
12 Reviews
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The Devil to Pay (I) (2019)
Watch this movie
2 April 2022
These are the kind of movies that deserve awards. I wish they got more press/attention. Well casted, acted, directed, and written. No fluff. Intrigue. Just watch.
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LuLaRich (2021)
What did they do wrong?
31 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Other than the refund thing towards the end, what wrong did they do? This just seems like a bunch of people at the top who were making a grip but didn't manage their money well. So they suffered when the bonus structure changed. Now they blame the owners.

These folks just seem bitter cause they started losing all that money. I wonder if they were still making bank, of they'd be on the anti side of the documentary.

Like someone else said, it would be interesting to hear from the folks at the bottom.
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Beckett (2021)
Lady on motorbike was the star
27 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You know the lead actor isn't respected when the writer doesn't let him successfully steal a motorbike from a woman. Lol Also, that lady's my hero.

John David Washington just isn't a great actor, to me. I tried to like him in Malcolm and Marie. And this movie just confirmed that he has a very unrealistic way of delivering lines.

And he had this weird, overdone hobbling run, and facial expressions that didn't match what he was going through. ...both very odd.

I agree with others on the lack of chemistry between the couple, and the wife's presence really wasn't necessary.

Shot multiple times, jumping off cliffs and buildings, stabbed, no food for all this energy....yet still going?! Come on! Lol

And the biggest plot issue is why they're chasing him in the first place. He saw a boy. So what? They could chalk it up to a concussion. It's not like he's knowledgeable on Greek politics and knew the kid had been missing. Lazy writing. ...almost like a couple different stories being forced together.

1 Star for motorbike lady 1 Star for a lead black actor.
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Seven Pounds (2008)
3 stars for the motel manager
8 July 2021
1 star because I like the fresh prince.

That's all.
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Would be better with Less talking
19 June 2021
As a traveler, I really wanted to like this. Instead I find myself just fast forwarding and jotting down the spots they go to.

Maybe it would be more enjoyable if the 3 people were more relatable or less cookie-cutter "influencer". They all sound so scripted. And instead of just enjoying the locations, they talk A LOT. ...even talking during massages in Bali. Lol

5 stars because of the location selections and the excellent drone shots. Would be higher if they change up the travelers. Right now it just feels like you're listening to people reading a script and "acting" cool and relaxed.

Such a shame. Had potential.
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Still Standing (2002–2006)
Top 3 favorite sitcoms
18 June 2021
This show is hilarious! I didn't start watching it until it was in syndication on UPN, lol. I'm so glad I found it.

Society is so obsessed with parenthood, it's nice to see parents who are open about not liking their kids. Lol They also have some serious moments where they show they care, which is nice to see as well.

Excellent writing. Excellent comedic timing.
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Hollywood and its dumb kids
8 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
These are the dumbest latchkey kids I've ever seen. I only got about 30 minutes into this before I couldn't take anymore. Why do so many movies have kids acting so much younger than their ages?

Why's mom helping this girl bathe? And why would neither kid tell the mom of the initial encounter with the spirit? They're both old enough to know this isn't normal. Had to turn this off. I don't need this kind of stress in my life. Lol.
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What a disappointment
8 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first Conjuring movie is probably my favorite scary movie of all time. The second one was good, so this one was such a disappointment to me.

Poorly written. Little originality. Done-to-death possession scenes like backbends, levitation, priests staring at the house after exiting the car...etc. All that was missing was the green vomit. 🙄

Confusing. It's as if 2 or 3 people had ideas about the plot, and they just married them all together.

Unrealistic writing. Example- the beginning before his exorcism, would a kid really be asking some dude, "When are you going to marry my sister"? And the part where Lorraine almost falls over the cliff, there's no way Ed could have stopped the demon from pulling her down when Ed didn't even have anything to hold onto. The momentum would've easily pulled him down with her. Just lazy writing.

The "climax" was confusing.

-Why'd Lorraine go to the old man's house alone?

-I wasn't sure if the satanic lady was dead or alive, even after the old man's story.

