
3 Reviews
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Highlander: Dramatic License (1996)
Season 5, Episode 5
Great fun!
21 August 2021
One of my favourite episodes - filled with humour and cheesy romance. And great chemistry between all the characters!
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Carnival Eats (2014– )
Fun show!
31 August 2019
Kinda fun 20-minute-episode show with lots of weird - mostly unhealthy - things to eat; it's almost all about sugar, deep fried, fatty stuff! It's a food culture very different from my own, so it's pretty exotic but I have to say I'd really like to try lots of the food displayed. :)

The only thing I really dislike about the show's character, is the over-the-top host. I wouldn't like it if he were the opposite either because this show do need an energetic host, but he's just overdoing it to the point where you notice him more than the food itself! If he could just tone it down a bit, he would be perfect!
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Enjoyed it, but never really got to that wow-feeling.
5 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Started out pretty slow. Not necessarily a bad thing though, I actually kind of liked the first hour the best; the story was starting to building up, you got a small introduction of the villains (but not enough, imo); had a really nice outer space scene, with a little taste of what to come. Or so I was hoping anyway!

After the first hour, it started to get going with some more action, some more display of Jean's strength here and there. Power-struggle with the villain of course.. But it never really got to the point where I felt like "WOOAH, breathtaking", you know? It just felt kinda flat. Somehow I just liked Famke Jansen's take on Phoenix much better; sure, the special effects in Dark Phoenix where much better than Last stand - but I felt that Famke as an actress exuded so much more power even with much simpler special effects, than Sophie. So much more charisma, more terrifying! I don't feel Sophie could quite live up to that. I still like her as Jean in other aspects though. But not enough as Phoenix.

The movie overall is still worth a movie ticket though. It was enjoyable. Sometimes a second viewing can give you another point of view, so I'll definitely watch it again when it comes out on bluray!
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