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Hazbin Hotel (2019– )
One spoiled twist in the opening managed to pull apart the whole purpose of Hazbin Hotel.
29 January 2024
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Instead of revealing later, like having Charlie believe that the killings are done because of overpopulation then revealing the twist Heaven doesn't care about sinners/doesn't want them to rise against them.. yet the opening about Charlie's parents spoils the twist and yet we're supposed to still be invested in the hotel? If the thing is that Heaven will still do as they please, it takes me out of the story.

The plot and how it handled its themes/morals was a mess and, the music and animation is nice but it didn't really salvage it for me. The humor was repetitive, camera angles looked jarring, the handling of sexual assault was pretty flimsy to me. I don't think this got me to be excited for another season, unless there's better structure and handling of the writing.
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Girl Asleep (2015)
While a interesting idea and fascinating aesthetic, the plot falls flat.
19 October 2023
This movie definitely isn't the worst. The beginning had a good establishing of Greta, the school in a funny and interesting way. The transition style of the film is very creative, costume and sets are really nice, I also loved the otherworldly edits for posters and objects connected to Greta's childhood done in a life-like way. But towards the middle and third act, it felt messy and unexplored. We got more out of the real world rather than the fantasy one, it didn't really feel developed aside from a few things.

Not expecting Narnia levels or Where The Wild Things are of worldbuilding , but I think we needed more direction of this journey Greta takes in this fantasy world to feel more impactful. It just felt so fast and then things were just resolved.

Will give credit that the people behind it are very skilled, the story needed more work done to feel fleshed out for me to feel "wowed" by it.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
May not be perfect, but is actually an enjoyable movie compared to the other live actions.
29 May 2023
I'm someone who usually doesn't like the Disney remakes, especially Mulan, Beauty and The Beast and Pinocchio. But I don't want to write them off as all bad as two I genuinely liked was Cinderella and The Jungle Book, movies who tried to utilize the story into something enjoyable. And I believe this movie did that job.

The CGI for the animals and water effects aren't great, also with some of the actors being kinda eh and of course the lyric change to "Kiss The Girl" but Halle's performance was really good. Her singing is gorgeous, she tries to really emulate Ariel's energy. Ariel's personality compared to the original is more tweaked, but not by a major difference in my opinion. Her development with Eric felt natural and so sweet. Melissa did her best job as Ursula, she was putting her all into it. Same for the actress for Vanessa, she killed it in her scene.

There are changes to the plot with new info or changes to character lore but it doesn't feel like a slap in the face or a way to make fun of the original. It's not like the most amazing remake of all time in my opinion but I believed the people behind it genuinely tried to make a movie to just enjoy. So I give it a thumbs up. 👍
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A more generic cartoon to a pretty generic movie.
26 April 2023
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I was looking into this cartoon due to the fact it was kind of lost for a couple of years and nobody knew of it's existence. Especially after how the first movie went, I was curious but not expecting anything special. And that's exactly how it was.

Daria and Rolo are hardly active in the story, the pigs are essentially the main characters just doing mundane and kinda boring adventures in the Pig Kingdom. The pacing feels so slow and the problems feel so mind-numbingly simple to solve but drag it on for so long.

Daria's abusive foster parents are kind of redeemed for no reason? No explanation on what happened to Laird, Hildegard, or Helsa.

The animals can randomly talk now, at least it's far less grating than the stock pig sounds in the movie. The animation is decent but has a lot of weird animation glitching, uncolored spots, and wonky anatomy. The music is so bad, at least the first movie had the ability to make the music sound pleasant on the ears sometimes but here it's an earache (especially the opening with Sebastian screeching the lyrics.)

If you either are a mega-fan of the movie or are curious about it, then check it out. But anyone else, this is not a show I feel kids would be actively interested in. Unless you want it to be a snooze-fest, you might as well skip it.
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My Life Me (2010–2011)
Strangely enjoyable, even if not that good.
6 April 2023
I don't think this cartoon deserved the hate for its time. It does have a lot of flaws but I can enjoy it for what it is like with shows like Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi. I'm also surprised not many people have talked about this cartoon since it was released, would kinda like to see more insight on it.

