3 Reviews
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Stasis (2017)
What's with all the hate?
13 October 2018
I have to say I quite enjoyed Stasis. Yeah, it's low-budget and there a few odd choices made here and there, but I thought it was solid movie on the whole.

I would have liked if we had been given a more concrete idea of just what the rebels in 2017 were trying to do (beyond just a nebulous 'fix the future'), but I thought they did a good job with the world-building.

I'm just speculating but I think a lot of people ended up seeing this because Netflix recommended it when it was a movie they otherwise wouldn't have watched. If you are someone who normally watches low budget independent films, then I think you'll probably enjoy it.
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In the Mix (2005)
Not that bad really
8 July 2012
After watching In the Mix, I can safely say there's no way this belongs on a list of the bottom 100 movies. Sure, the plot is lame, and Dolly spends the first half of the movie being incredibly naive about the danger she is in, and I was able to guess the movie's bad guy after his very first line of dialogue, but it's not that bad.

For those of you who are giving this one star and saying it's the worst movie you have ever seen, try watching some of the other bottom 100 films (particularly try ones that don't contain a non-actor celebrity trying to break in to acting) and you'll see what a bottom 100 movie really is.

I'm not a fan of romantic comedies but the odd mix of romantic comedy and crime drama makes the film more bearable.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is a good movie, but it's certainly not as bad as everyone seems to think it is.
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Scream Bloody Murder (2003 Video)
An awful movie with an awesome ending
26 July 2005
Last year I was at a video store with a few friends when we saw the case for Scream Bloody Murder. It was obvious right away that this would be a rather cheesy and/or bad movie. And seeing as those types of movies always make for entertaining group viewing, we rented it.

We were somewhat disappointed when we got to the actual viewing part as the movie was plain bad. Not really even in the entertaining way as it was obvious that they were trying to make a campy movie (and just weren't doing a very good job of it).

As the movie reaches the climatic final showdown it suddenly takes a turn for the hilarious. I don't want to spoil anything but you'll know when it happens. The humor up till then has been hit and miss at best but the last 15 minutes or so are pure gold.

If you enjoy cheesy movies, and are willing to sit through the first hour or so of not so good viewing, then check it out. Otherwise, pass.
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