
3 Reviews
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The Witcher (2019– )
Netflix is the new SyFy network
21 December 2019
Remember all those terrible SyFy network shows from the past 10/20 years? Add another $10 to their budget and this is what you get. I was super excited to see this after seeing the trailers and playing the games, but when you feel embarrassed for the actors while watching, that is about the worst thing I can describe. It is simply bad. Very bad.
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The Silence (II) (2019)
Get your wood-chippers ready!
11 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Was not too bad until the father starts up the wood-chipper to atrack and kill hundreds of the beasts within seconds to only turn it off 30 seconds later before the whole family gets to safety. Was totally down hill after that.
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Much more style over substance
11 April 2016
So...I watched 60 Minutes last night about the Chinese market for big budget movies. This movie popped up for a 10 second example of "monster" movies finally being made in and available to the Chinese public. While the visual aspect of this movie is up there with any big budget American film of this time, the story is unbelievably bad (really bad). It is obvious that millions were spent on this film but they could not seem to be able to spend $500 on a script. I do believe it is worth watching for the CGI eye candy and the acting isn't half bad, but WOW, they still have a way to go as far as story goes. This is like Transformers 4 on steroids with a worse story (if that is possible).

It will be interesting to see how this Chinese/US cinema relationship takes us. Hopefully this us just the start of something a bit (much?) better.

I also have to admit that I liked the use of minimal blood and no bad language and still have an entertaining movie. This shows you don't have to have heads chopped off and the F bomb every 30 seconds to entertain people. This is one aspect of the new Chinese "blockbuster" style movies that I do like.
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