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Dear John (1988–1992)
Review of Dear John
5 April 2016
I give this a three because I have always been a fan of Judd Hirsch. I feel that whoever did the casting did Judd an injustice. Maybe the show could have been more of a success with better casting. I think the English woman would have been better as a member of the group rather than the counselor, and the red head Jere Burns was always after (was she also a member of Taxi?) would have been better as the counselor. Please do not consider this a spoiler as I am just trying to be honest because as I said I have always been a true fan of Judd Hirsch; I feel greatly that he deserves a successful series. The show was done a true injustice by casting Jere Burns. IMHO he is by far one of the worst actors ever. To me he did nothing but ruin what had the potential to be a good show. Not to mention the character he played was also terrible. I am half Italian. Mr. Burns played what I would call an "Americanized" version of a "Guido." An as far as Italians go he did a terrible job playing a "Guido." No offense to Mr. Burns; He may be a very nice guy in person, but a good actor he is not. He did absolutely nothing in developing the character. None of the cast did well developing their character. Think of Seinfeld. It was not a great show in the beginning, but the actors did such a stupendous job developing their characters that it ended up one of the all time greats of history. To me that is a critical element of a successful show: The actors must bend over backwards developing their character. Not to focus on Mr. Burns, but he was just awful. I have to be honest: I have insomnia and every night I have to suffer through an hour of Dear John, mostly because Mr. Burns is nauseating, waiting for a show that was a true comedic genius, ahead of its time, and that is The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show. Sometimes I scan the channels looking for something else so I do not have to watch Dear John. I feel bad for Judd Hirsch especially if he had to put up any of his own money for what I consider one of the worst shows of all time. Judd deserved better. Besides the awful character played by Jere Burns probably the number two cast member that ruined the show was the scullery maid who played the counselor. One last comment, I despise shows that resort to making use of a character that is pregnant and/or has a baby. Dear John made use of this at least twice. A show that makes use of a character that has a baby in some unorthodox manner on the episode is even worse (the episode of Dear John in which his ex-wife had a baby at the wedding). A way overplayed plot in my opinion. To me it is just nauseating. So apologies to Judd Hirsch. You are a great actor, casting for Dear John really gave you the screws, and if anyone deserves a hit show it is you.
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