
10 Reviews
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Still a charming couple
17 January 2024
A lot of times when these movies end it leaves us with a feeling of wanting to know what happens next. In this case, we get to see what happens next with Theo and Kim! 2022's "Destined at Christmas" was an unexpected gem and I'm glad GAC decided to give us a sequel.

Now, is the sequel just as good as the original? Well, no, but it IS enjoyable and worthwhile. In this movie, we already have an established couple so we don't get the same dramatic plot points as a couple who's just getting to know each other. The main plot line here is Theo finding the right time to ask Kim to marry him. The two leads still have great chemistry and if you enjoyed the first movie definitely check this one out as well!
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Destined at Christmas (2022 TV Movie)
Black Friday Meet Cute
17 January 2024
I wasn't familiar with either of the two leads but they both did a fine job. They had good chemistry right off the bat and that ends up being VERY important because they spend a big chunk of the movie apart. They keep trying to locate each other and there's mishaps where they keep missing each other. It would be extremely frustrating except for the fact that we did see cute scenes of them at the beginning and saw their chemistry that makes us root for the couple.

Even though I watch a lot of these made-for-tv movies, this plot was new to me so it kept me engaged and I couldn't wait to find out what happened next. When the movie ended I immediately wanted to rewatch it- it's that good. It's cute and fun and I definitely recommend it.
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An Unexpected Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
Fun and funny! Highly recommend!
16 January 2024
Tyler Haynes and Bethany Joy Lenz have a very natural chemistry and they great in this movie. The story starts off differently in that the leads were already a couple, but they had just broken up. They end up pretending to still be together and we can see why they were together in the first place; they are wonderful together. They are a playful couple who clearly loves each other so we get to enjoy their banter for most of the movie. There is a lot of funny moments that are actually funny, not just the same typical tropes. Tyler Haynes is effortlessly funny and this role is no exception. I've seen Bethany Joy in other movies before, but I've never seen her have such great chemistry with a costar as she does with Tyler

The entire move was good and I LOVED how when he's chasing after her at the end of the movie the whole family comes along in the mini van! Lol.
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Winter in Vail (2020 TV Movie)
This one is a winner
16 January 2024
Lacey Chabert and Tyler Haynes is the pairing I didn't know we needed, but I'm glad hallmark did. They are wonderful together! They have a lot of chemistry and it was evident right off the bat. A lot of times when they have the leads bickering in these movies it's overacted, but Tyler and Lacey were great and it came across natural and genuine. We got to see their relationship evolve from complete strangers to something more and that was great because a lot of times it's either love at first sight or a rushed pairing at the end. This story developed nicely though and even though the story was predictable, it's a plot I had not seen before and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

All the network are now including a black best friend/assistant to the lead character, I suppose to check off some diversity requirement. That's fine and dandy, but Vienna's wig was awful. Completely atrocious. I couldn't focus on anything else besides her wig whenever she was on screen. Don't use actors that need wigs if you don't have the budget for them. Anyway, back to the character. She was a crappy friend. What kind of best friend breaks up a slow dance between said best friend and a hunk?! She could have waited two minutes. That was my only issue with this movie (which is really a non-issue because I plan on rewatching this film in the future)
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Zero character development
16 January 2024
The lead female has held on to a grudge for TEN YEARS because of a misunderstanding- she just assumed her really good friend stole her job (for no reason, just assumptions). Apparently she didn't learn anything because she overheard a part of a conversation and again just assumes and refuses to hear otherwise. When there's a whiny character you expect to see some kind of change, but not here

The "angel" was completely unnecessary. He didn't do anything? What was the purpose? He could have been replaced by any regular receptionist that gives advice. Freezing the entire town to just LOOK at them was completely unnecessary and frankly plain weird

I was bored most of the time.. it wasn't an interesting plot. I won't be watching this again.
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Twinkle All the Way (2019 TV Movie)
Cute movie
14 January 2024
I love Sarah Drew and she didn't disappoint. Ryan Mcpartlin also played the role of the goofy single dad well. My favorite was Ruthie, the six year old girl. What an adorable little actress! She looks just like a doll and played the role very well

