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Absolutely Stellar True Crime Documentary Mini Series.
17 April 2024
Netflix really hit it out of the park with this show. Interesting murders, fascinating cases and your heart truly goes out to all the victims, loved ones and even the detectives affected by each case.

As far as a true crime series goes, this is how it's done.

So It's an anthology series that very cleverly goes backwards and forwards in time utilising a lot of the main detectives and law enforcement officers. I especially liked how they used the New York subway train graphic to show the timeline of events for each case.

Detective's, prosecutors, the victims, the families, the trials. This show goes into intricate details with each case.

Netflix we need a season 2 you could do another New York, a Boston, a Chicago. The thing that really shocked me was the production value with a lot of true crime documentaries sometimes its almost like watching a b movie. This was not the case at all with this show they did a fantastic job.

I literally cannot fault this show. If you're a true crime fan, then like I said earlier this is how it's done. Again bravo to Netflix they hit a home run with this show all I can hope is we get many more seasons either still based in New York or many of the other American states.

If this is made by the same people and the same production values go into every series I can see Netflix having a number 1 show on their hands with people clamouring for more.

Chilling, disturbing, fascinating, jaw dropping, even frustrating at times you ride a whole rolercoaster of emotions with each case. I really cannot praise this show enough.

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Deep Fear (2023)
Deep Teers
6 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Review will and does contain spoilers.

So the film starts off well and as I see the 2 people diving and the shark approach they push it away and I think to myself finally a sensible shark film.

Those that know about sharks know they only often mostly surfers due to the boards looking like the shape of seals, blood in the water and sometimes and this is the biggie it depends on the species of shark

The one they palm away at the start is either a reef or a blue shark (I could be wrong I'm no shark expert) but this shows that most sharks especially more passive species don't just attack for the sake of it and one of the divers even mentions how he wants to do the same with a bull shark. Bull sharks and notorious for being angry barstards as far as sharks go and there have been many attacks from them for no reason just because thier very aggressive. So I'm thinking so far so good right?

Wrong as it quickly turns out that a couple who do charters on their sailing boat or yacht again I'm not a boat expert either. They all spilt up and the woman decides to take the yacht and meet them at a different location.

So they make a call and tell her there's a nasty weather front headed her way and to reroute someone else for safety but she's like naa it'll be fine so she's comes across a sunken boat and helps the survivors who turn out to need help as they have a sunken boat and a man trapped but with an air bubble that's keeping him alive.

Now this for me is where this what could have been a great film turn into a mediocre one at best so they find this guy trapped and free him and then they spot a great white shark.

Aesthetically one of the better and most recognised sharks but why not just replace it with a bull shark that's my first gripe. Second gripe yes the great white could have been attracted by the dead bodies on the boat but all they really needed to do was have the diver that gets chomped accidently cut himself as he's trying to free his friend. Yes it's a common trope but it makes sense sharks can smell a single droplet of blood in the water from miles away so if he cut his hand while using the crowbar or whatever then yeah I can buy into the great white chomping him.

So far as far as shark films go this would have made sense but no. No ones bleeding the shark just chomps the diver for no reason and he's gone.

Then we learn that the stranded folks are in fact cocaine smugglers and force the woman to dive again we've got a story coming along here and not a bad effort really it's certainly different from most other shark films but apart from my gripes about swapping the great white with a bull or someone having an accidental cut I feel these tiny changes could have helped. Also when they come up from their first dive the weathers gorgeous then 3 seconds later it changes to cloudy stormy weather again sweing as there's a massive storm front on its way. Now small details like this is I can spot them and I'm only watching the film how did the editors and film makers miss this? Smh.

So the shark bites into a load a cocaine they're trying to salvage for the bad people they saved. One person's heading on their review was cocaine shark this made me chucke especially as a line in the film is Where's the cocaine? The shark ate it and now its probably high? Wtf do sharks even get high on cocaine and the cocianes in water too? Have they done tests that I'm unaware of yeah so yea this films goin down hill fast and it's a shame coz with a few tweaks it could have been an alright watch.

Yes I fully understand with most shark films you have to turn a part of your brain off but being brain dead is not a requirement.

Finally my last 2 gripes people are right some of the casting here is god awful like b movie bad and the last thing is clearly the lady who's already done 2 deep dives advises against a third as nitrogen bubbles can build up in the brain and give u the benz so I'm assuming if she's diving that deep she'd need to stop at some people so many meters away from surface to equalise after each dive this doesn't happen and again these might only seem like small gripes but add them up and they make a pretty rubbish movie.

So as u can Imagine I was routing for the shark the whole time. Nice idea. Piss poor execution and laughable acting at times. Shame really coz this film started off rather well.

4 fins out of 10 would have been a 2 but its not the sharks fault these people can't write or act.
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Rabid (2019)
I'd rather catch rabies than watch this again.
31 March 2024
So the soska sisters made not so famous by Lucifer Valentines grotesque films. An identical set of talentless twins who made American Mary, a very overhyped film if ever there was one have now decided to remake a David Cronenberg film. Oh my the hubris of these two.

The films doesn't have much to offer in the way of script, story, well shot scenes it's basically just a train wreck of a movie.

