
3 Reviews
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A brave piece
4 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
in society, there are many contemporary issues within the working class, highly due to the fact of the rise in immigration in the past decade, raising the hostility and prejudices towards those who was not born here. Sally tackles the issue of race extremely well, and deals with the problems within racial and social demographics surrounding homosexuality. she explores the cultural in-differences surrounding it. for example, Mo says that he would rather have a brother that is a terrorist than one who is a homo, which speaks volumes for a minority of Muslim fundamentalists who feel the same, and some more conservative religious viewers who would share the same view, regardless of what religion.

this piece also tackles the more social related issues of gang culture and 'roadmen' it explores the vicious circle that many youths today find themselves in, and also demonstrates what is considered the only way out, and the betrayal that people can commit towards you.

overall, I did think it was a good film mainly due to the brave and audacious issues raised, however, I do feel that it lacked a certain dramatic edge, and had a weak enigma throughout.
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Murdered by My Father (2016 TV Movie)
circular narrative for a circular problem
1 November 2016
in all, i did enjoy it. the father named Shahzad was a great portrayal of those within many religions whom live in old times and have old school beliefs of their religion which do not coincide with 21st century life. Salma has the sympathetic support of the viewer,yet at the same time also infuriates the viewer as she does stupid things that would not end well for her, and does not take the precautions to keep her happiness. which i found rather annoying, because if i was in that situation i would do things differently to prevent unhappiness and murder.

technically, Imi is an antagonist in this as he is upsetting the equilibrium, however he has the sympathetic support of the viewer, as his desires are well met and pure loving, but the way he shows them towards the end are not good as he is.

overall, this is a good piece, however stupid decisions from characters distant it further away from reality.
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Orange Is the New Black: Tit Punch (2013)
Season 1, Episode 2
good at tackling issues
14 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
How do we as a society, tackle contemporary issues about sex and race?

Orange is the new black tackles this perfectly, and challenged the tags attached to women and not just women in general, blonde women, black women, Russian and more. In this episode, the title comes from a moment in one of the narrative flashbacks of Red, and she 'tit punches' a stereotypical Russian housewife and deflates her breast. It challenged the ideology of 'fake' Russian women with their plastic surgery their rich husbands pay for.

There is a lot of focus on Red, as the fairly weak storyline from the first episode consisting of her starving Chatman is continued. As a viewer, I felt that this storyline should have ended last episode, as it is something where the resolution could be sped up. I feel that there is no enigma so it shouldn't have gone on for this long.

Overall I would give this 6/10, because I like how it turns modern day societies issues into comedy and makes people talk about them. I also like how it is a majority female cast, challenging yet another stereotype associated with prison dramas.
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