I really like the designs and humor, as well as the school setting gives me nostalgia. Birch's design is my favorite, there should be more protagonists that have her style. Did get annoyed by the chibi segments though, or at least with the voices getting high pitch. So yeah, it has a lot of flaws but it's fun to watch personally.
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What could've been a meaningful message on colorism, became an uncomfortable gaslighting backstabbing fest for no good reason.
5 February 2023
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This episode really upset me. The topic had potential to be discussed as colorism isn't really taken that seriously in the media.

But all this episode made me feel is how horrible the rest of the friend group are, with the only two I can sympathize with is Zoe and Penny. It doesn't make sense how they turn on Zoe for Noah asking her out for something she had no knowledge of (especially their only evidence at first is only heresay, no examples of him mistreating black girls). Then she had to apologize to them?? They were belittling and excluding her then they're friends again?

Thanks, I hate it.
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The movie's animation is nice to look at and the songs are decent, but has a very weak and flawed plot.
30 October 2022
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I do respect wanting to make an animated movie about The Princess and The Pea, as although the story is well-known it doesn't have many movies. But even with the changes to it's story, the movie is riddled with problems.

The villains are one-dimensional and don't really have many traits aside from being greedy, vain, gluttonous or ugly. Made even worse by the fact the main characters don't really much different traits aside from being nice and pretty, aside from maybe Prince Rolo.

I'm also not a fan of how King Heath doesn't call off Laird's childish attitude when it got put of hand, so much so he threatened a literal kid. (or even recognize his "daughter" very looks suspiciously like his brother.) The way they write off Hildegard as just being an evil person, despite the implication Heath constantly tries to force her to be like his dead wife or was maybe neglectful of her as a child if Helsa succeeded in corrupting her to be vain. It doesn't sit right with me, they could've done more with their characters to be more interesting and likeable.

The animal sidekicks tend to interject at weird times (also the pig sound effects get very grating.) Daria doesn't really get much agency, and feels like she's not really in the film as an active character. Even with Cinderella and Aurora, they were better established in their setting as protagonists.

Feels more like Heath himself is the main protagonist, even though it's called the Princess and The Pea. But maybe that's my perspective.

This movie felt like it was trying to take inspiration from other properties but didn't adjust things to feel more engaging in it's story. Which is a shame, with the animation (especially with it's unique look as more medieval rather than bright and colorful) and songs, if the plot was better done it could've been really good.
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Romeo and Juliet (I) (2013)
Every character looks inbred.
1 July 2022
One of the most ugliest and soulless adaptations to Romeo and Juliet. I am in shock to see something this awful be made in 2013, back when animation looked much better.

Why does this have a 7/10? Don't bother with this unless you want to make fun of it.
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This movie deserved better from critics.
10 April 2022
This movie means a lot to me, I remember as a kid always jumping for joy when my mom played it on DVD at night. Years later, I don't see it talked about often and was surprised to see how panned it was by Rotten Tomatoes. This movie didn't deserve 45% from them (then again, Rotten Tomatoes gave Cuties an 88% so I shouldn't be surprised by their lack of taste.)

The animation is gorgeous, the CGI is dated but still works well in the movie. I love the characters and their dynamics, although I'm sad some of the crew didn't get more funny interactions but they still made it so much fun. Especially with the flat earth joke. 😂

The energy and thought put into this movie to go unappreciated makes me sad. But I hope more people appreciate this movie more. Even as an adult, it still holds up years later and always pulls me into the adventure.
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Dragons: The Nine Realms (2021–2023)
An uninspired spinoff literally nobody wanted.
3 April 2022
There is almost nothing redeeming to this show or gives motivation for why it needed to exist. Like there are media that I feel didn't need to be made like HTTYD: Hidden World and Toy Story 4 since things seemed already wrapped up, but with respect to those movies they at least tried to be impactful and show the progress in animation.

I swear this show just feels like a copy of Trollhunters with dragons inserted, especially with some of the animation style but removing all the good from it. But where Trollhunters had better animation with the models to absorb you into the world, as well as interesting characters, Nine Realms is a husk.

I don't care for any of the characters no matter how hard they try to make you care. There is funny lines here and there but this show as well Spirit Riding Free is another Dreamworks show being a slap in the face to it's fans and the lore of these amazing films.

