
12 Reviews
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Sing (2016)
Not too great, but not the WORST movie ever.
9 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie! The music is fun and enjoyable, the characters are actually really likable, and the animations and shots of the movie are really good.

That being said, in my opinion, it feels like a cash in on Zootopia's success, since both movies have similar concepts and ideas. Certain aspects of the movie could be easily fixed, but remain pretty out of place.

For example, the beginning of the movie chucks exposition at your face like nobody's business. It starts with the protagonist, Mr. Moon, and narrates his story in a way. Soon, about 2-4 minutes into the actual movie, it starts quickly doing extravagant cuts to other houses and places to introduce one or two new characters and their arcs. They elaborate for a minute or two, and jump to another character and shows who they are.

This issue resides in other parts of the movie as well, because throughout the middle of the movie the characters go through some drama that builds, but once you begin to get invested another character is focused on instead. There are so many characters and side plots that this gets distracting easily. Especially if you take a liking to one character and their specific side plot. There also seems to be a bit of a wall between the groups. There is a character who is a mother and a character who doesn't spend good quality time with his father, that could have made for an interesting interaction. But no, unfortunately every character has a different problem, so the characters don't interact with one another too much unless they're in the same group of singers or something. Luckily, the characters are likable enough to get invested in their story, and you really do begin to like them throughout the movie. It helps amend some of the issues with the sequence of events.

  • spoilers - A few small issues: The fox girls who sing Japanese music can get tiresome. They contribute nothing much, except comedy, and even that isn't too good with them. They don't need to exist. Also, with the gorilla's father, when he goes on his way to track down his son at the theater near the end, it feels really out of place. In the middle of a nice song they cut to a gorilla running away from the helicopter just for him to show up, give his son some props, and leave. Probably to get arrested. They really could have handled this better.

But, otherwise, I really find this movie to be enjoyable if you can look past all that. The songs, characters, and overall plot of the movie keeps me somewhat entertained. It's enjoyable to look at, and its issues don't completely ruin the good aspects of it. I'd give it a 6/10.
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Mighty Magiswords (2015–2018)
31 December 2016
So, when I first reviewed Mighty Magiswords I found it a little worse than I do now.

This show seemed pretty "meh" at first, that much is true. But upon watching a little more of it, I consider it to be slightly more capable than I used to.

The characters are actually likable and interesting enough to enjoy it. The premise is pretty interesting, as well, and the Magiswords that the characters use actually can keep you entertained sometimes.

The main issue is the pacing. The show goes really quickly and speeds through a lot of info, not allowing you to process the info. However, they get a little better with this in some episodes, and occasionally the speed can indeed add some humor.

If the show can get a little more interesting and slow down a tad, I feel like I would love it.
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Animated Atrocities (2013– )
I've always enjoyed Enter, buuuut..
20 November 2016
If I had to rate him in quality, it would be this. I like most reviewers because I really enjoy hearing opinions that aren't my own, but I have to say, he really isn't too good. He needs to chill sometimes. He tends to rage over very small things and whine about the same things over and over, especially with spongebob.

He references MLP a lot, even though it is a mediocre show. He brings it up in a lot of shows as though it needs to be held up as an example, making it awkward sometimes for people who just don't enjoy the show. He doesn't even seem to make good points with it, just kind of... uses it with not a lot of explanation.

Aside from that, his mic and visuals and editing aren't well done. It isn't exactly his fault but it is a problem.

He's honestly just sort of a lame guy in general. I personally don't mind him but I do see him as a pretty bad creator of content.
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The Nutshack (2007–2011)
Beautiful. A work of art.
20 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Beautiful storyline. Characters are lovable and interesting, making lots of development, especially Tito Dickman, the most complex, funny, and interesting character in the show. Voice acting is very well chosen for each role, very amazing to listen to each character speak every time, namely Horatio or "Horat". Humor is always mature and well timed, and will have you rolling on the floor laughing no matter what. The animation is VERY well done, hand crafted to be a gift to the eyes. The background art is detailed and fun to look at. Even the theme song is a work of art! After you watch this show, every time you hear the words "It's the Nutshack" you will rejoice.
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Adventure Time (2010–2018)
A Decline in the Show
20 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So, before the more recent episodes, I adored everything about Adventure Time. Great story, beautiful backgrounds and animation, funny characters, but now it's become stale.

I don't HATE it or anything, but it's boring as of recently. They focus more on random side characters they came up with than the actual main characters now, with episodes about Lemonhope, Root Beer Guy and Cherry Cream Soda, that one witch, and they do this to the point where the original plot development that the show once had kind of disappeared. Because as the side characters all seem to have some connection with some plot, it takes it nowhere because they aren't all that important. The silly and funny dialogue has been replaced with these random characters mostly talking to themselves about their issues. And these are the QUALITY new episodes, just unoffensive enough to pass as decent, but boring enough to keep it from greatness.

