
8 Reviews
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Thar (2022)
The last 30 minutes saved it
4 June 2022
I wasn't particularly interested in the film for most of the time. The plot was very generic and one-dimensional. The choreography of the shootouts were lackluster and I didn't care much for the characters. However, once the plot started unraveling and the motivations of one of the characters came to light, everything started making sense and the movie all of a sudden became interesting. It felt like a different director was in charge of the final parts of the movie. It's a shame that it took so long to become interesting for an otherwise mostly boring movie. 6/10, serviceable at best.
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Still unsure what to think of it.
20 May 2022
With all the dragging on of some scenes, the constant soundbytes of the 2008 presidential campaign, the abrupt ending, a lot of pointless dialogue, I'm just not sure of what to think of this movie.

There are two separate scenes where James Gandolfini's character is just dragging on and on and on about his ex-wife for what felt like 20-30 minutes. You think he might finally shut up about it but he keeps on talking about it. There are a few other scenes with dialogue don't move the plot forward or contribute to it. And sometimes the dialogue itself is just plain dumb.

I see other reviewers talking about how violent this movie is. I assure you that the claims about this movie being brutal or very violent are way overexaggerated. I think movies like Casino and Goodfellas are more violent than this. This must be their first time watching an R rated film.

There was so much potential with this movie had there been a different script writer and director, but it is what it is. Since I can't decide on any rating I'll just give it a 6. Watch it by yourself because watching it with someone else will ruin any good mood.
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The Fortress (2017)
Very solid movie. Engaging the entire time.
16 May 2022
I'm completely ignorant to the history of the time frame this movie takes place in, so I'm reviewing this as simply a movie rather than a true historical piece.

My favorite thing about this movie is the dialogue. For being over two hours long and not feeling bored the entire time is truly a testament to how well acted and directed this film is. You don't need a background in Korean history to understand what is going on in the film as everything is explained very well. Every scene is engaging because you can feel the sense of urgency of their situation, and as the plot develops new problems arise, and it was interesting seeing everyone's debate on what course of action should be taken.

Overall I highly recommend this film if you are interested in period pieces, or if you are a fan of great films in general.
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Silenced (2011)
16 May 2022
Silenced is a great film that is at times uncomfortable to watch. I was surprised at how far a lot of the scenes went in showing the abuse these kids suffered, something I don't remember ever seeing in any American movies involving children. For me personally, I understand that the idea of the filmmakers was to make the audience as uncomfortable as possible to show how these things do happen, but when it comes to sexually abusing children I thought this movie was just a little too far. I thought a few of the scenes were going to end sooner than they did, but they just kept on going. A couple of particular bathroom scenes were very uncomfortable to watch, and I'm someone who is unaffected by ultra-violence/gore in movies. This movie was a different beast altogether.

That being said, the acting by everyone was phenomenal across the board. The kids in the movie did an outstanding job despite being unable to speak a single word. There were some cliche character tropes amongst all of the villains, including the defending lawyer, but all characters were convincing nonetheless.

It's worth a watch and it definitely makes you feel for everybody, not just children, that has had to experience such terrible events. Looking back I'm glad I didn't watch this with any friends or family because it's definitely not a movie you would watch on a "movie night" with other people, unless you want to discuss the subject matter.
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Avengement (I) (2019)
A Pleasant Surprise. Highly Underrated.
7 April 2022
I came across this movie on Netflix and decided to watch it one day. I was not expecting it to be as entertaining as it was. There is nothing new or innovative happening in this movie, but the acting was superb and the action / choreography was very well done. I highly recommend this movie if you are a fan of hidden gems, because this is definitely one of the better hidden gems out there.
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Decent show
1 April 2022
Extracurricular starts off pretty slow, and considering that the show is all over the place at times I'm unsure if the writers are trying to convey some sort of message. One major flaw of the show it that there is absolutely ZERO character development. You don't get to delve into any of the characters' pasts or get to know them as people. They are literally the same people from beginning to end. I was expecting this to be a sort of "Ocean's Eleven" type show but I was way wrong. It may not be everyone's cup of tea.
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Thirty Nine (2022)
Top-notch acting, not so great narration
1 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Today the final episode of Thirty-Nine was released, and I was looking forward to how things were going to wrap up. Before I review the show, I want to say that this series was VERY well-acted. Every character portrayed was believable and convincing. I give my props to the entire cast of the show. HOWEVER, as well-acted as this show is, it suffers from some very large head-scratching narrative issues, and I cannot figure out why some of these decisions were made. ESPECIALLY in the season finale. If you are a fan of any of the actors, I recommend this show highly, just be prepared to question some things.


I want to talk about the final episode first. What a strange tone this episode had. Throughout the entire show we're awaiting the moment for Chan Young to pass away. The moment finally comes and hits everyone hard. It's sinking in for the characters and the audience. Then LITERALLY 20 SECONDS LATER, Mi-Jo LITERALLY says "we weren't as sad as we thought and we got back to our lives quicker than we expected" then shows everyone laughing and having a good time, including her parents. LMAO I was in disbelief! I thought it was a slap in the face. I was wondering how everyone was going to handle her death throughout the entire show and THAT'S how they handled it. AND THEN after THAT fiasco the show goes back to some emotional moments of everyone watching Chan Young's movie and Mi-Jo watching her recording and everyone's sad again and crying and remembering Chan Young. Don't get me wrong, those final scenes were emotional, but I was still in a state of confusion of how this was being handled. It was like they had two different people directing at the same time. It definitely somewhat ruined what might have been a strong finale.

