
6 Reviews
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So Much Fun & Gave Many Laughs
19 December 2019
This is a comedy, not a horror, not even a horror comedy. It's a darn good comedy at that, even if some select people may think it's a bit twisted but no one will see this as any sort of exploitation thing in any way nor anything horror about this one.

First I must point out that my favorite line in this movie was when it was said, I sure hope there will be enough people left to eat the people. That one line had me rolling. Maybe you will need to see it said in context of why it was said and how it was said to find the humor in it.

Anyway, I had waited to be able to see this movie for literally years and didn't really know what to expect after all this time. While excited for finally getting a chance to watch, was worried too that at best I made it out to be something far more enjoyable than it would turn out to be. Well, turns out that it did not disappoint other than for my personal tastes it would have been nice to see more blood & gore and to have seen more of the violent parts in the killing & butchering scenes as it's rather tame on the violence & blood and IMO, no real gore as I think of gore though in a few brief spots, some people that don't like such at all may claim different.

The many ingredients which make up this film (including those few I just mentioned I wished showed more) were mixed in nicely, at amounts only needed to make the film be a nice one piece whole of something special and not another clone of what you have seen dozens of times from other movies. There was nothing just shoved in like many film makers do in a movie like this would be tempted to do nor anything done in excess. This kept the movie being it's own thing that felt unique in a sea of clones that are often overall boring or you feel you have seen such like them too many times now. It also never felt like it was trying to be one thing, with at times, parts of it being something else as many other movies turn out being (big and small movies).

The movie has plenty of violent scenes but it's in a way that doesn't come off as feeling as such and it's delivered/shown in a tongue & cheek way (for lack of better way to describe it), nothing dark or scary about it. It doesn't try to scare you or make you squeamish, actually seems to make sure to avoid being scary and is obvious it's not trying to be a squeamish film to watch. It tries to make such things just fun & even humorous at times to behold. Do know though that there is a decent amount of violence that takes place even though it is in a fun filled way. If you are used to brutal & violent films, this will seem like just a great fun time that's full of humor only and if you are not used to such, you will still think of it as merely comedy though maybe a twisted one. Much of what happens here would sound as if it was a sick, brutal scary film if I told spoilers of many things instead of just letting you see it yourself to realize that is far from reality.

In case you couldn't tell, this is not a big budget film, not even close and I see they used this to it's advantage in many aspects and it never tries to take it'self serious nor try to do what would be come across as awkward, cheap in a bad way or just flat out fail on such a budget. It knows it's a campy film that meant for silly fun on a budget and plays into that to for a strength, making it even more unlike so many other movies and just flat out fun from start to finish.

The look of the movie right away will have you thinking it's showing footage from long ago on old film that's a flashback (not that faux grindhouse look either). It keeps this look to the end and the film they made followed this look, made sure things on screen shown & heard matched that old look, which does a lot to make this film much more attention grabbing & holding it and overall being a big part of this movie's charm. Oh and I can't forget the soundtrack, it's great and fits perfectly in every place it plays. Some of the music I would even enjoy just playing on my stereo.

Run time may seem a little long but I was so drawn in that it felt like the time had flew by when it was over and these days, that's less often how it goes when I put in a movie. I also didn't want it to end yet but it did end properly and put in two little things at the end to show that they want to make a sequel, if they haven't already started on it.

So with all that above said, do realize this isn't a great movie by any stretch nor anything ground breaking but they sure made it a heck of a lot of fun, a really good time here in my opinion and it seems that was the aim, to focus more on making sure you had a lot of fun. That seemed to be more the goal than doing anything else with it. In this way and a few other ways, I could see the people that made this film know well what they wanted to make and how to achieve what they wanted to do well. Love it or hate it, most will be hard pressed to say they've seen many just like it or maybe, any just like it and that alone makes it worth checking out in my opinion.
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Teratomorph (2019)
Infected Evolutionary Dominance
10 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First paragraph, minor spoilers.

Whoa, dude had his face bitten off by the viral-mutated alien creature, leaving a sick looking cavity on his shoulders. That's one thought from one scene that flew across my mind with excitement in this movie. There were many more, such as a child with an eaten up flesh infected wrist that he takes a hand saw to while an old cartoon on TV plays but yet when finished with the saw... and, well, the thoughts that flashed across my mind upon seeing all of that!

Lots of cool, sick and creepy things to see in Teretomorph. Nasty gooey glowing yellow-green stuff, stop animation, puppetry work, gore, cool creatures, mutations and huge spiders are just some of the things you will see in this movie. All this is thanks to "Eon Corp." playing around with alien DNA & spiders from a post war with aliens, creating something called Havoc Virus to do experiments with. It's like the shenanigans from Umbrella Corp. of Resident Evil and it's after effects on film in full force grotesqueness.

