
36 Reviews
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FAR better than the horrible 1 star ratings
9 January 2024
But again, at the same time, nothing great for sure. I would say a solid 6-7 rating being realistic. Filming and locations are great, Lead actress is very engaging and has a real girl look and fairly great acting abilities. Rest of small cast is decent enough. Everyone complains that it does not explain the mystery. It actually DOES, but does so in a indirect not well executed way. Its a slow moving relaxing thriller, a GREAT rainy day movie as it is quite short in length. Great? Not at all, Horrible? Not even close, I have seen FAR worse! Just enough of the plot reveals what happened, but it never openly tells what happened. You have to figure in your own head.
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Not need "Prequel" with HORRIBLE color and focus
14 July 2023
The story. It was mildly fun, but completely silly and pointless in the end. The story makes very little sense after thinking about it. And using a much older actress to play a 10 year old girl, barely works. You can tell she is no longer a kid very easily. The filming and lighting of the movie is borderline HORRIBLE> I mean that is the strongest memory I have of watching this..Smoke, out of focus, hazy, no details, no anything, it looks like VHS quality. It was watchable, but just so so so unnecessary and silly. I mean the first was great in some ways. This was kinda B-Movie quality and just so not needed.
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Style over substance...ehhhh
7 June 2023
I am not sure what most are comparing this to. If it is TO Discovery, yeah its a lot better for sure, but it seems like a half or 2/3 attempt to try to capture what was Star Trek, but still keep a lot of the silly stuff that Discovery had. I expected far more from the reviews. Just the sets alone scream look at me in a gawdy funhouse way, with lights that serve no purpose, glare and layers upon layers of lights. The transporter room seriously looks like some crazy Funhouse mirror thing, and was laughable. The stories are okay to semi good, the acting sorta good, but they can not get out of silly futuristic look and feel of Discovery.

Honestly, the ONLY show that approaches old trek or Next gen is the ORVILLE!
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Star Trek: Discovery: Point of Light (2019)
Season 2, Episode 3
When will this show learn....What makes a show entertaining?
26 November 2022
Huge Star Trek fan. TRYING to give this show a chance. Season one mostly sucked. This season, the addition of Pike, improved things a great deal. Thing is they then put him on the back burner mostly. Michael Burnham seems to be the main focus of the show. That would be fine except she does not seem to be "all that" interesting or entertaining, and seems they keep forcing her into situations. Tilly for the most part, is the only one that seems relatable. Learn from the Orville. If you do not make a show entertaining and have an ensemble cast that viewers like, the show is simply NOT great to watch.

The Klingon stuff. OMG, it is dreary and my wife and I laugh at how literally EVERYTHING on their world seems Black/Orange. It is like a child is creating the Klingon scenes. And they are boring. So tedious to see actors struggle with all that prosthetics and their voices ehhh... Just torture to watch any Klingon scenes. The show grinds to a halt.

The show seems to think that people live in constant "emergencies" or just from one drama to another. The pacing makes the show seem like they do not trust the actors or character to simply LIVE on a starship and do daily work and activities. This world is in constant red alert, and tension, and Burnham just looks so uncomfortable. They need a better lead actress/actor.

Do these people ever eat, just hang out, relax or have fun? Are they constantly just at work and run from one emergency to another and have no down time?? I think the Orville makes a far more realistic view of being on a Star ship. I feel like the bridge crew on Discovery are just random people. I feel nothing for most of them. No sense of relatability or no feeling of respect or care. Just random characters. Guys you got all the money in the world, make a GREAT TV SHOW!
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Way better than the 1 and 2 and 3 star reviews.
5 September 2022
It is not great. We get that, but neither is it utterly bad. It is QUITE interesting and a new idea at least. The best thing about it, is the movie is about Guilt first and foremost, and bad decisions. So it is NOT action packed nor Scary not truly exciting for some watchers. Too many reviewers do not like something so they go to extremes and rate it Horrible. This is a very TYPICAL normal movie. You might like it a decent bit, might find the plot a bit lacking or might find it blah and not that great. But HORRIBLE?? Not even close. I have seen FAR worse movies than this. It was a GREAT way to spend a rainy afternoon. Not great, but not nearly horrible.
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The Orville: A Tale of Two Topas (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
I think this ship is slowly sinking..........