The real issue is the episodes concerning the main characters. While some episodes are good overall they've lost the original charm. The quick paced humor and funny quips the characters used to deliver are both thrown aside to something boring being said among themselves. The interesting plots, serious or not, are no longer interesting. One episode was just about Finn playing with some cats and Jake trying to get a chip out of his teeth. Wow. Fascinating.

Whatever once made each character super likable isn't really there anymore. Finn is no longer silly and reckless with a good heart, he's just someone who sort of does stuff to help others. Jake isn't much like a lazy, funny big brother with wise advice so much as just a dad now. Princess Bubblegum isn't a sweet, responsible princess who goes ruthless when angered, she's all business who's also "the smart one". Marceline is... well, she's still the same but a little less interesting.

All the things that we grew to love from the characters has been toned down and when they're put into certain situations, they're no longer funny or interesting or even really cool. This mixed with all the side plots and random new characters makes the show very boring now, which is probably why it's been replaced with Teen Titans Go! as the new beloved mascot now. At least TTG has some variety and eye catching plots, bad or not.

However, the show isn't BAD. The art is still wonderful, the story is more or less decent, and some main characters like Ice King actually have developed into something complex and deep while his overall character still is the silly old fool we all know and love. Not all the new episodes are stale because some have the same charm as before, or maybe they just kept going in the direction they are now and did it right. Episodes like Betty and The Tower are really amazing to me.

I'd give this show a 6.5/10.
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Sonic Unleashed (2008 Video Game)
Deserves some more credit.
19 November 2016
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I can't seem to find much wrong with this game personally. The beginning scene was really weird though, when they explain the Werehog form by showing how it happened. It felt pretty unexplained and confusing. Why would Dr. Eggman give Sonic an opportunity to earn more powers and a new form? Weird.

The gameplay is awesome though. The Day levels consist of your expected modern Sonic play similar to that of Sonic Colors, so it's all pretty good there. The night levels are really cool to me, because it's trying something new. It's sort of a beat 'em up with some puzzles but the animations and controls are pretty satisfying, so taking out a horde of dark creatures is pretty fun to do.

In conclusion, The story line is somewhat confusing overall but the in game activity makes it worth your time.
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Regular Show (2010–2017)
A great show, but with a twist
19 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This show made so much character development and improvement over the years.

Mordecai and Rigby seemed to be just slackers at the beginning that just seemed to care about themselves. Especially Rigby, who was 2x as bad as Mordecai by being lazier, more selfish, more immature, and things like that. When the show progressed they both seemed to get better intentions and morals, as did everyone else.

They cut back on unnecessary characters like Margaret (only there to be the heartthrob) and gave other characters more personality (Eileen became more than just the awkward one).

All the characters grew a lot in this show including Benson, Skips, and Muscle Man, all kind of realizing their faults and, while still having issues, make the effort to better themselves.