Please, just watch the HTTYD shows before this like Tales from Berk and Race to The Edge, they are far better.
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In comparison to the other animated adaptations of the Nutcracker, I believe this is one of the best ones.
14 October 2020
I wouldn't say it's absolutely perfect but it tells the nutcracker story well and the animation is really beautiful. I remember I legit thought it was a Disney movie by the animation.

It's a nice wholesome film and I'd recommend watching it on a cozy Christmas, especially if you have kids.
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Some things I would change but still a fun movie.
28 July 2020
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I wasn't a big fan of the Aunts using a love spell on Sally, Gillian using a love potion on Jimmy, how Sally didn't really do much to stop Michael's death, and how they buried Jimmy in the backyard instead of calling the police and telling them it was self defense. This movie still has charm in spite of its flaws and it's a nice movie to watch for some witchy fun.
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Spirit Riding Free (2017–2020)
An unoriginal and kinda bland sequel.
20 November 2019
I'm going to be honest, I never liked the Spirit movie as a kid. I thought it was boring at the time while my brother and friends loved it. I rewatched it recently and came to like it more now, even with the narration quotes. Then I looked at this, honestly can't say the same. It's harmless, the main girl character is okay but the show is similar to past little girl riding horses cartoon with the friendship dynamic. I do appreciate trying to put adventure in it a little bit, doesn't drag out too much. When I saw this, I thought it was Spirit from the first movie until I saw its his son. Way to make them look exactly the same and have the same title with the only thing different is the white streak on his snout. Couldn't they add maybe more white on his hooves or his mane? Whatever.

If I were to show either the movie or the show to a child, I would pick the movie in a heartbeat. Where the movie will be remembered, this show will be most likely forgotten.
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Saint George (2014)
Feels like an unfunny version of the George Lopez Show.
13 November 2019
Same thing just remove Carmen, have Angie and Max be acted by generic white people, add a gangster uncle and it feels similar. At the time, I thought it was good but after reflecting on the years, the show is boring and uninteresting. The humor isn't that great and is pretty dull, especially from the ex-wife and son. Plus I think the Mexican family view here is done more poorly with the fact half of the time I can't get or laugh at their antics unlike I did with George with Benny. Might as well give this one a pass.
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A pretty good parody fairy tale twist movie.
27 October 2019
I got to watch this movie online and I really like it. The animation is absolutely gorgeous, the designs and personality of the characters are enjoyable and even work with the parody aspect (especially with the princes who attack the fairy princess just because she looks like a witch). The story although kinda odd is enjoyable, it doesn't dull out with its plot like Charming and you get invested in the characters with the story through. Wasn't sure to give it an 8/10 but it's a guilty pleasure so I think it counts based on the fun I had on this experience, more so than Charming or The Stolen Princess. If you can, please give it a watch. It's cute, funny, charming, an overall delight.
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Zevo-3 (2010–2011)
Really confused of why this exists.
24 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was a fan of the Elastika comic as a child. Not high standard for reading something out of a shoebox but it was something I enjoyed. At the time, I only watched for Elastika which wasn't even worth it for the episode at the time since the character felt different on looks and personality.

Now looking back on this, I don't know why this existed. It feels so odd. If you took away the idea this stemmed from shoes, nothing else would be as interesting. The setting is bland, not very interesting on its own or with the mutant plot. You'd probably be more interested in Stretch Armstrong or Cyber Six for a mutant city plot cartoon.

The characters are cliche and sometimes unreasonable, mostly the side characters (especially Elastika's friend who is a one-sided token Hispanic who only cares about is boys and is overly dramatic).

The animation is bland sometimes weird with the edit time, in particular when they are in costume in public then in the next shot they are back in their regular clothes. Aren't they in public where people can see them??

