
5 Reviews
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The Batman (2022)
This Batman takes Noir too literally
13 August 2022
I was a little worried about this one especially after some of the shambolic and "on-message" DC attempts at the Bat franchise. Thankfully this movie largely avoids messages and goes for the serial killer vibe.

Robert Pattinson is a lot better than you might think. He manages to convey some of the listless nature of a man consumed.

It is quite long although the pacing gets you through.

Some of the lighting is just too atmospheric and it is literally tough to see what is on screen.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Bourne Killer....they wish
8 August 2022
A formula romp around the world that resembles a live action cartoon. Top mercenaries line up like skittles for the buffed up macho leading man to despatch. "Secret" agents that might as well carry neon signs. "Covert" Hit teams that cap away from a distance just to warn our Buff Boy they are coming. The monosyllabic muscleman riding on top of a tram like Wile E Coyote. The list is endless.

Honestly it is just about technically competent and some of the CGI is obvious and weightless.

Top rank is Chris Evans enjoying a bit of moustache twirling.

A passable Beer and Pizza movie.
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Plucky Girl Cops versus Tokyo
30 May 2022
This is an adaptation of a long running Anime. The lead characters are two "chalk and cheese" policewomen in Tokyo. Natsumi is the tearaway Tomboy while Miyuki is calm and efficient. Of course, they clash at first then become friends. The anime was a combination of action with a lot of knockabout fun.

It is a bit of fun and about as gritty as Tom and Jerry. One of the male leads is played by a former Basketball star and a villain is played by a WWE wrestler from the US. That is about the level of acting.

The action is limited by the budget and some of Natsumi's anime abilities are not used ( such as using her feet to slow the car! ). On this point it must be pointed out that the fighting is truly unconvincing. Our two tiny policewomen do unconvincing air kicks in the vicinity of villains, who then go down like Jurgen Klinsmann.

One for the fans of the anime only.
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Ennui Hope
30 May 2022
Yes, it is now apparent that "The Mandalorian" was a one-off that escaped the Disney purge. "The Mandalorian" captured the spirit and fun of "Star Wars" for the simple reason that Favreau and Filoni actually ( whisper it ) liked Star Wars.

Clearly this is not what Disney wants. So what we get is an imposter in which the central male character from the films is a hopeless stumblebum ( see also Hawkeye and others ). He is outwitted by a precocious ten year old. He lands on a sketchy planet and asks questions like a tourist. The point is that there is no LOVE for this sad sack by the people making this. Contrast that with the audience affection for "The Mandalorian" where the main character is flawed but a Hero underneath.

This is what happens when you give Legacy characters that the fans love to creatives who don't appear to approve or understand them.
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LBJ (2016)
Go easy on LBJ
9 February 2021
LBJ was reviled in his day for his involvement in Vietnam and presiding over America in crisis. Yet his legacy is continually reassessed today. The main aim of this movie is to highlight his role in passing Civil Rights legislation. It tells how an unreconstructed southerner won the cause that JFK was insistent on passing.

It is a very light touch political movie that glosses over LBJ's failings - he was a cudgel where JFK was a rapier. LBJ was an immensely crude Texan who came from a tradition of Jim Crow laws. Yet this gauche and boorish man had a streak of decency that pushed him on. The movie only hints at this and really looks to look again at what he achieved.

Woody Harrelson plays LBJ as more sensitive than was thought at the time. He is at the centre always and maintains your interest throughout.

This movie assumes a knowledge ( and interest ) in 1960s US politics especially the civil rights movement . Without it the casual viewer would struggle to get the most out of this movie.

Finally I would like to reflect that it is refreshing to see a movie that reminds you that Democrats and Republicans used to talk to each other.
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