
2 Reviews
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Munich (2005)
One of Spielberg's Best Movies Yet
8 January 2006
The mixed reactions to this movie isn't surprising, there are few movies that balance action and psychological drama well. Unfortunately, what that means for movie views is that those that are attracted to the first part of the film may not understand or like the ending and vis versa. If you appreciate exploring social problems in the cinema, you will probably love this movie. If you hate following complex and at times psychologically driven plots, you may want to wait to see this film. The acting is excellent, the interweaving of stories through the main character is thoughtful and well placed, and the direction and shooting of the film, as always with Spielberg, is great.

I would very much like to see this movie pick up a few Oscars. I haven't seen many movies that I think accurately capture the internal struggles that have existed and continue to exist in the Middle East. Although, I don't think audiences should expect anything more then the focus on the specific events following the Olympics in Munich.
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No, you really, really don't...
17 August 2005
I normally have no problem walking away from a bad movie, however this was an unique case. This movie was so bad that I actually sat through the whole thing almost praying it would have one minute of good movie time to justify the hour and a half that was wasted. Needless to say I was brutally disappointed. Set at a beach house where a group of college friends are celebrating vacation, this movie suffers from numerous problems making it not worth seeing. First, there are gaping plot holes. Second, very few of the C-list (i don't even dare call them B) actors can act worth a damn, so any scenes that have potential fail miserably. Third, the rate of the film is very choppy and awkward to watch most of the time making suspense building very difficult, leading to very few surprises for the audience. Fourth and most importantly, the ending is completely anti-climatic partially because of how it ends (setting/who the killer turns out to be) and partially because the dialog is just atrocious. To the films credit, it is the only movie that I will ever say is the worst movie I have ever scene, and i've seen a lot.

So, just like a bad joke you would have been all the happier never hearing, the next time someone asks you if you want to know a secret you will be yelling no, you really don't as you run in the opposite direction.
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