
12 Reviews
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The Changeling (2023– )
Interesting so far but getting their timelines off
9 September 2023
So far pretty good. Very mysterious will get you hooked. But weird how they deal with their timelines. How is Apollo born in 1977 so that makes him 46 now but he doesn't remotely look like he's in his 40s and neither does his leading lady. Also in the present why do they wear 70s clothes? I mean it's probably something you can ignore but considering they keep going back and forth different times (70s 80s 90s and present) you would think they'd keep the look different cuz otherwise it stands out. Also the bubbly cute cool girl is such an annoying trope. If you can get past that I guess it's ok. And in the year 2023 why are movies like this still portraying a guy who keeps pursuing after numerous No from a woman still being shown as romantic. That too stands out and its pretty ick.
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Berserk (2016–2017)
Bad animation is a disservice to the manga
15 April 2023
I don't understand how this came after the golden age arc and this animation is worse. The golden age arc had pretty ok animation. Why didn't they just use the same type of animation too instead of this dud. I mean the animation isn't so icky that you can't watch it, it's just that after 2 episodes you start noticing it and it gets distracting. I mean it's not horrible cgi like some of the Saturdays morning cartoons for kids but still, all of us expected better execution of animating something as majestic as Berserk

Story was rushed through so if you're an anime only watcher you might've given up early on in the series. I watched two episodes and gave up but then I read the manga and felt compelled to watch and finish the series.

Also lots of stuff that are important to the manga were either removed completely or severely condensed. Background music is ok....but rarely marched the scene/action happening on the screen

We can only dream that one day Berserk anime is given a more respectful reboot.
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Amsterdam (2022)
Awful vanity project for everyone involved
11 December 2022
A movie made on purpose to just try to win awards. Script is awful....words put together to just make the actors sound offbeat. Long long long list of big name actors and Taylor swift. I can imagine what everyone involved in this film was thinking..."can't wait to go to Celebrity parties and talk about how AMAZING this film is! It's so smart and well crafted!" Pure vanity project for everyone involved. "Oh look at me I was sooo amazing in this film". Characters created to act offbeat. Almost like a poor man's Wes Anderson film. I'm very happy this was a box office flop, to give everyone involved in this film a lesson to never create something like this ever again. Acting is pretentious absurdity, but the plot? What plot? You can be halfway through the movie and still feel like you're waiting for the plot to start.

Just a bunch of actors got together to pat themselves on the back to say look how beautiful I am in the movie acting kooky for big time David O Russell.

Gave it two stars only because of the cinematography and having Christian Bale in it.
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Echo 3 (2022–2023)
Makes me hope the wife just die already lol
3 December 2022
For the life of me I just canNOT get past the half hour mark of the first episode. I'm sure it's good but that leading lady Who's life we're supposed to care about...I dunno but she's so annoying! And the entire show is hinged on the husband and brother trying to get her back. But she's so annoying that I have no attachment or care if she lives or not. She's like Lori in the Walking Dead season 1 and 2 and the audience were just so annoyed with her they ended up killing her off sooner than expected. This lady is the Lori of this show.

I'm not gonna give up just yet cuz Luke Evans is in it and he's doing great in it. And the plot seems interesting. But I'm gonna have to go back only when I'm in super good mood so I don't get so annoyed with that lady.
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Looks and feels cheap
30 September 2022
Feels cheap. Cheaply done humour cheaply done drama. Why does he and his friends have Boston accents when they're supposed to be from Manhattan. The set looks cheaply done too. Was hard to feel any heavy weight certain scenes were trying to portray cuz they even had Cheap makeup/cgi on injured/dead soldiers. I kept thinking one of them was gonna get up and crack a stupid joke

There's nowhere throughout the movie where he shows he has a character transformation yet there it ends with him basically having had a rude awakening to the truth of war. What would make us believe that, when even at the last 15 mins of the movie he's still arguing with Russell's Crowe character that the press is wrong about the war and there's good stuff about it and should make it look pretty. Only saving grace here is Russell Crowe but he's only in the movie for maybe a total of 8 minutes.

