
2 Reviews
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A serious WW2 film from Asylum, without the big creatures
8 March 2023
For those trashing this film, they probably don't realize that this film comes off rather good considering the low budget. Weston Cage pull off the role as he leads a small platoon of men up the cliffs to take control of a Nazi defence battery. A suicide mission with all the action needs, is filmed in a way that gives the viewer a strong impression of it's impossibility. Loosely based on an actual allied offensive, The Asylum made a rather good war flick. The special effects in the form of cruisers, battleships and landing craft all forming the battle group on D-Day, wrapped a script that keeps the viewer on point to it's conclusion. I gave this film 8/10 based on the overall catalogue from The Asylum, as one of their best films.
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Star Trek Phase II (2004–2023)
The Voyages Continue . . . . .
28 August 2005
For those interested in Star Trek, especially the original series, this effort by Cow Creek Productions is a must see. In the first episode you are treated to a mix of some old stuff from the original series mixed in with a line or two from The Motion Picture and The Wrath of Kahn. But, don't be discouraged these people pull it off! At times the dialogue my be campy and Captain Kirks portrayal is somewhat over the top, it appears that these idiosyncrasies are what makes "The New Voyages" so much fun to watch.

Provided free to download at their website, you are treated to two episodes. The second outing "In Harms Way" is extremely well done. The special effects are superior for an independent, "Non-Profit" production and the storyline is gripping. In that episode you are treated to Captain Christopher Pike in command of the USS Enterprise as you see it in "The Cage". The Doomsday machine or planet killer is being attacked by Pike, Spock and the crew of the Enterprise. The opening scene shows the Enterprise utterly destroyed in the opening credits. Years pass and Captain Kirk in command of another Constellation Class Starship is called upon to correct the incorrect time-line. This production has great special effects, good writing, and some surprises that will please the true Trekker.

I highly recommend these fan productions.
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