So now as I write this review in 2024 the soska sisters have decided that their so good at movies that they've taken a position at a comic company and not a very good one at that. The stories in those overpriced comic books make this film look good. Who knows what wonders of destruction and debauchery (hinting to Lucifers films if u know then u know) they'll try their hands at next possiblybad television? Knitting perhaps? Who knows? Needless to say the least they can do is try and find something their good at but at this current time neither I or they know what that is.

These sisters pollute everything they touch so my advice ladies stop touching things. Maybe just take your ball home and play with that instead.

As an avid film and comic book fan ladies do us all a favour and leave both mediums upto those with actual talent.

Just a thought. Oh and careful with Mr July now we wouldn't want his wide getting the wrong idea? Or would we?
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Sissy (I) (2022)
Hmm another surprising lil gem on shudder
9 March 2024
Like most film's I go in blind I don't read the synopsis and don't watch the trailers so either a film's going to blow or you're gonna find a diamond in the rough.

Now obviously this is I'm assuming a largely unheard of film as at the time of writing this review it only has 70 other user reviews which is very low but I'm finding quite a few unexpected lil gems on shudder recently especially being new to the service. So when I turned on this film I had no idea what to expect.

Obviously it's and I'm guessing here an Australian indie low budget film and after the first half hour the jigsaw peices start too fall into place.

I read all the reviews on here and for those saying it's not a stereotypical horror I'd probably agree I would put it into the black or dark comedy pigeonhole but I'm pretty sure that still falls under the umbrella genre of horror especially with the gore which I was not expecting at all but still pleasantly shocked and amused by.

Again going into this film not knowing what to expect I was very surprised and entertained too which imo is the whole point of watching entertainment.

With people giving this 1's and 2 star reviews they day taste is subjective but cmon I've seen movies that were on that level and this isn't one of them if I was more cynical and scrutinised and picked holes in the film I'd probably give it a 6.8 but seeing how surprised I was by how entertaining the main character was. Well for me she stole the show for me and just how decent the film was in general I decided to give it an 8 but that's my score imo this films a solid 6.5/7 and for a horror that's good and for black comedy that's even better.

Watch it if you like dark comedies I'd say to watch it and if u like horror films I'd say to watch it too. My only gripe would be after you find out after 45 mins worth of film you can probably figure out how it's gonna go down but that's still a small gripe to have especially being a shudder original and especially seeing as 90% of what Hollywood churns out these days is actual garbage well deserving of 1 and 2 star reviews.

I thoroughly enjoyed this and would recommend but check it out for yourself and see what u think.
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Do not wait for the cherry blossoms to fall watch this.
4 February 2024
Firstly this show is spectacular. Acting, pacing, costumes makeup, writing. I even like how the towns almost its own character too. Seriously I cannot say a bad word against this show.

I've been saying this for ages and I'm gonna keep on saying it. If you want consistently well written good made shows and films just go Korean.

Netflix has a lot of bright moments good shows and good films like Extraction 1 and 2, The Highwaymen, The Tiger King and Making a Murderer and tons of shows and films I'm missing oh yeah Dalhmer was fantastic too.

But then unfortunately one thing we don't get with Netflix is consistency we get an amazing show in Narcos easily a 10/10 from me. Engrossing, engaging the type of show where ur like one more episode and then relaize your gonna have 4 hours of sleep for work. But then whereas you get the amazing show that is Narcos then you have the same creators make Griselsda like really you make Narcos gritty, hard hitting, vicious and clever in its writing and then you have one of the worst gangsters/crime Lords in history seriously in real life this women out some of the men to shame. Why not go the Narcos route and give us a true account of just how vicious and evil this women truly was na we'll just gloss all over that and make her into a female icon pftt yea nice one Netflix.

Then we have our documentaries and again this is something that Netflix is known for and has some amazing examples like the David Attenborough narrated wildlife docs to some of the true crime docs again excellent and again then we have new dumb docuseries which are literally trying to rewrite history. Alexander the making of a god oh and don't forget the Cleopatra fiasco that actually caused a real diplomatic incident seeing as the Egyptians are quite proud of their heritage and theirb history.

What Netflix have against the Egyptians I don't know but again for every 1 or 2 good shows or films we get 3 or 4 that are guff and yes I am fully aware that taste is subjective what I enjoy in a film or show may not be to everyone's taste which is why we have a wide range if films but not documentaries.

Documentaries are supposed to be based in fact not someone's opinion. Not how someone feels. But facts and facts do not lie. The irony here is that the dalhmer show actually had more factual references in it than most of these so-called made up documentaries and dalhmer was a tv show.

Seriously Netlfix what are you doin? Anyway like I said at the start of this review you consistently want good films and shows go Korean whether its films like train to busan, parasite or the wailing or shows like Kingdom, All of us are dead, this show here all these shows and films are 9's or 10's everything's on point anyway u want consistently good entertainment go Korean or just wait for the next film or show to come out and do what the rest of us do.

Come on here check out the user reviews and see if it's good.

Anyway enjoy your entertainment however u like it but if enjoy good writing, carefully created characters that you can become invested in the just watch Korean entertainment.