If you wanna watch it, go ahead. It may be worth it to see some stuff but it's generally a bland show.
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Oddly charming.
25 September 2019
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I watched only fragments of this movie as a kid back in 2008, it premiered on TV. I remember in particular where Roscuro falls in the soup and later meets Despereaux. The animation, I feel works for the somber bits than the fast pace ones but that's just me. This movie is a guilty pleasure for me, even with its problems.
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Hero 108 (2010–2012)
Not perfect but not that bad either.
3 August 2019
I remember bits of this show as a child and looking back on the concept given, it's played out pretty decently. Some parts are kind of annoying and the animation, although has an interesting style, is pretty choppy in a few areas but if you can look more into it, I think it's a fun cartoon with a decent universe and characters.
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In writing and characters, I think it is a little more stronger than Don Bluth's Thumbelina.
14 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie on a DVD that had other kid movies like Hugo and Alligator Pie (think that's what it's called?) and I found this movie. I grew up with the Don Bluth version Thumbelina, but rewatching it now the story is not very good with how pushed over, constantly crying she can't do the impossible until the end of the movie, and she is used and tossed around until her friends step in, as well as the annoying characters like Jacquimo that aren't any better. Even though the movie is beautiful with how talented Don Bluth is with his hand in animation, the movie is a mess with its pacing and structure in plot. So I was curious about this version of Thumbelina.

After watching it, I don't think it's that bad as people are saying it to be. It does have a slight problem with being forgettable in some areas like the visuals, some songs (which I was surprised to see more than three on the actual soundtrack, must've forgotten the rest.) and also plot points in its delivery but there are still things it did do right.

One example is the Thumbelina in this movie ISNT A PUSHOVER! That was something I disliked about the Don Bluth version is how Thumbelina just took things and acted so self-pitying all the time. It's fine to have her like that in the beginning but gradually believe in herself but she doesn't. Thumbelina here grows up in a more abusive home in the circus after the ring master snatched her up from her village as a baby, she has had enough about being put down by those around her or deciding her life. When she hears about the chance there is a place she belongs with people like her, she says she can do it and pushes to escape. She does still have doubt about her worth and place in the world but it's brief and doesn't deter her from pushing herself to achieve. I love that. Not the bubbly Thumbelina from Don Bluth but at least she had more substance. Thumbelina even has some flaws as well which her friend/love interest Tom Thumb help her overcome it. I give props for recreating her character to be stronger.

I like Tom Thumb too here in this movie, he's someone who tries and he has some optimism and quirky awkwardness. So I like him a bit too. There is also Albertine, a bird that is saved by Thumbelina. I think she's sweet and I am sad that she was somewhat forgotten in this but I like her portrayal better than Jacquimo. She's also given a reason of why she can't fly Thumbelina, because she was kidnapped as a chick and never got to learn. Even with that, Albertine still /tries/ when they are in danger. With Jacquimo kept forgetting or Thumbelina was too daft to see she can get on his back and fly back home, so thank god they at least have a reason of why Albertine can't fly out in the beginning but learns over time in the movie.

I also like the reincorporation of Thumbelina's trauma with others that try to put her down, like the Mole King telling her that she's a reject like him just like the circus master, to which she protests against. Speaking of the Mole King, he is put as a main antagonist in the movie along with his two minions who fool him. I think the Mole King is a decent villain here. He has a comical, seemingly chill nature but is also fine with taking out his subjects and has a short temper with things. It was entertaining to see.

I also liked how the contrast in how Thumbelina and Tom Thumb grew up. I think the portrayal of Thumbelina's abusive home life is pretty spot on. And I love Tom being raised by Ben. The moments they had were so sweet and their goodbye to I assume because Ben is getting older and will most likely pass away soon (which how he said "I'll be going somewhere and.. you can't come with me.." I think that's what he was talking about) it was very touching.

There are a few problems with the movie. Like the plot is a little too basic at times or just kind of happens with little reason. Some moments are forgettable, even a few songs. I did like "I'm All Alone" song and the reprise of it, even the Mole King song but the rest were generic sounding and not that interesting. I think they should've built up the arrival to the town of little people (not sure they weren't fairies in this but oh well) because it just felt tacked on after escaping the Mole King. Also the bugs were pretty annoying and not sure why they were so integrated with the main cast to the end but oh well.

