
8 Reviews
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Suncoast (2024)
Surprisingly good
28 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a slow moving, stuff happens movie but the performances are very good and it is heartwarming in the end. If you like coming of age movies I recommend it.

Nico Parker really shines in her performance. I hope to see her in more movies in the future as she has talent. The whole cast is very good.


One problem I had was I kept expecting Doris's new friends to turn out bad and do something really mean to her. Because of this I was a bit anxious throughout the movie. This never happens and wish I had known in advance as I would have enjoyed the movie a lot more. As it turns out her friends are typical spoiled upper middle class kids but their hearts are basically good.

Woody Harrelson was GREAT in his role. The part of an older man befriending a teen high school girl could easily have come across creepy and pervy but you NEVER get that vibe from Woody.

Me, my wife, and my 23 year old daughter all enjoyed this move a lot. Put it on your watch list.
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I was bitterly disapointed.
16 September 2023
I am a huge fan of Japanese TV and cinema and when I saw the trailer for this I was really excited by the concept and the actors who I had seen in other very good productions (example: from Today It's My Turn). Unfortunately it turned out to be a big disappointment and we stopped watching after about 45 minutes and it was tough making it even that far. The writing is just terrible and NOT FUNNY. Such a great concept and a great cast as well but the bottom line is none of that can overcome a terribly written script with stilted dialog and jokes that all fall flat. I don't think I laughed even once. When my daughter said to me, "this isn't doing it for me" I was relieved and we turned it off. THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD PAY YOUR WRITERS WELL! Nothing overcomes bad writing.
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Air Doll (2009)
Wonderfully sad and bittersweet
13 June 2022
This is a sad sad movie but in such a tender way you can live with it. It explores human loneliness is a fresh and different way, Bae Doona is magnificent as she is in everything she does.
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One of my favorite movies
20 January 2022
It's not for everyone but if you have the right twisted sense of humor you will love it. If you like Wes Anderson movies (I love them) you are probably in that group.
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Sweet Girl (2021)
I wanted to like it but was very disappointed
23 August 2021
I thought this might be a decent movie but it ended up being a waste of 2 hours, well an hour and a half as I made liberal use of FF. The plot is tired, the action sequences are vanilla, the characters are undeveloped, the acting is mediocre except for the daughter, and the twist is interesting but poorly done. And a character's severe mental illness issue is completely ignored at the end.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Simply put, the best TV series I have ever seen.
6 April 2021
I can't recommend this show enough. It is a heartwarming comedy with great characters. There are no slow spots. It moves and after binge watching for hours I wanted to keep watching more.
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This movie is a hidden gem. If you have ever had the good fortune of being adopted by a cat you will LOVE this movie.
27 May 2019
I'm a cat lover and I loved this movie. Everyone else has said everything you need to know. Do yourself a favor and give it a watch.
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Don't bother.
21 April 2019
Took my wife and 18 year old daughter because I heard it was popular romance film and I was interested because I knew a young man with CS many years ago. All three of us were bored to tears with it. It's very cliche and formulaic. The uptight girl, the bad boy, the gay friend. I felt no sympathy for the characters. It does show how terrible CS is and I commend it for that but we all found it boring and teh characters unrelatable. The best part was when the credits rolled because that meant it was over.
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