
6 Reviews
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Bordertown: Nainen Järvessä Osa 1 (2016)
Season 1, Episode 8
One thought
14 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There is no way the lady could fight the water pressure to breathe through a tube from that depth but, if it were possible, she would need to exhale into the water to avoid the tube from filling with CO2.
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The Hunter (1980)
Good fun Movie
29 April 2022
Only thing that worries me is how did the poor guy make any money after paying for all the damages.

It was a great final scene for his career.

It's a little sad that this near his passing, Steve McQueen appeared to be so healthy.
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Watchable but could have been better
16 February 2022
In the first half, this bad screenplay (instantly discernable by its overuse of narration) would have made a fair Radio play had it been written 80 years ago. Unable to convey information and emotion through dialog and imagery, they reduced an inspiring story to a poorly executed TV drama.

You can create great films with low budgets, poor writing, bad direction or editing but seldom do you find a video play lacking in all of these.

The last half is like a different production. The awful narration ends, the actors find their rhythm, as the pace picks up, and the story is allowed to blossom, capturing one's imagination.

So, maybe it was just a lack of time and money after all.
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Gridlocked (2015)
Average but likeable
20 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First, I want to comment on the head through the TV screen. A CRT is extreamly hard and if it were even possible to accomplish, the tube, being under an near perfect vacuum, would implode with great force. So, the guy would most likely be brain dead but, for a second tier action movie, I found it suprising enjoyable.
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Backdraft 2 (2019 Video)
Not your father's Backdraft
9 November 2021
Well, there are two Brackdraft movies but, unfortunately only one had a Ron Howard. Donald Sutherland's acting skills blatantly out-shined those of his fellow cast members. Joe Anderson speaking of Kurt Russell, "I don't have my father's charisma," sums up the whole movie.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
I Enjoyed Season 2
19 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was hard to get through season 1. What organization would combine such a psychologically unfit ill prepared immature group into any crew. They couldn't come together to work as a team. Every command was questioned every decision debated. It made me wish I could wipe my memory an watch Battlestar Galactica over again.

The writing, although filled with long emotional scenes at times, was much improved in the second season. It is why I gave it a 7/10. I did notice, in the Salvare set construction, identifiable items such as, an oversized vent from your office ceiling and electrical box latches used as door handles, to mention a couple. These did cause a momentary break in the futuristic illusion. At least they didn't try and pass off a commercial building's basement and mechanical rooms as a space craft like some low budget syfi productions.

By the end I was looking forward to a third season and a little saddened as it appears they've wrapped it up and put a bow on it.
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