I was glad the show was only 12 episodes. One, because I prefer not to watch endless shows. Two, this show's narrative was all over the place. It didn't know if it wanted to be a show centered around romance, friendship, family drama, or living with a disease.

When I read the synopsis of the show it seemed like a rom-com type show centered around three girls. The show starts off with a funeral, and not only is the show telling us that someone is about to die, but a couple episodes later we're told who it's going to be. Any suspense the show could have had throughout the series is gone.

Chan Young was brilliant, but her sickness was revealed too soon in the show. In every single scene, even when the scene is about other things, in the back of our minds her condition is the elephant in the room. We know where all roads lead to. The writers made her seem selfish in some instances. She's constantly chasing after Jin-Seok to marry him, but when he finally divorces his wife and asks Chan Young to marry him, she doesn't want to? And she gets annoyed at him for keeping asking? This is apparently what she always wanted but now she doesn't. She doesn't want to burden him since she's dying, but she didn't consider his sacrifices.

The writers must have hated Joo-Hee's character, because for as much as the show led us to believe these girls were the bestest of friends, she was given some harsh third-wheel treatment almost the entire time. She was always the last to know about things. Mi-Jo and Chan Young were always confiding in one other while dismissing Joo-Hee completely. Chan Young would tell Mi-Jo things like, "I'm not worried about Joo-Hee, I'm worried about you", and literally recorded a "thank-you" video just for Mi-Jo. That's some pretty cold-hearted stuff right there, considering how worried Joo-Hee was for her. Her relationship with the chef started off well, but was pretty much forgotten about.

All the other backstories took a backseat the last few episodes to focus on Chan Young's eventual death, so it was almost like those stories were pointless because they held no weight in the end, and there was really no satisfying closure with much else.

I know I've been rambling and it seems like I disliked this show, but I do in fact like it. I was just disappointed in how the storytelling was handled. This could have been a much, much better show given the talent on screen. 10/10 acting, 5/10 narrative.
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Crash Landing on You (2019–2020)
CLOY Is truly a powerful show that sticks with you.
26 May 2021
I don't write reviews but I absolutely had to for this wonderful series. I am a guy and I am more interested in normal drama/action/mobster movies and series. It's not that I dislike the romance genre (I enjoy it when done well) but I just never preferred media that is strictly romance. For the past few months I was familiar with the plot of CLOY because of all the time spent scrolling through Netflix, and I always thought it sounded like it could be interesting. I was mostly interested in how the portrayal of North Korea was going to play out, and this would be my first K-Drama. One day I decided to go ahead and just watch it, and little did I know I was starting something that would literally change me. I was not expecting this roller coaster of emotions.

It's only been about 4 days since I finished CLOY but I still think about it every day. It's one of those shows that you don't just watch, you experience. I was absolutely hooked once the ball started to get rolling later in the first episode. At first it came across as a corny show; there were some hilariously bad special effects and some goofy characters / dialogue. I was thrown off by that because I was expecting a much more serious tone. But at the end of the first episode you are very intrigued, and by the end of the second episode you are addicted. The show is so very full of life, and what was "corny" at first turns quickly turns into charm. (The special effects do get better) This show has a charm that is unmatched by any show I've seen. It knows when and where to be serious, funny, calm, thrilling, suspenseful, romantic, intriguing, and sad at the right moments.

By far, the two main characters (Captain Ri and Seri) steal the limelight. The supporting cast is amazing and could have been an entire show on their own, but the chemistry between Ri and Seri is unrivaled. Jim and Pam from The Office are nowhere near the power couple these two are. When I think of the show all I think of is their journey together and nothing else. That's how amazing their performances were. You could literally FEEL the emotions through the screen like they were right in front of you. You can feel these characters develop throughout the entirety of the show, and there is never a dull moment in the entire series. You feel the love they have for each other and you feel the pain that they have to go through. You want them to be happy together. I can't recall any relationship in a show that was as amazing as this one.

NON-SPECIFIC SPOILER ALERT: I would say the ONLY flaw with this show is how the story ends in the final 20-30 minutes. It felt extremely rushed, and I was left with more questions than answers. It seemed like an odd way for things to wrap up and the characters seemed a little too okay with it. That being said, it doesn't take away from the quality of the show.

As for how I feel this show changed me: it taught me, someone who enjoys being single, the importance of loving someone. It makes me want to be the best version of myself in all aspects. When I finished watching this show, I felt an emptiness inside of me I haven't felt in a long time. I became so attached to the world of CLOY and before I knew it it was over. It was like a girl I had fallen for had said goodbye and left me. There are actually threads online talking about "Post CLOY depression" for people feeling the same emptiness after watching the show. I am unsure of how long these feelings will last, but no show has ever made me feel this way. I would have never expected a simple 16 episode TV show would have such an effect on me.

CLOY is a powerful show that I believe I will cherish forever. If you are thinking of watching this show prepare for an experience you will never find anywhere else.
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