I know some people were bothered by the gay couple but honestly they were not a main part of the story at all. They were on screen for just a few minutes total. If seeing that bothers you just fast forward a couple of minutes and you will literally not miss anything of importance. There's no need to demonize the entire movie for such small details. The overall movie was cute and enjoyable.
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A Magical Christmas Village (2022 TV Movie)
It's so boring I couldn't even watch
14 January 2024
I don't even know what the main plot of this movie is supposed to be because I can't pay attention. It's so boring. There's nothing to keep us interested in the story line. It pains me to rate a Luke McFarlane movie so low, but I have to be honest here. If he wasn't in this movie I would rate it a zero. I love Luke McFarlane and always love his movies so I was fully expecting to enjoy this movie. I was wrong. It was underwhelming. Luke was radiant and charming as always so 10/10 for his part.

I didn't think the two leads had any chemistry so I couldn't get into the story. Before this I thought Luke would have chemistry with absolutely anyone, but apparently not. I looked up their ages and they're only 4 years apart, but any time they were on screen together I kept thinking that she seems too old for him

Now for the elephant in the room- Marlo Thomas' nose (or lack thereof). The woman CLEARLY had multiple botched surgeries. It looks so bad and distracts from anything the character is saying or doing. I suppose the actress was to appeal to nostalgia, but I had never heard of her before so to me she was just a creepy looking lady. Look, I don't want to judge someone by their looks, but her face is NOT natural. The movie could have been a lot better if they choose another actress that could pull off the "quirky grandma" character.
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A Tale of Two Christmases (2022 TV Movie)
It's better the 2nd time around
11 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I watched it I spent too much time trying to figure out what timeline she was in so I felt the movie was just "meh". The next time I watched it I decided not to focus on trying to figure out the timelines and just follow the stories- it was a lot more enjoyable this way. After watching it the second time I thought it was a cute movie

In the end, the real story line (what actually happened) is that she stayed in Chicago and went to the lawyer's party. So the timeline with Drew was a dream. We didn't find out anything about the lawyer that made him unlikeable so it seemed strange that she decides she's in love with Drew.. but I'll accept it. At least she's not moving home to work in a farm (typical Hallmark-esque) but is instead going to start her own business. Good for her. I liked the lead actress and hope to see her in more movies in the future.
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Never Been Chris'd (2023 TV Movie)
I kind of hate it
7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure how I feel about this one. I kind of hate it. Probably wouldn't watch it again. I think Liz got screwed over. She's the one who passed on going to her dream school, built the entire company, gave her friend half of it, and she's the one who ends up alone! Why doesn't she get a love interest? I thought Naomi was an annoying character the entire movie and she's the one who ends up with the hunky guy?! There was no chemistry between the two so the conclusion was a dud.

All of the supporting characters were also terrible. It's a group of people who peaked in high school and can't get over how cool they were in high school. None of them ever left their hometown and regularly meet up to talk about their glory high school days. Yawn.
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Crown Prince of Christmas (2022 TV Movie)
Same plot with worse actors
2 January 2024
This was awful. The plot was entirely predictable and the two leads had no chemistry. I was distracted by the female lead's yellow teeth and her makeup was so awful it made me not want to look at the screen. The women playing her mom and sisters are truly awful actresses and their scenes were so bad and cringy it have me secondhand embarrassment.

If the movie is about a royal family, I expect the sets to reflect that. Apparently there was no budget for the decor because the fancy gala looked like a middle school dance with dollar store decorations. Hallmark would never.

And finally, there was so much emphasis on the lead being a breathtaking singer and we were supposed to be blown away with her big performance, but it fell flat. Her voice was neither good nor bad, but they should have had an actress with a GREAT voice considering we were supposed to be in awe of the voice.
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