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100 hearts!!!
29 April 2016
OK so.... I hate seeing hate for this show. I can understand hating certain characters but... This show is amazing. It's full of comedy and it can contain mystery like "who's next?" and "will they ever find out?" I really wish people would give this a chance instead of reading one bad review about it. Seriously just give it a chance! If you like it, you like it. If you don't you don't. No need to make a big deal about it.

All honesty people who do that bother me greatly because they don't give it a chance just for one bad review. That's one person's thoughts and feelings for it. Everyone thinks differently.

I love the love cycles in this show. It's so awesome how funny it is when they show their love. There are some emotional parts but what's a good show without the emotional parts? OK I admit there are a couple plot holes like "Why doesn't everyone wonder why certain people vanish and a hero replaces them?" That's just me with every superhero thing though. Other than that it's perfect! It's not the garbage they're showing on TV now. (ex. of what I mean is Pickle and Peanut) It actually has a plot. They aren't grasping at straws for the next episode! They also have a real world feel in the show. I mean yes some of it's fantasy but take out the superhero's and you just have students trying to get through school trying not to be bullied by the bully/bullies. They also face things like the real world. Suspension, royalty, police, and how unfair the real world can be at times.
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