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My least favorite in the series.
30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Out of all the Hotel Transylvania movies this was my least favorite. I was excited for this movie because I love the other 3 movies but the story was just boring. Honestly I think a "Freaky Friday" type story would've worked better where Drac & Johnny switched bodies. It still had some funny moments but not like the previous movies. Since it was the last one I just wish it was better.
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Supergirl: Prom Again! (2021)
Season 6, Episode 6
A+ Directing
5 May 2021
Chyler Leigh did an amazing job directing this episode!
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
The cinematography was stunning but the episode felt rushed
13 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The cinematography for this episode was stunning but the writing was a different story. To be honest the episode just felt rushed like they were trying to cram too many things into it. I'm upset that Cersei didn't get a better demise. She was wicked and vile throughout the whole series only to be taken out by the collapse of the city. Getting squashed by rubble isn't a fun way to go out but I was at least hoping Arya, Dany or even someone else would've been the one to take her out. I'm not going to say much about Dany going mad because honestly when she was talking to Sansa in episode 2 this season I had feeling she would be turned into the villain. Overall the acting and the cinematography in this episode was phenomenal!
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Pretty Little Liars: Til DeAth Do Us PArt (2017)
Season 7, Episode 20
Great episode. Honestly don't understand all of the hate it is getting.
28 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly I really liked the episode. If you have read the books then you know the finale played tribute to it with the twin reveal. It's been quite obvious since the beginning of the season that Spencer had a twin. Every one got their happy ending with their significant others and Mona got her happy ending by continuing the game by keeping Alex & Mary in her version of the dollhouse in France. Honestly there was no way Marlene could make every single fan happy with the A reveal. Everyone had their own theories on who "A" was and how they wanted the show to win. Even if the show went a different way and someone else was "A" people would still complain. I have watched this show since season 2 and I'm happy with how it ended.
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Pretty Little Liars: The DArkest Knight (2016)
Season 7, Episode 10
Hands down the best mid-season finale! You don't want to miss this episode! (Spoilers)
31 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The episode starts off with liars, Caleb & Mona trying to get a hold of Hanna one last time before calling the police fearing the worse has happened to her. The Rosewood PD show up at Spencer's house after putting an APB out for Noel Kahn who the liars assume kidnapped Hanna. Little do they know it's actually the other way around and Hanna has an unconscious Noel tied up trying to get him to admit he is A.D. Hannah gets frustrated that Noel won't wake up so she cuts his leg to take a sample of his blood to a lab along with Mary Drake's DNA to prove they're related. She then realizes she made a mistake after hearing the APB over the police scanners and she calls Mona to help her. A little while later Hanna appears and tells a bogus lie of how she went looking for the girl from the party that Noel pushed down the stairs. Hanna and Caleb go back to Lucas's place and admit they still have feelings for each other. Emily is staying the night at Alison's when Ali admits to her is pregnant. They are watching a movie when Ali kisses her & promises Emily it's not because of her feeling vulnerable about the pregnancy. The next morning Spencer and Toby share one last kiss before saying goodbye forever since Toby is moving away. The lab calls Hanna and of course Noel is not Mary Drake's child. She calls the girls and comes clean about what she did. They go to place where Hanna had Noel only to discover he had escaped and took the video camera with him. They get a text to meet Noel with the thumb drive in exchange for the camera. When the girls get to the location the soon realize it was death trap. Noel has a medieval axe chasing Hanna and Emily meanwhile Jenna has a gun going after Aria, Ali and Spencer. Jenna turns out lights saying now the girls mainly Ali will know what it's like to be her. Emily and Hanna fight off Noel when he lands on the axe and his head rolls down the stairs to the feet of the other girls. As they're trying to escape Jenna hears them and fires her gun but misses. As the girls are running down the stairs another shot and screaming is heard. The race back upstairs because they can't find Spencer. Mary Drake appears out of no where and helps Spencer who was shot in the shoulder. She then reveals to girls that she would never hurt Spencer because she is her daughter. The episode ends with Toby and Yvonne in a car accident with their fate up in the air and Jenna in the back of A.D.'s van. Overall I loved this episode and was by far the best mid-season finale.
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The Flash: Rupture (2016)
Season 2, Episode 20
A world without The Flash and Zoom returns to Central City.
