
11 Reviews
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
Pleasantly surprised
30 June 2019
So if you were not expecting this to be a musical/biopic then I'm not sure what you were expecting. This was cleverly done with intertwining Elton John's music as the story of his life before rehab is told. It was engaging and well written. Taron Egerton did an amazing job as Elton John. I stand behind my 10 stars. Personally I liked this better than Bohemian Rhapsody.
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Surprisingly funny
26 March 2019
The deadpan monotone dialogue ended up adding to the comedy of the script. I was pleasantly surprised. Would watch again.
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Coroner (2019–2022)
Not bad but not good either
20 February 2019
Lasted 5 and 1/4 episodes. The series preview promised a show that hasn't been delivered. Very dry at times making it very easy to zone out. Good for background noise. There are better Canadian shows out there.
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The Favourite (2018)
Not what I expected
9 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm pretty open and accepting of different books and stories. This was not enjoyable and I can't say I left with a feeling of appreciation.

The pros: the costumes were amazing and the acting was very good.

The cons: I felt the story had gaps that as the viewer we had to fill in but the oddness of the film takes the mind in unpleasant directions. The bunnies. That's all I will say.

I found myself laugh suddenly but I wasn't the only one. I think the absurdity was too much. The laughter wasn't enjoyment.

My friend and other audience members were left speechless. I wasn't sure if we were watching some macabre parody/historical drama.
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Pleasantly surprised! Felt like a child again :)
22 December 2018
I wasn't sure about this movie so I did not go in with high expectations so I was surprised. It was wonderful. The kids in the theatre became so engaged that they were clapping at the end. Very nice to hear and see.

Emily Blunt did a fantastic job as Mary Poppins!

What I appreciated the most was the animation and how it was in the same style as the original but polished up a little. If modern animation had been added then this would have been a flop.

The story resembles the first but it doesn't try to be the exact same story. I like the fact that they refer to the original a few times to tie the stories together.

It's also a smart script. It's okay that children may not get the references to some nursery rhymes, authors, and old Victorian expressions. They get the message. As an adult those references just added to the charm.

I haven't seen a movie made like this in 30 years. I thoroughly enjoyed feeling like a little girl again.
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Murphy Brown (1988–2018)
As quirky as it was the first time
21 December 2018
I'm sorry to see the reboot hasn't been renewed but I'm not surprised considering the political climate. The characters were just as quirky as they were when the series first aired. I was glad to see they weren't afraid to speak up on topics that make others uncomfortable.
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God Friended Me (2018–2020)
Pleasantly surprised
10 December 2018
I saw the ads for this show and thought the worst of it. I thought it would be preachy but it's not. I don't find it trying to convert people to believe in God or trying to say that atheists really do believe. I find this show as a reminder that we need each other period. Kindness goes a long way and it's not always easy to do acts of kindness. I think the show is very relevant to what is happening in the world today.
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In Search of... (2018– )
Wasn't sure what to expect
17 September 2018
I read the reviews of this show and thought it was going to be dull and badly put together. I never saw the original with a Leonard Nemoy which I'm glad because I can look at this fresh.

The show is interesting and Zachary Quinto is engaging as a curious host.

It's kind of nice to see a show like this again. It's a break from the news and social media.

It's worth a try.
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Ransom (2017–2019)
Not your average show
10 June 2018
I was so happy when season 2 of Ransom was announced. The cast is amazing and although the theme of each episode is the same (someone is kidnaped and CrisisResolution led by Eric Beaumont is called in to negotiate) each episode feels unique. It's not the typical drama we see in North America. The writing is clever with the episode story and the series story. I look forward to watching and learning more about each character and seeing how each one relies on the others.
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Rise (2018)
Great expectations not realized
16 May 2018
I was excited about this show and from the ads I had expectations of something great, dynamic, and inspirational. It fell flat. I have no complaints about the acting and I feel bad for the actors because they worked hard - it shows. The show is too monotone and over-dramatic.
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Instinct (2018–2019)
10 May 2018
I was unsure about the show but I have come to enjoy it. It reminds me of a little bit of Castle in the consultant concept and quirk but it stands on its own. The dynamics between Lizzy and Dylan are fun, sweet, and refreshing. It's a nice change from the typical cop show.

That being said I do not like the intro. This whole summarizing trend is a bit annoying. I know it is used on the superhero shows like Arrow and Supergirl. Consequently it lumps this show into a superhero show when it's not that at all.
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