Oh and one last thing this show was trully awesome.
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Napoleon (2023)
If only we'd got Gladiator Ridley Scott what a shame
11 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Now I should preface my title not by excusing Sir Richard Scott the man is a Knight of the realm after all a feat most of us on here could only ever hope to aspire to, but the first thing I had to do after watching this film was to watch Gladiator and check I wasn't going mad, well madder.

It's got the same director not 60 at the time of Gladiator a now spritely 84, his hands were severely tied by the films financiers as a lot of stuff Ridley wanted in certain battles more extras etc weren't made avaliable to him and so so much more the list is more extensive than the dialog. We'll get to that later oof.

The one thing which baffles me though is why on earth would you take someone of the calibre of Sir Ridley Scott and put so many restrictions and sanctions on him? Maybe it's a case of Ridley thinking well I've done it all got the t-shirt what have I got to prove I don't know, maybe the financiers weren't that confident in the films success and there penny pinching got too much I can only surmise. Its still annoying to think what we could have had and what we did get.

What I do know is the marketing for this film was almost as good as barbies. In the trailer I saw months ago watching John Wick 4 in the cinema I thought wow Ridley Scott, Joaquin Pheonix a film about Napoleon after I watched the trailer this film went on my list of films to see both on imdb and a personal one I keep for films, tv shows and anime/animation.

I was about 30 mins from the end of the film as its not a short film but I have an attention span if something keeps me engrossed and engaged then I'm all in but this film only did that in parts the cinematography was stunning its a Ridley Scott film that's never going away but the story the script ahh the dialog. The dialog in this film was painful there was no flow. If was asked to sum up this film using only one word it would be disjointed followed by a very close second and that is contrived.

The Epic battle scenes as seen in the trailer in the actual film were over as quickly as they begun, no time on masterful military maneuvers or close up fighting braveheart comes to mind. They were one and done. Historically and if a film is good I can let a bit of historical accuracy fall by the wayside but Napoleon at Waterloo had severe stomach or bowel cancer I believe yet he gets upon his horse and leads the charge huh ok right that looks good on screen we'll use that. The best part of the whole film was the scoped musket lmao really a scoped musket. Firstly the only known historical scoped rifle wasn't even made until years later and secondly in the film where Wellington says don't fire on that man upon pain of death or something very similar and then he shoots Napoleon's hat as he's escaping. This one scene summed up the entire film dumb and unnecessary.

Now back to the marketing the film was marketed as an epic Napoleonic warfare film. It was we all saw the trailer, that's what we expected. What we got was a love story between Napoleon and Josephine which I have no problem with whatsoever but don't tell me the car I'm buyings got 600 horses under the bonnet only to find out its a steam powered engine. Again I tip my hat to the marketing team very tricky strategy but also very annoying when u expect a fillet mignon and instead are served braising steak made for pies, pasties and stews. Very annoying no-one likes feeling duped and I did this film duped me with some marketing that didn't represent the final product. Leaves an awful taste in one's mouth.

Now we come to the performances technically there are only two main characters Napoleon and Josephine and I credit the actress Vanessa Kirby because even though she took up half the film. A bit weird for a marketed Napoleonic war film, yet makes perfect sense when u find out its actually a tragic love tale. Her performance was consistent and I think with the script she was given and the awful dialog in the film in general she stayed true to her character she didnt phone it in but i think she did the best with what she was given. Now we come to Commodus er excuse me Napoleon I was thinking if a much better performance where he was able to act. His performance was all over the place he goes from stoic to foot stomping moody to crying. Either Joaquin Pheonix has fallen off the wagon or he had no idea what he was doing and there's even insider reports that Pheonix went up to Scott and said how should I play this?

Now this is confirmed, it comes from someone who worked on the production and has a good track record so that is rather worrying where you're main star comes upto you and says boss I'm an Oscar nominated actor may have won an Oscar don't care there ratings are almost as low as disney plus's. But when an actor of his calibre and I do think he is a good actor (Not in this film) goes to a director of Ridleys calibre and essentially says boss I don't know what the frack I'm doing then yeah it shows and it showed heavily in his performance.

In Gladiator I got the essence of commodus his motive his traits and he portrayed him very well. In Napoleon good grief he didn't know up from down left from right it was just embarrassing to watch. We got no idea of Napoleon because he kept changing his hat and Pheonix wears a lot of hats in this film metaphorically speaking that is.

Over my life I must have sunk months maybe years into the combination of games, books, comics, films, tv shows, anime and animation so I'm no slouch to entertainment and yes taste is subjective but I think most cinefiles and most people know the difference between a good film and a bad film yes we all have our guilty pleasures mine actually being at the time the biggest financial flop in cinema history and thats waterworld but I'm a massive Kevin Costner fan and I enjoy the movie. Now don't get me wrong I understand it is not a good movie it's just like I said one of my guilty pleasures.

At the time that film had the tragic honour of biggest financial flop in cinema history but I'm pretty sure that title probably belongs to disney now it wouldn't surprise me especially with the eternals, ant man and seventeen quantum realms where it turns out Jonathan Majors is looking like a bigger villain than the character he portrayed. Dont even get me started with the quantum relams and the council of Kangs. Good god that film managed to destroy two epic Villains for the price of one.