If this movie had more interesting visuals and fixed the problems above, I would put this as one of my favorite movies. I still enjoy it for trying and doing a few things right with its story, but I think it's just okay over all. It could've been better and I've been thinking on how to make it of better quality in a rewrite, since it has the potential.
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Aladdin (2019)
A very pretty set. Little substance.
28 May 2019
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Although, the movie isn't as bad as Beauty and The Beast (2017) it still holds being eye catching but kinda pointless and bland. I do think the build up to the death of Jasmine's mother, her being mixed-race, her being Sultan, Will Smith's performance are pretty good and interesting ideas but the whole play out very.. nothing.

Like mentioned in Chris Stuckmann's review, I agree that the problem with the set is that it is too pretty and detailed to interact with it's setting. I would've liked to feel the sandy and grittiness of the poverty shown. Aladdin and Jasmine's performances were honestly the least enjoyable. I did like the choreography Mena Massoud offers in the remake's version of "One Jump Ahead" and I did chuckle at Naomi Scott's reaction to the balcony scene and Jasmine joining in running from the guards, I even liked the song "Speechless" however, I don't really like most of the display of Jasmine in the movie.

When watching her in this, the passion and loveable sassy quips we got with the original Jasmine felt sucked out with Jasmine being displayed as very blank faced and not having many reactions. Even though I like the song 'Speechless', it didn't feel like an earned song and it felt kinda out of left field.

And similar issues with Aladdin, since there would be moments I couldn't feel the sly character he's supposed to be. He looked really awkward in this version's "Prince Ali" and even in his scene of meeting Jasmine in the market.

But, I think the worst is Jafar. I have a feeling why they made him the younger in the movie was to push the marriage/love interest conflict here without the creepy knowledge of the original Jafar being possibly in his 40's or 50's and seeking a 15 year old girl romantically, I get that but with this Jafar, the story and potential that could be used felt awkward with his acting in this. He tried to sound diabolocal but I thought it was wonky.

I think Will Smith was fine in the movie, he made the movie more enjoyable when viewing and when he was off, it often got boring. I do have a bit of a problem with Dalia, since she doesn't have much drive to be there and when she was on screen she seemed so awkwardly placed into it. I guess the Genie having a love interest and them paralleling as Aladdin and Jasmine's "right-hand" is cute but it doesn't really have substance for me to like it.

I would rate it a five out of ten. I will say, would recommend this more than Beauty and The Beast though, but don't come in too hopeful.
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One Day at a Time (2017–2020)
The comedy tries too hard.
18 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this show but I don't think it's amazing and woke as other say it is. I was pretty meh with the feminism and talking about toxic masculinity in S3 but I would've minded it if the lessons were good and reasonable or if it could make me laugh.

The comedy felt uncomfortable and awkward, especially the "me gay, me gay too" scene. It felt like it was trying two hard to be quirky and awkward but it came off as weird and unfunny. And I'm a lesbian myself.

I will admit sme of the lessons I can agree with and it tries to portray different sides sometimes with the characters but there are times it still feels kinda preachy. I remember when Elena talked about rape prevention and said "How about guys don't rape?" and it was treated as this annual moment. I do wish that were the reality but it sadly isn't, people will do bad things and should be accountable. The prevention advice is kind of dumb with the clothes but what's wrong with the "don't walk alone"? It is something we have to keep in mind to protect and prevent stuff like this from happening since there is often not much can be done to stop creeps. You have to protect you and there isn't much to change a criminal from doing this.

Besides that, I would've forgiven it if the show was funny but I rarely laughed. May sound like some edgetard term but it just felt like uncomfortable normie humor. I guess the rep and the writing around the family is nice but I can't say it makes me love it. I give this one a skip.
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This is probably one of the only movies out of many to see a blatant shutterstock watermark in the background as an establishing shot.
7 February 2019
I swear I am not kidding you, this is real.

Like did anyone see it? Please anyone- have- have you seen it??
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A disconnected, empty, scrap of an ending to a souless season.
16 December 2018
Despite some funny and cool moments here and there, at it's core it is just bad. The buildup was a drag and the end was an ultimate middle finger to everything. Things in the characters buildup was left out and felt choppy and the events often feel unnecessary from how it's structured and played out. I give props to the animators who poured their heart and soul into this but I can't say the same for the writing.

I was able to rewatch S7 but I don't think I can with this. A total tragedy.
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