That being said the more recent episodes aren't doing the best job of keeping the show more relevant by forcing in the whole space thing in some pretty weird ways. It isn't working out too well, but the show is still doing okay.
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Sonic Heroes (2003 Video Game)
Not Too Bad!
24 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So, let's start out with what the game does wrong. It's kind of unfamiliar. Certain aspects of the game go unexplained and are kind of dumb, such as the weird Power Type move where all three of the team members glide by holding hands in a triangle. Also, Team Dark has that edgy feel that Shadow The Hedgehog holds throughout all of it. It doesn't effect the game play, but the team's beginning and end cut scenes are so edgy that you could cut yourself on it. Like, tone it down, Sega. Also, The special moves are so all over the place that you can barely tell what's going on. In fact, the entire game is rather extravagant. Aside from that, it's a pretty solid game. Every character has something specifically made for them, so it actually makes a difference which team you choose. While the levels seem to be random and all over the place, you can appreciate them for the variety they can have. The game controls pretty decently, and I like the little tweaks to make the game more interesting. Level ups to power a character, and giving the characters extra moves in case their teammates are gone are pretty cool aspects. Graphics are decent, considering it had improved from its last game, Sonic Adventure 2. Overall, I'd call it a pretty good game.
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Sonic X (2003–2006)
Unless you're a kid, I don't recommend.
11 July 2016
You see, the show does things wrong, and the show does things right. In my opinion, It's pretty bad. Now, Sonic X has good animation, usually, and the action can be pretty cool. That's all I could really get from it. The voice acting feels completely cheesy and unnatural, Chris is obnoxious, and none of the characters you may have grown to love feel as genuine and true to their characters as you'd expect. Not in the sense that it's less genuine, but in the sense that it's waaaay over the top... Sonic is way too cocky and smart-alecky, and it gets old fast. Cream feels just too sweet. Amy... well, she's just as obsessed. Shadow's too edgy and mysterious, etc., etc. The plot sounds like a fanfiction, too. "The sonic team gets caught in chaos control and is transported to the human world" is too annoying for it to be a plot you can get into. Fortunately, this would only seem to matter for an adult or teen or at least a person with high expectations. A kid will definitely enjoy seeing his favorite video game idols regardless, and the action is just good enough that a 5-10 year old might enjoy it. In conclusion: Enjoyable if you have somewhat low standards. Plot, character and humor don't seem to be this show's strong points, but if you're really bored and channel surfing, and you come across Sonic X, only stay tuned if you're desperate.
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Highly Recommended!
7 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start with the voice acting. Its It's pretty good, almost all the acting for each character is a perfect fusion of their age and personality. There's a lot of characters and all of them have pretty interesting traits, and the voice actors do a pretty good job of making them convincingly sound like who they're trying to portray. I'll get back to the characters later in this review. Then there's the plot line. The best part about The Amazing World Of Gumball's plot is that it's an exaggeration of real life issues and topics, much like The Simpsons. But it does it in sort of a different way. They focus more on taking family and school matters instead. Gumball is a show about a middle schooler's misadventures with his family and friends in a strange, diverse world. It's very interesting how Gumball lives in a world that's basically an insane twist on reality. The humor of the show is executed well. It should be noted that it's almost void of any potty humor. Of course, there's some toilet and fart jokes here and there, but it's mostly self referencing jokes. You have to know what's going on and remember earlier details sometimes, but the show is very funny if you don't have a decent attention span and a somewhat sophisticated mindset. Oh, and I forgot to mention, almost all of it is relatable to almost anyone who is somewhat updated with trends and topics. Now for the characters themselves. The show does a good job of making relatable characters for almost anyone. I think almost all the characters are somewhat enjoyable, but a few are kind of annoying sometimes. Sussie, for example, is a chin girl whose only gimmick is being weird and gross, and abnormal. It's sometimes off putting. Same goes for her family. In one episode which focused on the meaning of love, her parents go on a date and disgust the whole restaurant. And Mr. and Mrs. Robinson are somewhat unlikable as well... Episodes featuring Mr. Robinson are kind of like episodes of Spongebob Squarepants where Squidward is annoyed by Spongebob and Patrick and ends up getting the worst treatment possible. Mrs. Robinson is pretty okay except for a recent episode, in which she commits nonstop, evil acts against everyone, and gets no punishment at all. Everyone is a victim except her. But sometimes the two get some redeeming moments. Sometimes. The character and background design is a rather interesting mix of real life, CGI, and animation. To some, it may be off putting, but anyone with an open mind can enjoy it. In conclusion, Gumball is a very great show with charming characters (mostly), interesting design, and charming plot lines. Definitely recommended.
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The Powerpuff Girls (2016–2023)
Lost the charm.
20 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
No, Cartoon Network, bad call. The original show ended on a good note, before it got completely old. And now, it's been tainted with pop culture references EVERYWHERE (twerking, memes, "swag", and more).

The characters have lost what they once had. Buttercup is defiant, rude, and obnoxious. I get that you're trying to bring back her old defiance and make her a rebel, but the old Buttercup was rude, sassy, and rebellious while also knowing her place and respecting superiors when the time is right. Bubbles has become a teen stereotype, constantly pushing the "trendy girl" theme too far, making her more like that one annoying stereotype in other bad shows. Besides that, anyone remember that episode of the original where Bubbles became an edgy girl with anger issues? This show pushes that joke all the time. Blossom is no longer a real leader. Mostly just "the smart one", obsessed with grades. It feels like she lost all her personality.

And the villains from the original aren't even in the show that much. Mojo Jojo is there solely for comic relief most of the time. The villains replacing them are so cutesy, annoying, and uninteresting, like the Panda in the episode where everyone became super corny and happy. One episode starred the Amoeba Boys putting a virus on the internet. But.. It's not a conflict. They made that episode for the sake of pandering to kids, even though antiviruses exist. It's just not the same.

On the bright side, the animation is decent. Kind of. In conclusion, I don't recommend this. It's lost everything good that the old one once had. Oh, and also, Ms. Bellum left the show for being a "sexist character" because I guess she seems too sexual, like she was made as an object. Huh, if I remember, Ms. Bellum depicted women as smart, professional, and strong (hence the episode where she fought Sedusa). Anyway, this reboot ruined the old PPG.
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Clarence (2013–2018)
Really good, give it a chance!
20 June 2016
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This show is really different. It takes place on Earth: The real one. It has flaws, it's very imperfect, with real life problems. The characters have consequences for their actions, and often times it's the basis for the episode. Not only that, but the show, like other good modern shows, isn't afraid to say that love is love with pro- LGBT messages. But the best part about the imperfect setting is how the characters take it.

Clarence, the main character, is an optimistic boy who is oblivious to the world around him. He and his friends, primarily Jeff and Sumo, do very typical kid stuff, but often leading to silly misadventures. The humor in the show is sometimes intentionally lowbrow (one episode is centered around completely gross-out humor), but often the show actually has decent jokes.

The character design, admittedly, is not supposed to be the most artistic and perfect looking. The characters look very strange, and this is often made fun of in the show (example, Jeff has a square head, which obviously leads to some jokes about his appearance).

In conclusion, Clarence is a lighthearted, silly, sometimes gross, but charming show about kids being kids.
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