But yet again disney keeps failing in spectacular fashion. If it was one franchise maybe two I'm not a believer of coincidences but anyone can make a bad film but when u destroy, star wars, indianna jones, willow, the predator, the marvel movie and comic book franchises. This isn't a conspiracy this is deliberate. You can only fail on a scale this big if its intentional. But have no fear coz I'm sure Robert Downy Juniors just waiting for that call.

But again don't worry coz we had the eternals oh wait that didn't make any money. We had ant man and the seventeen different quantums no that didn't make any money oh yes surely they're latest film the Marvels. No wait that's tracking to bomb too. How is this company not bankrupt yet. I would say that they're morally bankrupt but they've been like that for years.

Well it's no wonder why disney is in so much debt when they spend 25 million dollars per episode of she hulk and with all the new information coming to light about disneys improprieties as of late. What with the Jonathan Majors trial, their war with the governor of florida which cost them their tax exemption all the issues that have come out about reedy creek and dodgy payments yeah well the way I look at it disney have single handedly destroyed more franchises than Starbucks yeah I don't pity them and they've made their bed. If only their films where as interesting as their day to day running of their company but I digress.

If you hadn't guessed I'm not a big disney fan and I like many others are just waiting for the inevitable buyout.

Anyway if you're looking for a good Napoleonic film with plenty of well shot, gritty battles you can sink you're teeth into and stellar acting performances. Don't watch this one. I'm just hoping the french get even more hacked off than they already are and make a decent one.

We got a good Japanese Godzilla movie in minus one so anything can happen. Anyway if you made it this far I thank you. I hadn't panned on my review being so long and yeah I'm not gonna apologise for the disney rant especially when it's all true but yeah it doesn't pertain to Napoleon so again if you made it this far I thank you.

I hope you're all enjoying this festive time of the year and even for those that don't celebrate it I hope all of you and you're loved ones are safe and healthy. Stay blessed ta ta for now.
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Gladiator (2000)
The film Napoleon wishes it could have been.
11 December 2023
After recently watching Napoleon it's amazing how such an epic film such as Gladiator still almost 24 years on is as enthralling as it was the first time I watched it all those many years ago.

Over the years I've had this on dvd, blu ray and now 4k and no doubt if they ever update physical media again I'd purchase it again in a heartbeat.

I don't think, seeing as we now live in the digital steaming age where even paying for something with cash these days is a rarity they will update physical media again but it could happen.

What can I say about this film that hasn't already been said the acting, story, cinematography, direction, music its all flawless. This is one of those true gems of cinema that stands the test of time like the godfather 1 and 2, alien, alien's, the shawshank redemption, one flew over the cuckoo's nest, psycho, its a wonderful life and so so many more that have that special place reserved in history for film greatness True works of art one and all that resonated with us then and always will.

Obviously with the title I made I had to make a mention about Napoleon because it has the same actor, same director but yet comparing the two films is like trying to compare night and day and yes Ridley Scott is now 84, yes they were beholden to mandatory covid restrictions whilst filming Napoleon plus I recenlty learned that the films financiers held both the film and Ridley back and a lot didnt get into the film but I find it astounding how 2 fims that have so many similarities couldn't be further apart.

Maybe because of the state of modern day cinema Hollywood doesn't know how to budget because when u take a recent film such as Godzilla minus one with the small budget they made that with and the worldwide praise anf financial success its had. That whole film was made with less money than one episode of she hulk. That is a fact and I know which one I plan on watching coz it's got a monster init and he ain't twerking.

I'll save my rant for my Napoleon review but needless to say if Napoleon had only had the vision and the passion of fhis film I think I would have enjoyed it more. But like I said I'll leave that for my Napoleon review.

I do believe we will have more films like this. They just very rarely come from Hollywood anymore but I am hopeful for dune 2, but I pretty much focus on foreign cinema and shows these days moslty Korean and indie films because its very rare we get the good old Hollywood blockbusters anymore. But this year we've had John Wick 4, Openheimer and I believe top gun Maverick was this year too so maybe Hollywood's not dead yet but it certainly has more flops than it does successes.

Hope everyone's safe and healthy and everyone is having a festive time of the year or enjoying themselves if they don't celebrate Christmas. Keep safe everyone and tata for now.
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Blood Vessel (2019)
Support independent horror
12 November 2023
I had a blast with this film. I tried to find out the budget they had for the film but alas I couldn't find any. But personally I think with the small budget they had they did a fantastic job.

Yes we all know the story. Yes it's been done before and most likely will again and even though I suppose this could be classed as a b movie I still really enjoyed it.

The use of practical effects is a nice thing to see these days rather than cgi through the roof. Did I enjoy it as much as last voyage of the demeter no, but still it's still a well acted nice little indie film that I highly enjoyed and recommend.

If you're looking for amazing story or cgi or whatever tripe hollywoods churning out these days (with the exception of a small few Top Gun and John Wick 4 I'm looking at you) then this film probably isn't for you or won't hold your attention.

But if you want a well acted, well paced film with good practical effects and a claustrophobic feel then I'd say give it a watch and decide for yourself.