2 July 2022
Something is just not right about the show anymore. It lacks fun and spontaneity. They all seem like the characters we all loved 2-3 years ago, but it feels forced and not the same anymore. There are far too many call backs to previous episodes. It feels like they are forcing "Message" episodes, that feel rushed, as far as coming to some EASY unreal conclusion, and at the same time too strung out and boring. There needs to be FAR better editing, and time allotted, for a TRUE 2nd plot in these over long episodes. The relics in the tomb were just rushed over and laughable compared to the Drama heavy Topa story. Not bad overall, but just not enjoyable as the show used to be.
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From (2022– )
FAR better than the bad reviews.
15 March 2022
The show has good acting, a VERY interesting story, and has JUST BEGAN! I watched the first 6 episodes, and the feel and tone of the show is a bit mysterious, a bit depressing, but very interesting. It is not a huge budged show, but more along the lines of a big budged Twilight Zone episode. Great scenery, an interesting "Town", and I can not wait to see where this all goes. Everyone saying it is slow, simply want a lot of action or big reveals or cliffhanger endings. This show is paced moderately slowly, but has FAR better atmosphere building slowly, instead of the false big reveals most shows employ.
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Far better than the ONE star ratings.
18 February 2022
I mean it seems a bit cheesy, and so on, but it is very entertaining, and I like the mystery aspect real or not. It is not perfection by any means, but quite enjoyable to pass time. For those claiming it is all fake, I have seen LITERALLY the same few dozen guys make reviews on EVERY show similar to this, and say the same exact things. Semi Trolling all shows, makes me think they really did not WANT to like it.
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Sea Patrol: In Too Deep (2010)
Season 4, Episode 16
The worst episode of the series....
12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story of mike being captured just strains credibility totally. And then thinking he is for SURE dead, but he is not is laughable. I love MOST all of the episodes, but this bad.
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OMG More Liberal political crap..!
23 April 2021
This show has TRULY lost its way. Of course far left liberals will enjoy this episode. I tried to watch with an open mind, but EVERY character seems to be very liberal, and act like they did NOT act in the past. The so called "Bad Guy" was a caricature of a "B" movie bad guy. The story was almost laughable. While they tried to be profound and give a liberal story, they sank in silly acting. The Bad guy was honestly in the mold of an Austin Powers movie!! This show is on its last legs. They do not know how to do political stories, without pandering to the left and making anyone while look like either Bikers, Terrorists, or White Power people. Laughable the silly and VERY fake characters they create to stir racial tensions even more.
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1922 (2017)
A GREAT drama that does not rely on CGI or jump scares.
3 December 2020
IGNORE everyone that says it is boring. It is intense, and very well acted by all in the movie. The filming, score and story are just incredible. Like a REAL movie, instead of all the superhero, CGI crap we are used to. Is is slow? ....It is very well controlled tension that builds up slowly but every minute is worth it!!
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The Rain (2018–2020)
Far far better than the bad reviews.
14 September 2020
I will not get into the plot, but this show is VERY entertaining, and really grows on you after the first few episodes. Great filming, scenery, acting is a bit different than typical american shows, but you start to really get into the characters. The low reviews seem from people that really did not give it any chance at all. It is not earth shattering, but has a walking dead vibe, but set in europe. Really addictive after the first couple episodes. Give it a try!!
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Sooo much wrong with this story...WOW
6 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really love Ellen, and the overall acting was somewhat decent, and so was the forest setting. That stuff they get right, but where this movie fails, is a total lack of logic on the part of the characters. The movie becomes quite boring, as the characters go from one bad decision to another. The father dies from a chainsaw accident, and the girls barely seem to care. They just dig a hole, roll him into it and go on.....They stay in a house with no power, but somehow find just enough food that they look super healthy and fine, but whine about no music?? Instead of fixing the multiple leaks in the house, or EVEN BETTER moving into one of dozens of other abandoned NORMAL houses that are in far better shape, they stay till the house is literally falling apart...supposedly, ...the movie lacks logic. It is the "how NOT to survive an apocalypse " movie. It has a few decent scenes, but fails on lack of logic....Sad, what a waste of acting talent.
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Not perfect, but SO MUCH BETTER than the reviews let on...
5 February 2020
Not going to go into the story, but suffice to say, it is fun to watch, has surprises, UNREAL good scenery and filming, and is a slow paced mystery, but still with some tense action and settings that are creepy and odd. Not a perfect movie, but a slow burn odd/mental/memory/thriller thing that is quite memorable!
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Rust Creek (2018)
FAR better than the rating it has..TRUST ME!!