This movie is a sequel to South Mill District. You don't need to see South Mill District to enjoy and understand what's going on in this movie though it does make it more enjoyable if you have seen it first. South Mill District makes for a good introduction, which seems like it would make for a good series of short film episodes. This one is not just more of the same from the previous one, which would have been fine, there are improvements in Teratomorph, along with even more of the nastiness you wish to see in a movie of this type.

This indy movie called Teratomorph may not be perfect but it's sick, creepy and just highly enjoyable all around plus quite different than what you usually get to see from movies today. I'd definitely tune into something like this every week and I hate TV. I highly recommend seeing Teratomorph!, the 80's child in me yells out with excitement.
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A movie that actually matches and lives up to the (uncensored) trailer
3 October 2018
First let me say, I DO NOT know any person affiliated with this film. Just finding out about it was by chance. So don't let my current South Carolina location fool you into thinking I'm supporting a buddy or buddies affiliated with this movie somehow. With that said...

This is quite a good movie if you like indie movies & exploitation films, especially one that at times seems like it could have been a lost gem from 30 or so years ago, though it's actually a new movie. The movie being one that was made in South Carolina, USA (Inman & Columbia) shocks the heck out of me after now having watched it twice. There is no CGI, at least not that I could see though if paused, there is one scene I noticed they erased digitally some small thing out of the picture. Good luck finding that though, it seems to be in one frame only in something that happened fast.

Here's a warning for some and for others, a heads up for more reason to give this watching. It has a good bit of nudity and it's full frontal at that at times (male & female too), there's a good bit of blood & also some gore scenes that are sick, some extreme deaths (I thought WOW on some), "drugs" and seeing young people not only doing "drugs" but doing what young people do when out having wild fun, some wacky religious freaks appear and become rather unpleasant to others and there is a strangeness at times in the sense like you get in the Japanese House movie but different (trippy, odd sort of thing at many times, hard to explain).

This had a small budget but one where they got creative with what they had and knew how to stretch a dollar but do keep in mind this is the director's first time trying to make a movie (a newbie at this though hard to tell when watching). Anyway, so this is not always perfect but most flaws are small things and/or fits with the look anyway (only 2 or 3 things really jumped out at me at first), so the small flaws that do exist usually work with it's style it went for and could even bed excused as purpose for most of them.

I've watched this twice in the last few days and I've had more fun with it than I have any big mainstream movie in quite some time. If nothing else, it's a great weekend fun flick.

You get some good extras though for me, the bloopers reel ruins a part in one of the deleted scenes I enjoyed a good bit though the blooper reel in of itself was enjoyable. You get that reel, 2 deleted scenes, the two songs played from the "live performances" see/heard in the movie but in full with watching them act it out as was in the movie though I don't quite get why the video footage for the one song was made to look so terrible (on purpose) and small. I guess to imitate a bootleg look. You the trailer for this and also for the Teenage Caligula trailer that was made just to get support for making Theta Girl and also you get commentary on how they made such a film like this with so little money & knowledge in a effort to help you do the same.

My least favorite part of the movie was what they used for the drug in the film and that's a small gripe to be the least favorite thing. Go to YouTube and see the uncensored trailer. It's just like that but more and the movie lives up to what you see in it and has the exact same look.
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Immature, absurd, ridiculous, hilarious dirty fun of an adult comedy for us men.
21 March 2018
If outrageous dirty comical fun that's full of ridiculous antics, tons of dirty innuendos, immature dirty humor, the scrotum made into aliens chasing some not so smart & hilarious women through the galaxy that happen to land upon the "alien planet" Earth, a rocking soundtrack and hot smoking women (with a healthy dose of T&A) sounds like he making of a good time, strap yourself in for this movie. It's a ride you won't want to get off.

I laughed so much at this Spaceballs sort of film for adult men movie (but not a Star Wars parody). I have laughed so very hard and still am laughing as I type. I've laughed at this more than a film has made me laugh in a looong time and it's fun and it's sexy!

If you are a guy, you gotta at least rent this (I GOTTA OWN THIS!, my viewing is currently only a rental). This movie is NOT a porn, not even softcore porn despite that it seems like it would be at first glance. It's straight up adult comedy aimed at men, well, many of us men and you don't get a chance to stop some of your laughs before others are piled on.

The trailer doesn't do this justice, not even close but I suppose to do that would kill the experience of your first unexpecting watch of it. Often a trailer for a movie hypes you up for the movie but leaves you so disappointed after watching the movie but this, this is the opposite of that. I wasn't expecting much after what I read and saw in the trailer but after just 10 minutes of viewing I was already like, I can't believe what I am seeing and I LOVE IT!