Horrors a funny genre because anything as someone also mentioned in their review horror wise on imdb with a rating of 4.5 or over is at least worth a watch but as an avid horror and film buff in general who's tired of superhero films and constant lame remakes at least this film tried to do its own thing and I respect that. I think it's definitely worth a watch if you like indie horror, low budget films or vampire flicks 7 stars.
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The Lair (2022)
Just like Cardiff on a Friday night
7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this film clearly there's a few reviewers on here that didn't, but what's not to like guns, action, explosions, monsters, aliens, Russian shenanigans and a funky backstory. This film doesn't take itself too seriously and there's definite fun to be had.

Clearly this film isn't gonna win any Oscar's anytime soon but a lot of fun decent films don't. To rate this film as 1 star just because it wasn't the descent is just daft imo. I've seen some 1 star films and this wasn't one of erm. Maybe I'm a bit generous sometimes with my scores, but did anyone actually see the 2nd to last Predator movie eeesh it was bad and I wouldn't even rate that as one star and that film was a stinker. The last one was a better step in the right direction tho

Yes this film has flaws, the actings a bit clanky in places, but at least its got a nice variety of characters, all with their own unique personalities that you remember and yes some of the guns sound a bit iffy. Not quite sure why tho but if you can look past these minor flaws this films a riot.

The cinematography is cracking with the desert playing a starring role, the music was not bad, had a sci fi catch to it.

My only real gripe I had was where the scene faded to black everytime the story changed or needed to progress and it wasn't subtle it was just like boom darkness but again I'm just nit-picking here, especially on a film that was made on a very tight budget.

The Welsh guy had me in stitches. Obviously some of our American and well most of our foreign cousin's probably needed subtitles for him but overall I thought it was a fun cheesy popcorn flick, definitely had that dog soldiers vibe to it which is always a good thing.

No this film was not the descent that film is a cult classic but I personally liked what Marshall did here considering he had I believe it was $200'000 dollars (but I could be wrong, the numbers are difficult to find and I spent half and hour looking) to make it and I would say its a groovy B movie which I enjoyed thoroughly.

Check it out for yourself and see if its to your liking too.

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Wow what an experience.
12 October 2022
All I can say is simply watch and enjoy this fantastically harrowing piece of history told through the medium of film. An amazingly well crafted movie that's practically blown me away. Absolutely breathtaking from start to finish, I couldn't take my eyes off the screen.

There's nothing in this film I can critique, acting, character development, music, pacing, cinematography, action scenes, everything's on point.

I've been enjoying Korean cinema for the past few years now and this one imo is not only a powerhouse, but a juggernaut too. You really feel for the characters , you become involved as to what's going to happen, who's going to make it and so on, which I think is what a brilliant film is all about.

I don't know how historically accurate the film is and it's certainly not a story I'm familiar with, but I'll definitely be doing some research and read up about this amazing Admiral and his heroic feats. Bravo Sir

I enjoyed every minute of this film, would gladly watch it again, recommend to friends and I'm now I'm off to watch the sequel. Watch and enjoy folks.
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The Ledge (2022)
Snakes in the Terrain
7 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Garbage film, awful acting.

Basic plot 4 toxic males come across 2 women climbers. They all have a few drinks. Lead toxic male forces himself on lone woman (after her friend left her drinking and doing drugs with 4 complete strangers) accidently (inverted comma) kills 1st girl climber, 2nd girl climber records it on a video camera, screams gives away her position.

Then chief toxic alpha male kills all of his best friends gets killed by girl with an assist from a snake the end and then all of a sudden turns into tom Cruis in MI2 and traverses the terrain the end . Booo

The most annoying thing about this film is it was recommended to me by Netflix after watching the Platform (a very good, visceral, trippy Spanish film) which I enjoyed immensely

Watch this film if you want. Personally I'd rather Mow the law in the pouring rain.
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Alone (V) (2020)
I love how so many of the low reviewers get this.
21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so this movie could have been outstanding and I honestly mean that if it wasn't for a few small details and it's those tiny little DETAILS (yes I'm already getting annoyed here) that make a film outstanding. Also I said a few. I lied there were a lot.

So what I like first

Killer seems scary, relentless and capable.

Lady doesn't do a bad job herself at playing the (damsel, victim whatever u wanna call her hostage, killers next meal) in distress.

She didn't reach for the gun. See this is clever because it probably would have been empty but maybe in this lazy god awfulness of stupidity, incompetents and very very lazy script writing who knows it was probably loaded. Even tho he tells her it's loaded. I got news for ya killers tend to lie and they don't play fair. This is why most people root for the victim.

Me personally I always root for the bad guys. Like a root in the foot oof. Spoiler there. Oh there's a lot of spoilers basically my entire review.

Location woods are always scary day or night so kool setting.

And finally the film wasn't pi55 poorly filmed (apart from a few tiny here's those details again you'll find them in the negatives and there's a lot of them)

What I don't like

Killer seems relentless scary and capable until he shows he's not, by making some very silly mistakes and classic schoolboy errors. Like opening his mouth. That mustache was bad enough does this guy really need to talk so much he was doing ok with short little bursts but when he starts goading her in the forest I was like naa too much. Lose the moustache and lose the voice as both are very annoying.

What self respecting killer doesn't properly immobilise his victims first? Has this guy never heard of rope and lots of duct tape seriously bruh cmon.

Self digging holes?? Is this 5hit the twilight zone?

He could have shot at her 1st. That old man was done for he'd just had a whooping. Even if he misses with the shot and hits a tree I don't care but again cmon now this 5hits just getting lazy.

