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True Blood (2008–2014)
One of the greatest t.v. series of all time.
13 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
True blood is the best TV show i have ever watched and trust me i have watched a lot of TV shows. i have never seen a TV show like this one the story line is great the actors are perfect and i can truthfully say i don't think i will ever see a better show.

True blood is about vampire's which have made themselves public to the world or "come out of the coffin" as they say and are living in peace with the rest of the world because of a new synthetic blood called tru blood which they can now live on, which is a story unlike anything else i have seen. The plot is based around sookie stackhouse (Anna Paquin) who is a telepath and waitress at a roadhouse restaurant in Louisiana who meets a vampire bill Compton (Stephen Moyer) for the first time and become attracted to him because unlike over people she can not read his mind. There is many great characters in this show with all different personalities some who don't agree with vampire human relationships like Jason stackhouse (Ryan Kwanten) a lady's man but also sookie's brother who thinks vampires a dangerous. Sam merlotte (Sam Trammell) who just wants the best for sookie but is also in love with her. There is also other characters like Eric Northman ( Alexander Skarsgård) who does not come into the show until ep 4 but makes the whole show even better which who knew was possible.

True blood has everything you want in a show it has action, romance. gore and everything in between. This show is so good that every other show that i have rated 10 stars i now realize did not deserve it
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Creepy in a good way!
13 September 2016
American horror story is absolutely amazing. i have never seen anything like it and i don't think i ever will. the creators took a lot of risks when making this show and they all payed off.

It is a great show with every season being different and even stranger than the last you will never get sick of it, each season is not related to the last they are all separate with a different story and different characters. even though there is different characters the people at AHS still use most of the same actors with some actors even being in all 6 seasons playing a different character every time. which is great because you do get attached to the actors.

AHS has a lot of gore and blood with most main characters being murderers or killers, it is definitely not for the faint hearted. 9/10 worth watching.
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Shameless (2011–2021)
Better then the English one.
11 September 2016
Shameless is well worth the time, it is funny and just straight out crazy. Shameless is about a dysfunctional family, the father (William H. Macy) is an alcoholic and the mother left years ago, it is now up to their eldest daughter Fiona (Emmy Rossum) to take care of her 5 younger siblings. While trying to keep her brothers and sisters out of trouble she gets herself into trouble.

I think the US one is a lot better than the UK one. The characters are very likable and have very heart warming stories. The show has characters from all different backgrounds and is relatable in a lot of ways like having money issues or trying to raise kids. This show reminds people that not everyone is perfect.

10/10 can't wait for the next season.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
Nail biting good
8 September 2016
Supernatural is a show about two brothers (Sam and Dean Winchester) following in their father's footsteps by traveling across America hunting supernatural beings who are a threat to humankind. Their motto is "saving people, hunting things, the family business" and while doing so they come across vampires, shapeshifters, demi gods, angels, Lucifer and even death.

Throughout the show they mention the importance of family/friends, at times the show can be sad, scary and even funny. I love this show so much i have seen every episode more than once and would watch them all over again

I think it's worth giving it a shot.
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Scream Queens (2015– )
Scream queens is the perfect mix of both American horror story and old cliché thriller movies
7 September 2016
Great, just a fantastic TV show After my sister trying to convince me to watch scream queens i finally gave into her and said i would watch the show just so once i finish it i could say "i told you so" because i knew i would hate the show, never have i been so wrong.

Even the first episode is amazing and i have read so many reviews saying it is stupid and poorly made but some people just don't understand that's the point. scream queens plays like an old slasher movie in a funny way. Its not meant to be taken to serious which some people just don't get. scream queens plays into the clichés like the jock and his girlfriend the mean blonde popular girl who would rather die then chip her nail polish, and i think its hilarious.

If American horror story was a bit to gory for you or glee was a bit to dull give scream queens a shot I think its a great show and it doesn't hurt to a least watch an episode.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
great movie just wish it went for longer.
7 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After hearing all the bad reviews about suicide squad i was starting to think that it was not all that it was made out to be, but after then watching the movie i do not understand what would make people say those things about the movie. To start of i should say that i think everyone should go and the see this movie as soon as possible. If you have not heard of suicide squad before it about a group of Gotham's worst villains who are taken out of the prison they are currently in to get a second chance to help man- kind by using their mega- human powers for good. By becoming a team (suicide squad as they call it.) they can fight off more powerful villains like superman if he had decided to be evil but as they find out the government wants no part in it and if anything goes wrong they are ready to throw the team under the bus if it means no bad press.

Reasons i think everyone should see it: Where do i start there are so many good thing about this movie like for starters Harley Quinn is finally in a movie. Harley Quinn is played my margot Robbie who did an amazing job with this part she absolutely killed the role her acting was great and i don't think they could of ever got someone better to play Harley Quinn. will smith did a great job with deadshot as well but i wouldn't say it was all that different to the other roles will smith has played over the years, still good but pretty basic. I think the actor who really stole the spotlight was Jared leto (the joker), i am not usually a Jared leto fan but in this case i am. Ever since i heard who was playing the joker i have been wanting to see his performance he has big shoes to fill after heath ledger in the dark knight and jack Nicholson in batman but Jared leto did not disappoint his performance was spectacular the best joker yet in my opinion the only downside was he wasn't in the movie enough for my liking.

The costumes where another thing i loved Harley Quinn's costume was a change from the comic book costume but still good, the costume really showed her personality and looked like how i imaged it would feel to be Harley with the bright eyeshadow and the smudged make up, and who can forget the jacket that reads 'property of the joker' what i thought really topped it all of was the baseball bat, still staying true to the original character by giving her an unusual weapon instead of just giving her a gun or something normal. The joker's costume was something else completely, still with the green hair and purple jacket but this time with a twist, the joker had tattoos all over his body of faces and smiles and things that you would guess the joker would have, his costumes was great too this time looking more like a gangster then a clown.

Over all i think the movie was amazing i give 10/10 and if a second movie comes out i will be the first in line for tickets.
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