The only thing that could add to how much fun this is, how hilarious it is, for me anyway, would be watching Beavis & Butthead view it. Just the thought of that kills me, just like the pissing scene did in this movie as that scene had me in stitches & losing my breath in immense laughter. This is on that level of humor too (Beavis & Butthead) but much sexier and much more adult comedy type.

I'm not quite at the end of the movie yet but I needed a moment to catch my breath, so I'm doing this review while I do so. Even if the rest of what's left for me to see for some reason sucked, I'd still give it 10 stars just for all I have seen thus far though I have a very hard time seeing this doing anything but getting better as I finish my viewing.

While there's A LOT of nice T&A in this to see, that's not the strength of the film nor what it relies on, just as the rocking soundtrack isn't either but both help make the experience a great one. The humor is what makes this so great and the other pleasant things are just delicious sweet icing on this cake. The ridiculous dialogue will be immature stupid to uptight people, same with the silly antics but it's this absurdity of it all that is the real strength of the film, which will make you love it (or hate if you are one of those types). This is the far, far, far opposite of a classy film and I love it for that because it does it so hilariously well.
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It's so teasing but in a most excellent way.
29 November 2017
Loved this 3 minute morbid, blasphemous short film from Sodom & Chimera Productions. It leaves me wanting to see more of what they can do, a lot more. It's extreme but without using violence & gore to be so. Religious people be warned, you will probably hate it.

Be sure to see the description they put with it on Vimeo, where it's currently free to watch.
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Far cry from the type of movie to woo the critics but IT'S SO MUCH FUN!
20 November 2017
The movie starts off with a little bit of character development, to give some more story to the insanity that will be following. Expect a major shift a little ways in, some very good times to start when it reaches the point in the movie where it starts to deliver the goods at about a half hour or so in. Oh the glorious insanity & fun that comes up soon after (w/a lot creative ways to deliver the loads of blood & gore). This movie also fills your screen with full on frontal nudity from both men & women though it's nothing sexual happening, just people playing the part of nude cult members except one woman that gets, uhm, eaten, lol. It has a fun plot that this revolves around. The plot plays on a connection of drug use & drug dealing that's tied to an evil religious plot from the villain. This movie dips into a little blaxploitation and gets into a bit of religious exploitation you could say but not to be confused with being a blasphemous film though, darn it, lol. But hey, you get to see a woman with demonic horns for nipples. ;)

Many people will notice influences from various past films, so much so that it will feel like it's giving a nod to a lot of other good films that came before it but yet, remains to do it's own thing and not lose it's creativity while showing it's influences and/or nods.

The gore in this is spectacular and off the charts, just wild, creative, insane and over the top fun. I can't stress that enough. Often you will have your screen filled with "disgusting" scenes but so entertaining/humorous that you can't look away and will be wondering "what the heck is this going to throw at me next" on screen. A lot of the story and things I could describe would sound dark and morbid but it's actually more comic book like, really over the top and far from seeming like something dark & morbid though there's a hint of such in some scenes of some darker elements but nothing too long lasting or deep in that way. And that ending, that's probably the most dark/morbid part of the whole movie and you won't be expecting to see that when it comes but I don't want to say more to spoil anything. It's just off the charts as well but a bit in a different way than how the film had been.

Some example hints of what you will see in the gore dept here include a full on nude woman being eaten out, in both meanings of that saying. Another is when they pull a part of man's a** insides out through his a**hole and it's humorously sick to see. Another involves what I think was a sanding machine and another is a Gwar looking birth scene that's disgustingly fun and what happens after the birth is something a movie will rarely do due to being too much taboo for a film maker wanting to get into. I can only think of a couple films off hand that many people may have heard of that such a taboo thing wasn't shied away from.

Another thing worth a mention (especially because of the title) is that this movie uses some different neon color tones of lighting in some scenes that add more flavor to this. There's also some computerized effects used as well but only briefly in a couple scenes it seems. Don't worry, such is minimal compared to all the practical effects and it truly does add to the experience where used. You won't see much of that though except for the KILLER ending where it does use such more heavily but you will be happy they did so when you see that ending.

Oh and the movie has a few black actors, something I felt was nice to see in this type of film. I truly found that to be enjoyable (having at least a few black actors), especially with so many all white meat gore movies that are pouring out. Those actors did a good job in their roles too and added another level of entertainment to this. A couple of actors I didn't care for their performances and of course some people did way better than others and the one guy was great with his role.

Get with some buddies, light up the green stuff, pop open a beer, shoot up some "Neon Purple" into those veins ;) and have a good time with Dreaming Neon Purple. Even if you don't do any of that stuff and heck, the Neon Purple isn't even a real life thing, you are still in for a fun, wild ride. Now how that drug is made in the movie, that is quite an interesting concept. I wouldn't be shocked if some religious nut thought that stuff could be real just like some think the earth is flat, lol.
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