What self respecting killer leaves the key in the lock?? SMH

As one of the other reviewers mentioned how is this guy everywhere? Is he the Predator? He always knows where this woman is. He's not shown any tracking skills, following a blood trail, night vision goggles, thermal imaging cams I could stop but I don't want too.

At one point I thought when the killer opens the boot of his car, a bloodhound or tracking dog, retriever I would have even taken a spaniel. Hell show me a poodle just gimme a dog to track her down do we get a dog watch the film you'll see. I'll save ya time no doggo.

When the car flips I know that car was headed for that tree, we all saw it, but tadaaa the wonder of film disappearing trees and self digging holes. Stil no dog btw.

The woman gets shot and and impaled by a root, never checks on her wounds. Not even once, clearly someone must have some wolverine mutant like healing capabilities. Why not? Oh magic foot healing boots. Right on. Completely illogical doesn't make any sense, but clearly the director was on a lot more than just cans of red bull before he came out of his trailer.

I can go on and I will No mud on the drivers seat or in the footwell or all over the car where she climbed to the boot or trunk for our American brethren. If you had just spent all night in a rainy forest and also submerged yourself in water twice, not only would your wounds start to get infected but if you mix water and soil together you get this wonderful invention called mud look it up its a real thing. Heck even get some water and soil together yourself and make your own.

Why leave your own phone in the car? Just why? It's almost like she could take your phone and call your wife and tell her your a murderer and I wish I was kidding but this actually happens in the film.

At this point I almost wanted the wife to be in on it like you get her honey you choke her good then at the end she visits the wife too. As amazing as that sounds it didn't happen.

This may seem like a long review and it is but I cannot stand a lazy film and this film is bone idle af.

Now I don't make films, but if I did and someone showed me the script for this I'd be like erm well I'd bring up everything above.

Look (unlike the makers of this movie I'm not stupid) I understand the girl needs to escape in order for the plot to develop but don't make it so easy. Ok key in the door, with the coat not an awful idea but instead replace that with the killer bringing in another girl or 2 or 3 make it so they can all collaborate and work together and bond and share a common enemy. They all get a bit beat up or tortured a bit and maybe then even as a twist. At the end you could find out that one of the extra girls was a plant. (Oh my) She was the killers daughter all along. She's missing a couple of digits but boom. Maybe even show some flashback scenes as to how she always knew where to go and how to escape. There I've literally already made this dumpster fire of a movie much better and something I would pay to own.

Like I said this film could have been outstanding but due to laziness and plot holes bigger than my (yeah I wish) no my book collection (over 500 and counting) I know when somethings good, medium, average, awful and sheer genius, plus this film had that indie vibe going for it, which I love in films. Some of the best films I've seen are indie films but taste is subjective I suppose but lazy script writing is not.

My advice and I've never given this advice on a review don't watch this film as it will leave you just as frustrated as me. The only reason it gets 2 stars is because I came up with a better film not only in my head but I've thrown a few ideas down here too so the film gets 1 star.

This review gets 3 stars 1 for awful film, 1 for my own time and 1 for my own ideas on how to improve so I award myself 2 stars this film 1 and may god have mercy on your soul if you rated it higher than a 3.

I've seen some 8's. Really queen? Did you star in this mess or you clearly like bad films. Like pretty much 90% of everything Phonywood, I mean Hollywood makes. Go indie or go home.

On the other hand if you like lazy script writing, mystifying feats of both human biology and nature self digging holes and making feet healing boots then watch away with your blissful ignorance.

TLDR Lazy script, lazy writing, lazy directing and feats of pure fantasy. I need me a pair of dem boots.

1 moustache out of 5 booooo.
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Well I was definitely rooting for the shark on this one.
15 August 2022
It certainly ain't no Jaws (although wot is when it comes to shark films:) The Shallows or any other decent shark films but if u like looking at kool pictures of great whites as most of us do then, watching shark films then there's some nice underwater shots.

Scenery is beautiful, not to say that the film is overly well shot coz it isn't and none of these ladies on gonna be winning any awards, personally to stick to the original reef I'd say.

But as always watch for yourself and form ur own appinion.
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The A Teams missing their van 😏
3 August 2022
Judging by the reviews this really seems to be quite a polarising film. I'm not sure what some of the lower scores would have wanted to see maybe seeing children getting tortured and then killed on screen perhaps I dunno?

But me I found this to be a rather enjoyable flick. Hawke is brilliant as the antagonist but it's really the child stars that shine in this film and make it all that more immersesble.

One reviewer did say that a bit of a depth and backstory could have been nice, but do we always need that? Sometimes you've just gotta take things at face value and enjoy them for what they are. That's my train of thought anyway.

Personally I'd class this more as a thriller rather than a horror and not having seen the trailer maybe they amped it upto 11 to make it more marketable and scary and coz honestly this movie wasn't scary.

But if you like slow burn films, sprinkled in with a bit of mysticism and the unknown, good storytelling and great acting I don't think u can go wrong with this one.

I don't watch many trailers for films and prefer to go in blind not knowing what's going to happen that way you're either gonna find a dud or a gem and I would put this film in the latter category.