4 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A world without The Flash is a very bad thing especially for the people of Central City now under Zoom's control. However the people of Central City did not know that Barry has lost his powers thanks to Cisco creating a hologram version of the Flash. Meanwhile Zoom returns to the Central City PD and tells everyone there the town is under his control and if they try to stop them he will kill them. He then tells everyone to get out of the building and handcuffs Caitlin to a desk. Harrison is determined to find a way to get Barry is his powers back even if it means recreating the particle accelerator. He thinks if he recreates everything exactly as it happened that night Barry will get his speed back and all will be right. Barry doesn't k ow what to do so he finds his Dad and brings him back with him hoping maybe with his advice he will know if he should go along with Harrison's plan. One of my favorite things about the episode was Iris FINALLY confessing her feelings for Barry. Now I don't know about anyone else but I've been waiting for this to happens since last season. Barry seems shocked that Iris loves him in the way he has always wanted and Iris leaves him to go check on Wally and Jesse. In the meantime Cisco has a "vibe" about his brother so he sets up a meeting with him just to make sure he is okay. They are attacked by the earth two's Cisco's brother because Zoom told him Cisco had killed his brother. They escape and try to figure out a way to stop this new metahuman without the flash. Eventually Zoom ends up killing Cisco's brother point 2 because he failed to defeat the Central City PD. Zoom then kills everyone in the room but Joe, Barry and the police captain threatening to kill them along with everyone in the city if they don't follow his rules. This only pisses off Barry and he then decides that he must become the flash again to stop zoom. I loved the Harry Potter references in this episode especially when Cisco is on the roof trying to get lightening to strike the antenna he says "Expecto Patronum". While Barry is strapped in the particle accelerator he ends up disintegrating or so it seems and the rays from it end up hitting Wally and Jesse as their running to find out why the building was shaking and knocking them out. Everyone thinks Barry is dead especially Iris who thinks she has once again lost the man she loves. Zoom shows up and laughs at Harrison for trying to get Barry his speed back but killing him the process. I think this was one of the best episodes this season and can't wait to see how this season will end. Will Barry get his speed and defeat Zoom or is he lost forever?
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Batman v Superman not really...more like Batman v Superman for only 10 minutes till they realize their mothers have the same name.
20 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
(Contains Spoilers) Let me start off by saying I had low expectations for this movie since the first trailer and actually watching the movie didn't change it. The movie in general is too long and I feel like Zach Snyder hates Superman. I hated every scene with Superman, Lex Luthor, and Doomsday because in my opinion they were the worse parts about the movie. This is coming from a huge Superman fan. Jesse Eisenberg was an awful Lex Luthor it's like he was trying to be more comical then a sophisticated evil genius play boy with daddy issues and a sense of humor. I didn't like that it was Lex who created Doomsday or how he found out the secret indentures of the soon to be "Justice Legaue". I'm not really sure why it's called Batman v Superman to begin with because while Bruce Wayne basically holds a grudge against Superman for the most part of the movie we only get one actual fight scene. Batman basically beats Superman by using Kryptonite against and as he's getting ready to finish him off it's not until he realizes that their mothers share the same name and lets him ago. I just want to say that all of my years as a DC comics fan I never once realized that both Bruce and Clark's mom share the name "Martha" so thanks I guess Zachary Snyder for pointing that out...Honestly I'm not going to give away everything about the movie like who dies or where Wonder Woman comes into play because in my opinion she was one the best things about the movie. I do think they over marketed Aquaman because he is only in one small scene. The Flas had a bigger role then he did. I will say I thought Bruce's nightmare was unnecessary and not sure why they showed it other then to clearly hinting that Darkseid is coming. Ben Affleck is probably the best Batman to date and that was a total shock but I loved his portrayal of him. Gal Gadot steals the spotlight as Wonder Woman and I can't wait for her solo movie. Honestly if the movie would've just been about Batman and Wonder Woman with a small dose of Superman then I would've loved this movie! Will I watch this movie again? yes, but when it's out on Blu-Ray. Over all I give this movie a 5 out of 10 mainly because of the Batman storyline and the last 10 minutes.
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The Walking Dead: Last Day on Earth (2016)
Season 6, Episode 16
What a cop-out on an iconic comic scene (Spoilers)
6 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was very boring until the last 10 minutes when we finally meet Negan only to be left with a very disappointing cliffhanger. This episode was overly promoted that we would find out who meets their end by Luicelle(Negan's bat) I was hoping that they would actually have the courage to kill off a major character since it's such a heartbreaking story from the comics. I thought maybe Glenn would finally meet his tragic comic death but they show's writers clearly took a copout. Why they chose to make fans suffer 6months till we find out who's head got smashed in like pumpkin. I also hate how they turned Carol into the female version of Morgan. She is one of my favorite characters because she turned from the timid abused housewife into the smartest and deadliest person in the group. Second what on earth is happening to Maggie? Is she having problems with the baby or something else? Guess we will have to wait and see if she survives Negan first...This episode was way overly hyped by marketing and the cast. In the end it was very disappointing. They should've taken the risk and killed someone off instead of taking the easy way out for a season finale.
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