I think it's trying to be dark humour but hard to laugh at the cheap attempts at funny scenes when everyone around him is serious about war.maybe they were trying to go for satire? Can't tell because whatever it was they were going for, it just wasn't delivering.
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Awful acting! Awful plot
29 September 2022
A movie that just wanted to hire a bunch of models and have it in an exotic location to make it look pretty. Their acting was so awful! Nothing to do with philosophical thinking like the movie wants to make you believe. Plot is nonexistent. Writing is horrible. The direction is horrible

Don't waste your time. Don't get tempted to watch it just cuz it's got pretty people and pretty colours.

How did this director get approved for funding. Hopefully the actors and the director never get film work again. Yeah I said it. They deserve that for putting us through this drivel.

It's a movie that's not even it's so bad it's good. It's just bad.
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Love, Death & Robots: Jibaro (2022)
Season 3, Episode 9
Pretentious pretentious pretentious
4 June 2022
I hated this episode so much I had to write a review. The animation was excellent. That's about it. I'm an art lover but I also know what bad art is. And this is bad art. Something created just to show off and try to win some kind of an award always shows through. The story is horrific. The annoying gyrations *barf-*. And like another reviewer mentioned why are there pine trees in a jungle?? They thought they'd leave this as a last episode to give us a final wow experience. But it did the opposite. Ruined season 3. Doesn't even explain how he all of a sudden got his hearing back. Pretentious garbage.
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6 April 2022
So let me get this straight, a movie set in France with French characters but they all speak English in a British accent?? Gimme a break. Soon as the movie started you can tell it was just made to get nominated for an award.
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Great concept but turned out crappy
26 October 2021
At first I was wondering why this had such low ratings cuz the movie started out so well. The concept was great. But the whole plot hinges on us supposed to want Nick and Janine to end up together. But sorry to say that actress who played Janine was supremely horrible in her acting! She also had no chemistry with the lead or Orlando Bloom's character. And her character behaved in such an unlikeable way, I didn't want any of the characters to end up with her. The movie is about 20 minutes too long. My guess is the director also felt that there was no chemistry between Janine and Nick that he felt he had to add longer scenes of them together to get us to believe they were a loving couple. The overexagerated melodrama overkilled the sci fi and any romance aspects in the movie ... which on their own I'd probably still have given this maybe a 6 rating. But jeez that actor who played Janine just did it so horribly that She pulled the rating down to a 2. Please skip this movie.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Flanagan's ego trip
25 September 2021
I don't really write reviews but I'm gonna do it cuz everyone else praising this seem to be in some kind of Emperors clothes spell. Even if you forgive the wanna be Stephen King style, the show just tries so hard to be serious, symbolic, figurative, and current events relevant. Too too too expository! Yes we get the biblical symbolisms and alliterations and good vs evil tropes but Jfc each character needs to go on for 10 minutes talking and talking?! The writer just wanted an excuse to show off "hey look at me how smart I can talk" and he dragged his actors in his egotistical self praise. Don't get me wrong the actors are great but this show was dragged at least 2 1/2 episodes too long.

There's a saying for writers: Kill your darlings. Mike Flanagan didn't here and now he just created extremely superfluous scenes and dialogue. I felt like my ears needed to vomit all the unnecessary allocution. And what good was it for. The entirety of the show, all the plots and subplots and the ending and resolution or non resolution...the journey wasn't worth it. This project was just to serve Flanagan's ego. He is the God he speaks of in this show and he expected us to be his servants and he wanted to bathe in our adulation of him. F*** Flanagan for creating this garbage and treating us like this.
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What a stupid movie
9 June 2020
What was the purpose of having a stellar cast? Waste of time, the story was purposeless and no direction. What was this movie trying to be? Because it was definitely not a thriller, not a drama and not a romance genre. And it wasn't the kind of movie that let you go into deep though either. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Do not waste your time.
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Name (2005)
Season 7, Episode 7
Weak episode
9 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Very weak episode. Especially after following the previous episode that was well written and acted. The forensic assistant trying to be a detective and allowed to be Stabler's partner is implausible. And the actress' acting (if you can even call it that) was so horrible it was embarrassing to watch her try take centre stage in such a high calibre show. It seems like they were trying to find different women for Stabler's character to "vibe" with. They were probably at one point looking for a romantic partner for his character since his wife left him. You could tell that was their motive as well in his scenes with Dr Hendricks in other episodes. Skip this episode if you can. Is you want to be annoyed with bad acting then proceed at your own risk
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