Easily an 8 out of 10 from me. But don't just believe what I say watch it and decide for yourself 😎👍
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Resident Evil (2022)
I'd rather get eaten by a zombie
15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I feel so sorry for Lance Reddick. Reddicks an awesome actor imo, but this show is flaming hot garbage.

I watched 1 episode that's all I could stomach. So it seems like a teen drama where 2 girls keep talking about there feelings (definitely what i want out of my R rated zombie shows) One of thems an absolute brat the other one used to be a trouble maker but she's trying to be better. Ahh bless.

Anyway just throwing it out there but if I had 2 daughters that had a penchant for trouble and I was the top guy at my super secret job I might I dunno purchase a safe, put a lock on my door. Just 2 suggestions so my 2 trouble making daughters couldn't get their hands on my super top secret key card.

Naaa I'll just leave it on my bedside cabinet with my door unlocked. I'm not even sure if the door was open I don't care.

This is just within the 1st episode of this series. So the two trouble making teens make trouble, steal the key card. Use flashlights and a recording of their dad's voice to get into this super top secure building, genius.

No biometrics, no security guard as a matter of fact not a single security guard at all not 1. The last time I saw something this dumb someone stepped on a rake and at least that was funny.

Anyway u can pretty much guess what happens next they use daddy's key card because one of the girls saw where some bunnies went and bunnies are cute and shouldn't be tested on and went down earlier in a lift and they let a zombie dog loose there's a lame chase scene one of the girls gets bitten.

Stil no security guards with guns and riot shields. The alarms work fine tho 👍

Seriously this show is so dumb.

Then one of the daughters (fast forward to the future) takes a death defying dive off a platform where everyone around her is getting shot by umbrella and oh how convenient a white van.

Someone around must be moving house right in the middle of the night, right in the middle of a heard full of zombie's yeah why not?? Lands square on top of it with minimal to no iinjuries at all has a moment and gets up running GTFO.

If u want a decent zombie show I've got 2 for you there both on Netflix, there both Korean. Ones Kingdom and the others All Of Us Are Dead.

Watch those don't watch this crap.
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The Overnight (2022)
I actually thought it was alright
6 June 2022
Look I think we all know this films not gonna win any major awards but I like the storytelling, which kept me entertained for the films entire duration.

The only negative I would say is some of the acting but unless your casting Tom Hardy or Leo Decaprio in every film then your not gonna get thespians to admire and adore their craft.

Go into the film expecting nothing. You won't be disappointed and you might even enjoy it. Have fun.
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Sweet Girl (2021)
Yet another rubbish Dolby Atmos film netflix ahhhhhhhhhh
24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Story was good up until the twist and that whole fight in the fountain was just laughable. A highly trained.highly skilled hitman gets bested by a world class assassin. I was like naaaaaaaa. Another mary sue with basic training winning the day

Might tickle some people's fancies but not mine. Only reason it got 4 stars is momoas acting for a change and the fact that up until the stupid twist I was actually quite enjoying it, but it's 2021 and men aren't allowed to outshine women anymore. Huge disappointment.
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Kate (I) (2021)
All I want is a good fashioned car chase
22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Instead we get 2 minutes if that of some god awful cgi car chase and then she totals it smh. The stories basically crank but not as much fun.

You wanna see a decent female assassin film watch Colombiana or the Killl Bill films. Only reason this film gets 4 stars is coz of woody harleson and the beautiful Japan setting.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
This is a 1 season show in my opinion.
14 September 2021
My rating is solely based on the first season which I would give a solid 8.8

It's absolutely fantastic and if u can watch it on 4k with dolby atmos sound even better. The visuals, the story the characters everything's just awesome.

The remaining seasons I'm not even going to recognise because there that bad, so enjoy the 1st season and call it a day there. Enjoy a fantastic season of television and escapism and forgot about the awful seasons that follow.
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A female lead worth watching
11 September 2021
Don't get me wrong there are plenty of talented actresses out there but it seems as of late that hollywood seems to put there female leads on a pedestal high above their male Co stars and very often at their expense. This film does not do that and as hard as I can appreciate the subject matter must've been quite difficult to watch or even hear of a film like this for certain individuals, one thing not to forget is that this is a movie not a documentary and it is meant for entertainment purposes only.

Just because a film might show dismestic abuse, scenes of suicide or other difficult subjects does not mean that we should not stil allow them to exist. Living in Britain we don't have many mass school shootings but there have been some very well known ones and already having read some of the views I definitely believe this film is is going to divide the crowd.

Personally I thoroughly enjoyed this film throughout for what it was a film. I thought the pacing was excellent, the lead actress Isabel May was fantastic and yeah there's a few die hard references in there too for you old movie buffs. It's a shame to see Thomas Jane and Rhada Mitchell given only minor roles here seeing as I rate them both as talented professionals but like I said earlier I thought the stand out role has to go to our heroine and the main villain played his part nicely too.

I thought it was also quite refreshing to see that there was no mention of neo nazis or white supremacists in this movie it was just nice to watch an action packed film with a unsettling story for some just play out over its 1 hour and 44 minute run time.

Reading some reviews on here it baffles me why some people have seem to bash this film without giving an explanation as to why they didn't enjoy it but I spose in the world of twitter and facebook this old man just doesn't understand why people take life so seriously and can't be a bit happier and more thankfull for what they have but that's just me.

