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Two iconic TV characters flop on the silver screen
5 January 2020
Rocky the Flying Squirrel and Bullwinkle the Moose were such a hit in a TV show that lasted 5 seasons. The even have toys, video games, a pinball machine, and even a restaurant. They also have this film which could have catapult them to a new level of stardom, but instead made them pretty much forgotten. I guess this shows audiences were starting to be less interested in tomboys usurping boys' jobs.
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Zootopia (2016)
Almost Flawless
11 August 2016
The film features anthropomorphic animals who wear garments but for some reason no shoes. It centers on a gray rabbit named Judy who pursues her childhood dream in becoming a cop. She fails in her first attempt in police academy. She would, however, return, pass every test and finally become a cop. After dealing with parking violators, Judy is assigned to find a missing critter. Zootopia is as entertaining and funny as any animated film featuring talking animals. Perhaps better, considering the film earned over $1 billion at the box office. Is it flawless? Almost.
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Crusader Rabbit (1950–1957)
Did Jay Ward knew the difference between a guy and a girl?
5 August 2016
Maybe he did know. In fact the difference between a guy and a girl is something even an infant can understand. But what on Earth was Jay Ward thinking when he made television cartoons? If I were the one making animated stuff, I'd do them the right way.

In 1949, Jay Ward released his first animated series in Crusader Rabbit, a show centering on an adorable rabbit knight. I wonder, why did he hire a bimbo to do the rabbit's dialog? And when the rabbit returned to the screen after a few years of hiatus, he hired another bimbo. If I were him, I'd hire young boys to be Crusader, considering young boys are less expensive to employ.

The way Ward used bimbos to be Crusader Rabbit makes me wonder if he knew the difference between a guy and a girl. When Ward went on to create his most famous series featuring a flying rodent and a dimwitted caribou, he inexplicably used a bimbo to be that soaring critter. I don't know what the heck he had in mind but the way he did things is kinda inappropriate.
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Sonic Boom (2014–2017)
I Prefer AOSTH and Sonic SatAM Over This
26 May 2016
Years ago, almost every animated show is in traditional animation. But as we go into the 21st century, a lot of cartoons have been shown in CGI as that animation became favorable. But just because a show is in a new form, that does not always mean it's better than the ones in an earlier style.

Upon becoming a hit in video games, Sonic's first animated shows were Sonic the Hedgehog (aka Sonic SatAM), and another one called Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. While these are hand-drawn, they are certainly the best animated adaptations of the Sonic games. What's good about these two are good stories, good graphics, and good acting (because the right cast is selected for the characters).

As CGI became prominent, animators went on create this series called Sonic Boom which uses this animation. I was at first kinda excited when I learned that Sonic has a new show. But after reading about it on some websites, my excitement dried up. Why? Yes, the show features Sonic, and the show is in that cool-looking CGI. But why is the speaking role of Tails done by a bimbo? When will makers of new Sonic games and shows understand that Tails is a boy? They should learn to apply the right person for the right character.
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Conker's Bad Fur Day (2001 Video Game)
An Absolute Abomination In Video Gaming
17 April 2016
If there's anything more sick than a disgusting video game, it's a disgusting video game featuring a corrupted character who used to be nice and decent. Don't think I hate mature games. I do appreciate a few games with such mature stuff. I just don't like the idea of transforming a cute children's character into an obscene psychotic. In fact, doing so is about as sick as the way some programmers created a nefarious version of Elmo on the internet.

So Rare decided to make something that would appeal to demented players. If they want to, they could just create a new critter from scratch. But they made this really bizarre decision they probably should regret or be ashamed of. While Conker's Bad Fur Day garnered some praise from game reviewers as well as some accolades, it was a commercial flop. The way the game flopped was perhaps so bad that Nintendo ended association with Rare. Rare was never the same promising company after that. I guess it would make better sense had they release that family-friendly Twelve Tales: Conker 64. Games catered to all audiences will always market better. Abominations like this one are destined to be forgotten.
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