
8 Reviews
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The Toll (I) (2020)
Boring as can be
16 September 2024
What an unbelievably boring movie. Just don't care about the 2 main characters. They are both unlikable, so why would I care what happens to them?

For a movie this short, they sure know how to use boring filler continuously.

Midway through the movie they spoil the ending for The Strangers. I've already seen the movie, but spoiling something that has nothing to do with this movie is just not okay. I know plenty of people that never saw that movie, and this would ruin it for them.

I'm also astonished by how unoriginal this movie is. Seen a few movies with a similar plot before.

Only thing I felt when the movie was over was relief. Finally, it was over.
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Tahoe Joe (2022)
Amateurish, uneventful, bad effects and annoying, judgmental characters
5 September 2024
To start, I love Found Footage films. Probably have watched almost all of them I could find. Even search on a regular basis for new ones or ones that are obscure and rare.

The acting in this movie is amateur level. Effects are also obviously fake and low budget. Normally don't mind that for a free movie, but the 2 main characters were incredibly judgmental and unemphatic. At first they seemed respectful, but the more the movie moved forward, the worse they got. Almost like 2 kids who love bullying everyone that's different from their norm. Didn't care for them, nor the guy helping them find the place they were looking for.

Didn't enjoy my time watching this movie and was constantly distracted by other things. Barely anything noteworthy happens and when something does happen, it's pretty underwhelming.
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7 August 2024
If you have a problem with smacking lips (like say ASMR) this movie is going to trigger you immensely. I'm a sufferer of Misophonia, and I couldn't even get past the first scene where he talks to the camera and continuously makes smacking noises with his lips. You can litereally hear his tongue move through his mouth with the saliva as well. This is the first movie I had to stop, because it is incredibly bad.

The sensitivity of his microphone is set too high, which makes the microphone pick up sounds it shouldn't. This causes a comforting feeling in many people, but for people with Misophonia, it creates a bad sensation.

Not a lot of people know about this brain disorder, but to summarize it, certain sounds, like sounds people make with their mouth, trigger a reaction in the brain and causes an uncontrollable amount of anger. There is no treatment for this disorder as it is most likely damage of the brain, like say autism.

Nothing against the movie, but I did feel like I needed to write a review because of it. The story itself seemed pretty fascinating, but I just couldn't take it anymore.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
Feels more like a reboot than a remake
26 June 2023
As a child, I loved Ariel and was in love with her. Maybe even my first crush. All of a sudden, Disney decided to change so much about the movie that it seems like a totally different movie. Had my jaw open in amazement for most of the movie.

It's strange. The Little Mermaid had such a giant impact on my life, and now they changed so much that it even hurts the value of the original.

Disney could have easily made a new Little Mermaid movie, instead of a remake that changes so much. Would have loved a continuation of Ariel's story.

This doesn't feel like a remake but a reboot.

In my opinion, remakes shouldn't change things about the ending or characters.

As a fan of Disney, I truly hope Disney will stop making remakes like this. Their other remakes had less changes, but also changed a lot, which is a shame.

This was a hugely disappointing movie.
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What the hell did I just watch
3 April 2023
Let me tell it to you blunt. This movie sucked. Why? Because the story is strange and all over the place. In the end, I got no explanation of what happened, nor did I have a sense of conclusion. All I felt was relief that it was over. Movies like this get made a lot these day, and people seem to like them, seeing as the rating is much higher than I guessed (fake votes and reviews?). There is just lots of talking about nothing, jumping from subject to subject, like it's trying to be edgy and intellectual, while in the end being rather shallow and chaotically written. Truly feels like a movie that tries to mask it's shallowness with weirdness. If you don't "like it", they just say you didn't "get it." You have to piece everything together yourself, because they were to lazy to write a good script.

Don't watch this movie if you:

Don't like movies with a lot of talking about nothing.

Easily get confused.

Enjoy stories that are deep, interesting and understandable.

Need likeable characters to feel connected with.

Get upset when you don't get any explanation and need to figure everything out for yourself.
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Enjoyable and Fun
9 April 2022
I liked this movie. The acting was good, and the movie was just plain fun. Found the location and creatures interesting and mysterious. Effects were nicely done.

Don't get the low ratings this is getting.
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Fake reviews
8 April 2022
I'm easily entertained when it comes to horror movies. This movie has incredibly bad acting, a story that means nothing, and characters that have little to no backstory. Why would I care if these people die if I don't know anything about them?

Scenes where paranormal activity is shown are bland and insanely generic.

Clearly, this movie has a severely low budget and was thrown together to make some cash with the help of actor Tony Todd. Even Tony Todd's lines seem forced and amateurish. A waste of such a beautiful voice.

As a person who can laugh at a bad horror movie and find something to enjoy in most movies, this movie had nothing to offer me at all.
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Companion (2021)
Don't believe the high rating
3 April 2022
The rating made me watch this. I give every movie a chance, but this went to far, even for me.

  • Acting is atrocious.

  • Writing is incredibly bad.

  • Story made no sense to me in many places.

Will never understand how it's possible to manipulate the rating so much on IMDB.

Please, don't waste your time on this movie.
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