
2 Reviews
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Redbelt (2008)
Wtf is wrong with you people?
4 June 2024
This has to be the worst story ever told! It has no actual plot, no reason for why any of it happened, no semblance of one scene linking with the next.

This was infuriating to watch! None of it made any logical sense, it's like the writers were on crack or something. I'd rather dig my eyeballs out with a ghost pepper covered spoon than ever subject myself to this bs again! Seriously wtf!

The whole story takes ace in the mind of the writer but none of it is actually explained on screen which makes the movie disjointed and farcical. Why didn't the actor have any questions, what was the deal with the wife, why was he a target, why did the cop do what he did, why did the lawyer slap him, and on and on.

When it comes to abortions that became movies, this one reigns supreme!
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Actually better than expected.....
21 January 2022
It seems a lot of people recall the original series through rose coloured glasses, forgetting that it was the bad acting and corny storylines that made it fun. This was far closer to the series than the Knoxville/Scott disaster and the one real fans will prefer.
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