
2 Reviews
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Point of Honor (2015 TV Movie)
fresh new take on a very old story of brother fighting brother.
29 January 2015
Set in the South at the beginning of the Civil War. sets are good, acting top notch, the idea of fighting for ones beliefs, whether they conform to those around you or not is a classic idea, but I've never seen it done this way before. The situation provides for multiple conflicts, along a variety of issues within one family trying to keep their place in Southern Society, fighting for the Southern states rights while embracing the ideals of all men created equal in itself would be enough conflict, but with the addition of an in-law being on the other side makes for even more tension and drama. just going to say: if they only continue on with one of the Amazon Prime's new shows, I hope it is this one.
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Could have been great, but just OK..
2 August 2005
I was very disappointed,, for me it really didn't live up to the hype, or the impact of the original movie or radio broadcast.

the special effects were fantastic, and the idea of a different point of view than the scientists and military who were trying to take out the aliens was good. This movie skirted the edge of greatness, but kept the viewer well on the mundane side of the greatness fence just peering in.

Had some of the drawn out scenes been cut down, added in the original story lines about the scientists and the military, follow the line of the son after he left with the army, and then tie them all together at the end with the reunion. This could have been a great 3 hour epic, maybe even and multi movie epic like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings,, but as it is, just a 6
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