
3 Reviews
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The Bachelor (2002– )
Dumbest show on TV
22 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I've tried to watch this show several times and I just can't get into it because I can't get past how stupid and shallow it is. They take one hunk and put him in a house with a bunch of hot girls and eliminate them to find his "true love"? Honestly? Anyone who thinks that could ever have potential of working is extremely naive. He leads on as many as 28 girls for weeks, kisses them, hugs them, tells them how he "feels" about them and treats all of them like his girlfriend only to dump one each week? What would we think about a guy who did this in real life? He doesn't have genuine feelings for any of them, he's horny. What would we say about him in real life? But because it's a reality show and the guy is "hot" it's okay? Not to mention how every girl is beautiful. It's ridiculous. Does he have sex with all of them too? Because if so... Puke. Everyone talks about this show and I can't understand why for the life of me. I don't get the hype about a guy living in a house of hot girls who he gets to take his pick of and jump back and forth between whenever, not to mention lead all of them on and probably screws them simultaneously. This is the single stupidest, shallowest sluttiest show on TV. Except maybe the bachelorette.
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The Bachelorette (2003– )
Stupidest, shallowest show on TV
22 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I've tried to watch this show several times and I just can't get into it because I can't get past how stupid and shallow it is. They take one hot girl and put her in a house with a bunch of studs and eliminate them to find her "true love"? Honestly? Anyone who thinks that could ever have potential of working is extremely naive. She leads on as many as 28 guys for weeks, kisses them, hugs them, tells them how she "feels" about them and treats all of them like her boyfriend only to dump one each week? What would we think about a girl who did this in real life? She doesn't have genuine feelings for any of them, she's horny. What would we say about her in real life? But because it's a reality show and the girl is "hot" it's okay? Not to mention how every guy is an absolute stud. It's ridiculous and so unrealistic. They aren't average guys at all. Does she have sex with all of them too? Because if so... Puke. Everyone talks about this show and I can't understand why for the life of me. I don't get the hype about a girl living in a house of hot guys who she gets to take her pick of and jump back and forth between whenever, not to mention lead all of them on and probably screws them simultaneously. This is the single stupidest, shallowest sluttiest show on TV. Except maybe the bachelor.
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Boring and hard to follow
6 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was just that; boring and hard to follow. For starters the entire movie centers on several girls getting married (which is kind of sickening by itself), which I could be fine with, but there's no real climax. There's no action. There's like two real things that happen in the whole movie. One of the only scenes that really held my attention was a scene where the main characters were arguing (that's no lacking in action this whole movie was). Secondly, I've watched a lot of movies from similar eras as this and English has always been one of my strengths. That being said, I had a very hard time keeping up being this film had so many unnecessarily large words and words I'd never heard of. That's never been a problem for me, but it was in this movie. Two hours of my life I'll never get back...
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