This is definitely not one for the kids to watch parents so bare that in mind but if you can put your ideologies and prejudices aside for the films run time and just enjoy it for what it is I think a lot of people are gonna have a blast with this film.

I haven't bothered (and never do) to look at critic reviews coz let's face it most of them or either so far out of touch with reality or just bought and payed for shills by the film companies but as always I end my reviews by saying that taste is subjective. Don't just take my word for it watch and decide for yourself and see what you think.

Hope as many of you are keeping as safe as you possibly can in these difficult times and be kind to yourself and to others xx.
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The user reviews confuse me???
12 July 2021
This film is called the last days of American Crime.

It's definitely got an orwlellian nanny state feel to it.

It's got gun fights, explosions, car chases and enough action to satisfy even the hardened action junkie.

The actors all played their parts well. I honestly really enjoyed this film. Yeah it was a bit too long, I can see why the love interest seemed a bit too much for some but. It's called the last days of American crime and for me this film delivered.

It's got atmos sound which sounds awesome too give it a watch make up your own mind.
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The Crew (2015)
Fun little French gangster flick
25 June 2021
Wasn't really too sure what to expect with this film.

But i really enjoyed it. It clocks in at only 1 hour 20 minutes and I throughly enjoyed every second of it.

There's reviews on here saying there's no ending and it's a Heat rip-off but most every heist robbery story can be labelled with this tag and I thought the film ended perfectly. What more did we need to know lol.

If you like exciting high octane films give it a go.
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Dumb ass zombie flick
1 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you can turn off the rational part of ur brain then it's a cheesy popcorn flick I suppose. There are some enormous glaring plot holes like at the start when the Aplha gets released the commanding officer acts like a 14 year old stoner, takes all the time in the world to relay the urgent message to his team team then should have evacuated everyone into all the remaining working military vehicles and High tailed it.

But alas his team moves towards the open cage (after a couple of honeymooners crash head on into the lead vehicle) For some bizarre reason he grabs his only remaining soldier from a fully functioning military vehicle and climbs up a bank and thinks yea we've lost it after this monster has just eviserated his entire crew.

Why not get back in your working vehicle drive away and have the alpha zombie chase them and track them down? At least that would have been believable but na we'll climb a bank and jump over it and hope Alpha zombie doesn't get us.

Look I'm not expecting perfection from a zombie flick but at least don't treat the viewer like a complete idiot. I'm not expecting black hawk down or anything like that but cmon this sets the pace for the entire film. Then we get zombie tigers and later we see Zombie Alpha riding a zombie horse. Wtf?? Why?? Like I said turn that brain off nothing makes sense.

I ain't gonna spoil the entire film coz that's not fair but I find it highly ironic that the productionn company is called Stones Quarry because this film is dumber than a bag of rocks

Dave Batista has a moment with his wife and daughter watching on and it's nice to see him show a but more emotional range it's actually quite a well done scene imo. But I'm a bit baised being a massive Batista fan.

The rest of the film is try with no plan and try to get the money.

Personally imo u wanna good zombie film watch train to busan and its sequel peninsula. 28 days and 28 weeks later these are all brilliant zombie films.

If like me you love your Atmos sound watch wheelman and the highwayman. Again amazing films with the added bonus of atmos on Netflix. Even the atmos sound couldn't save this film for me. 5/10 is my score and that's only coz I'm a Dave Batista fan if he wasn't init then probably a 4. I'm loving atmos films and shows on Netflix like Peaky Blinders, Top Boy, Daredevil and Extraction just name a film. Watch this film tho make up your own mind but didn't cut the mustard for me.

TLDR - Generic zombie flick no real back stories except Batista . So for most of the main characters it's a bit difficult for me to invest in them. Decent gore and tons of action to get them speakers working film looks nice and has atmos sound which is a big plus.
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Deadwood: The Movie (2019 TV Movie)
A brilliant send off for a sensational show.
10 May 2021
Fantastic film. Especially since we all thought we'd never get to see it. Just goes to show the customers always right and if the demands there then give the paying customer what it wants and boy did we get it. Like my title says An awesome send off for an awesome series.

Personally I would have liked a bit more of a bloodbath amd carnage but maybe that's the horror fan in me. Seeing as the film was set 10 year's after the show its very subtlety done and gradually builds to its inevitable climax, excellently made as was the show.

Loved the show loved the film big thanks to HBO for making this happen.
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Deadwood (2004– )
The Perfect Western Series
10 May 2021
I've just finished this show for the third time since it's original release plus the film (we all wanted and needed) to top it all off and as a huge western enthusiast I can't fault this show. I really can't.

The casting, the acting, the language and dialogue the story and sub plots. Honestly Ian McShane and Timothy Olyphant steal the show but don't let that take anything away from all of the other casts performances. Wardrobe and weaponry stage design all the attention to detail make this the perfect show for me personally. If u enjoy westerns this is an absolute must watch.

But what are you doing here reading my review go watch this masterful peice of storytelling and judge for yourself. Strap yourself in and binge away. All I can say is thank you to everyone involved in this fantastic show for making it one of if not my personal favourite.

TLDR The best western show ever made imho. Enjoy.
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