems, seeing as he appears to be a psychopath, a sociopath, a cannibal, neurotic, narcissistic and an awesome chef. The writing for the character seems a bit "throw EVERY psycho cliché we can and see what sticks" On the plus side, the murders are frighteningly realistic, and at times make very uncomfortable viewing, Max really has NO compassion for human life, and demonstrates this to great effect time and time again, with scenes of brutality that I have found quite hard to shake from my head. The scene with the art student in particular I found very distressing, as the terrified girl sits, pretty much waiting for her inevitable death, whilst Max whines at his assistants inability to sink to the depths of depravity that comes so naturally to himself.

There is some good writing, some blacker than black comedy and Max makes reasonable arguments about morality. The wedding scenes are great, and feature some truly obnoxious people, come to think of it, most of Maxs friends are far more obnoxious than he is, I guess thats the point.

The ending is fun, as long as you try not to take it too seriously, view it as you would a William Castle gimmicky horror and you'll have a great time, but viewed as an intelligent, arty, oh so clever film and you may be disappointed.

The last horror movie is a good step for all involved and for indie British films in general, it deserves to be seen by everyone who can stomach its lo-fi violence and cod philosophy.
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