-Why'd the old man take the gun out?

-Why didn't the satanic lady just kill Ed instead of blowing unexplained evil dust into his eyes? Weird.

-Why did it take the lady so long to fulfull the curse? Just kill'em! Lol I'm so confused!

The endings were cheesy (Pill in the locket, Detective visiting the cliff where the girl jumped, gazebo) Give me a break.

2 stars for the 2 leads. Otherwise, what a disappointment. No more sequels of this, please.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
I agree about the plot hole
30 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was halfway through an excellent movie and wanted to see if others agreed so I click IMDB, scrolled down just enough to see the main rating without spoiling the movie and was shocked it was so low.

...Then i kept watching the movie. Lol. I agree that they should have explained why/how Michael got in that compartment. Maybe if she didn't have to literally drill out the screws, folks wouldn't be so hung up on it.

They did a great job of creating suspense and the actor for Micheal (Shamier Anderson) did a great job balancing 'illiciting sympathy' AND 'looking a little sketchy'. Not easy. Lol

I kept waiting for a twist, but part of me is glad that there wasn't a twist. Ever since The Sixth Sense, writers and producers seem to think a twist is required. I did think a good climax would've been if Daniel Kim's character was the stowaway. ... which would explain how uncomfortable he appeared to be in this environment he supposedly trained to be in, like the other 2 astronauts.

I did like the fact the women weren't in traditional "victim" roles, and were the leaders early on. That's so rare. It's nice to see.

Shamier Anderson was so great in this. What a difficult role to play! Excellent job.

Definite 9 for me if that huge 'discovery' plot hole was addressed.
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Devs (2020)
Proof to always say no to your ex
6 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Poor Jamie. I liked Lily up until she asked her ex to hack her dead bf's pbone. There became something so self-serving about her that just never went away. I didn't like her as a person, even though I kept trying to. But then she'd do something else to screw over Jamie. I think the actress did a great job playing Lily but I don't think the character is written to be liked.

The movie kept my attention. And as another reviewer said, I thought it was one thing in the beginning and it turned out to be different than expected, which is good. Liked the homeless guy twist.

The ending was ok. The whole, "oh now we're in a simulation" thing seemed a little convenient and predictable for what was such an intricate movie science and theory wise up until that point. Maybe other seasons will yield more in that department.

This movie brought up so many emotions for me. I initially wished they didn't include the screwed over ex boyfriend because of the toxicity and manipulation that accompany so many relationships in movies. Then I thought, maybe that's the point and there will be a lesson at the end on that. There really wasn't....other than 'always say no to your ex' if the situation ending poorly.

Finally I did notice some plot holes like other reviewers did. Like the "intimidating" security guy who was far from intimidating. Lol I was thinking why is everyone afraid of this guy?!
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The Surrogate (IV) (2020)
Realistic performances
28 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The performances were so realistic and the acting was incredibly natural. Great writing and although I wholeheartedly chose the couple's side, I did sympathize with Jess to a degree. So glad I gave this movie a chance.
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Kindred (I) (2020)
Draws you in. Ending eh
16 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is great by everyone in the movie. The creepiness and mystery qas setup nicely.

The lead making typical victim errors like speeding when they finally get away instead of simply driving carefully, and not leaving the house earlier like any other black woman would (lol), really took away from the movie.

I agree with others that it had Rosemary's Baby and Get Out vibes. But the movie didn't scream that the writer was trying to recreate or mimic them to me.

Took 2 stars away for the ending. I agree with others in that I wish they would've tied up the mysterious loose endings like: was the boyfriend really dead? We never really saw him. How did they turn her friend Jane against her? Was Jane in on the cover up of the boyfriend's "death"? How is Margaret gonna raise a black baby as her own without any questions being raised, if that was the scheme? Seems a bit off to me. How does a hospital just hand a baby over to a man just cause he says he's the dad, without proof? What history- mentioned by the nurse- does Charlotte have in her past? We know her mom's history but the hospital doesn't know that. And why didn't they reveal Charlotte's history to us?

Uhhhh so many questions
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