27 January 2020
This is a very tight thriller, that is a bit scary, tense and even uplifting at times. The acting is mostly very good and no one does anything that makes you totally 2nd guess their motives or if they should have. It was surprising and never predictable, has great scenery, music, and filming. Not sure why it has a very average rating, as it is QUITE close to excellent in all ways!
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Unbelievable (2019)
2 November 2019
Possibly one of the best TV shows ever! There is truly nothing to complain about. Great acting by a fairly big cast, suspense, a riveting and believable story, and I could not quit watching!
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DO NOT believe the bad
23 October 2019
Holy crap. This show is NOT great, but quite interesting and keeps you interested. It is filmed well for a typical TV horror show, and someone mentioned character development on a 20 minute anthology show!! It is a bit scary at times, make me cringe maybe a dozen times, but is simply fun to watch..!!
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The I-Land (2019)
The one star reviews are totally off base......
3 October 2019
This show is quite entertaining, has GREAT scenery, but the story and acting are kinda not fantastic. But in the end, it was FUN to watch, and not horrible like many are making it out to be. The "Idea" behind the story is really good, but it truly needed more time to develop. It never really gets boring, but feels almost rushed after episode 4. Not a great show, and it does take inspiration from other movies and shows, but still remains a fun pleasure to watch. Do not expect perfection, but it is TRULY NOT horrible either!!!
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I Am Mother (2019)
One of the best Sci-Fi movies I ever saw!
18 September 2019
First off, any bad review, they missed some plot points, that make the whole story, and the ending have a meaning. If someone did not get the clues, that were fairly obvious, they will not understand the story or think something was lacking at the end. If you do get it, like my wife and daughter did, you will think it was nearly perfection. Not a wasted minute, never boring, but a slow build up and burn.!! A MUST SEE!
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FAR FAR FAR better than all the highly negative reviews.
1 June 2019
Even if the movie is not the perfect example of a logic puzzle, it is HIGHLY entertaining and different. I know some were expecting it to either be a perfect logic puzzle or an action movie, but what it is is a well acted, VERY FUN, and well filmed movie about people and what they might do. Simple story, but with a very interesting and slightly complex logic puzzle. I am not sure what movie the bad reviews were expecting but a room full of us watched it and all loved it!
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Far better than all the bad reviews would lead you to believe.
30 May 2019
This show is very watchable, and entertaining, well filmed, and has interesting characters. Everyone knows stuff like this is based on trying to see if a myth or story can be backed up in reality. The adventure is great fun, I learned a lot of things I had not known before about the Civil war, and simply viewing all the great locations and buildings is a treasure of fun!!
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Visually impressive, but no story or soul or emotions.
28 December 2018
Mostly a lot of flashy CGI< well done though, but it relies so so much on pop culture references, which drags the movie down so much to just pop culture cliches, that most adults know. The world of their future is barely explored except for the Oasis reality world, and the message of the movie is to rely on real world friends and real life, but we just spent a slow 2 some hours watching mostly ALL CGI worlds....funny I guess.
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I learned a lot!
11 December 2018
Very informative, and fun to watch documentary. Was not boring at all! The music and cinematography was first rate. I was hoping for even more after watching this mini series, it was that good~ The Knights Templar were very interesting and I found out so much I really only vaguely knew about before.
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CHIPS (2017)
Nearly Horrible........Hard to watch.
4 July 2018
I could not care less about the original CHIPs TV show. I see ZERO reason to remake it into a movie, that has NOTHING to do with the TV show, other than the name and characters name. The movie, is truly not funny, it is mostly unreal gutter humor (which can work in SOME movies). This one seems aimed at 12-14 year old boys, not adults. The story line is mildly interesting, but unrealistic and seems to just jump from one silly one liner or gag to another. No real reason to watch this.
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Tomb Raider (2018)
DO NOT believe all the bad reviews......
3 July 2018
....I did and expected one of the worst movies of the year, but found it one of the better movies of the year, within the genre it is. The acting is pretty solid, the story exactly what I had hoped for, some backstory and a gradual build up to a normal girl, becoming an explorer and fighter. Seriously nothing bad at all, not boring, great visuals and music, and left me wanting a sequel really bad! The bad reviews seem based not on reality, but based on wanting something to look far worse than it was. IT was NOT the typical Hollywood crap action movie, but take away the Lara Croft name it would still be a fun/exciting/thrilling action movie simply with a female lead.
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