
2 Reviews
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Reluctant hero successfully vanquishes evil.
26 June 2008
The budget on this film was nearly nonexistent, so with this in mind, I think they did a terrific job with what they had. Patrick, who I think is the most attractive in a very attractive family is a great person and I think that comes across very well. All of the other players are appealing as well and proved to be good sports. None of these actors are or were porn stars as was suggested in another review. Artists are just that, dreamers always striving to express themselves in a way that can touch other lives and I can only cheer on these artists in their quest to lift the audience out of drab reality into fun fantasy. It is nice also to see a film that doesn't pander to the least common denominator.
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Heady mixture of Love, passion, obsession and despair wrapped in a sumptuous package
23 September 2005
Gerard Butler as the Phantom was not as grotesque as the original book would have us believe. Yet I think we all know someone who is not only not unattractive but actually beautiful who is convinced of their ugliness. Often our sense of self worth or attractiveness is linked to the love and acceptance we received as infants and children and I believe that many people who felt unloved as children (whether this was justified or not) do have this feeling of worthlessness in spite of whatever gifts of beauty, talent or intelligence they may have. It was Gerard Butler's portrayal of a passionate need to love and be loved that was the driving force of the film. I think Andrew Loyd Weber as a reclusive artist may have felt himself excluded from the ordinary give and take of the "real" world and this story and music I feel is really his lament and Mr. Butler cries out this lament superbly.
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