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We never are shown the real bad guys in this film, yet it is hinted that the villain was the banks.
31 March 2019
Collectively 35,000 people showed up to Bonnie, and Clydes funerals. If these same people had made a presence before their heroes death then maybe the banks would not have continued to take from the communities where hard working people tried to gain the fruits of their labor. Not long before this era of time trikes by workers were rampant, and most readers would have a hard time to grasp the turn out of those events. Child labor laws, the creation of the FDA to curtail how grotesque working conditions permitted over worked members of those businesses to loose fingers thus the need to list ingredients for products. It was, and has been a time for people to stand up to another when seen what that business owner would do for money. Today, the need for workers to stand up toothier neighbors who own businesses, the need for communities to stand up to the banks. It may very well be a point in time where not only did these citizens mourned Bonnies and Clydes death, but may mourned their lack of doing something themselves to alleviate these problems instead of moralize a select few who did stand up to these horrible forces. You see this in the movie, like a lost soul chasing the the very people who tried to inspire us to take a stand. Kevin Coster passed his partner's home at the start because he did not want him to be involved in this shoot and ask no real questions of what is really happening. Meanwhile gun makers I am sure have bragged about the caliber of their bullet used to take down Bonnie, along with the name of their brand. Police have put up on a pedestal the ranger's work here for others to follow with out question, and the town has continued to forget any continuity, forget any cause for them to be alarmed about the condition of their future, and continued calling which has been ignored and replaced by distractions, and alcohol instead of clear headedness to articulate their problem. While we wait, the prison system intros country has profited for our short falls in attention. Was this a good movie, heck yeah. That is if you came here for more than the popcorn.
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Not the movie I was expecting; it was more.
24 March 2019
Portrays an honest mother trying to get my, wanting to provide more for her daughter. A man who does what he wants to another with no remorse takes advantage of this woman and her daughter. What is astonishing is the extent others go through to enable this despicable man, I am speaking of his servants there in the home. Yet deep inside each know their role, and play it well. I would never boost an actor playing the role of a bad person because deep inside of me I realize there must be some of "that" character at home with others. Which is necessary to bring out and say because the female role played here shows a natural honesty of herself while around others outset this set. A good movie to learn from, not so easy to watch because most of us share something in common with either the servants, or Corbin Benson; a few of us are like the star of this film Oksana Orlan", and if you are like me then we must agree these numbers should increase.

Everyone wants to escape the realities, it is impossible to do alone. And we would not be in this predicament if we were around others who support us in the ways that matter. If we are willing to go along and turn our heads to wrong full things, then image what another over there is turning their head to.
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Room (I) (2015)
Not a kind of film you should "want" to watch.
26 January 2016
Room -

A gross irresponsibility of the writer of this film, along with a supporting production crew, and cast. The story glamorizes the process of being held hostage, using a young women and her child. I am afraid why a story teller would choose such a topic, and why would he be so consumed as to make a message of this to the general population. Although it may seem cute at first seeing how a boy senses the room, and world around him; I am left with the taste that it only desensitizes others. This is not a story we should expose ourselves to like this, as a human race we might be tempted to play it down if it happens to others in real life, or make it seem to others it is not so bad to commit such an act to others.

There is a responsibility here when you interact with the public. I realize art is based on trying to work through what happens to you or what you have experienced, the art part being you are trying to get others to feel and communicate with you and what you are experiencing. But if that be the case here, then a more appropriate form of art in the direction of it should have been a movie portraying the horror of being held captive, and better yet maybe even realize this is too hard a topic not just for the writer to articulate but also too hard for the general public to consume.

I give this film a rating of zero, and suggest this film maker and crew take a different occupation to make money. I don't want to be a part of any of it anymore. And yes, there are many movies which could be labeled as I did with this one, but someone should write an honest review, a responsible review.
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By the end of the movie my breath was taken away.
22 January 2016
By the end of the movie my breath was taken away. All throughout the film I found myself captivated with the content of the film, and how it was presented. It is undeniable how each of us can identify with at least one of the characters in the film.

Whether it be the person causing the harm, or the ones not standing up to them thus enabling it as a group effort; the one receiving the brute force of their collaborative efforts will always have a hard time putting it into words so she may deal with their enduring behavior and lack of remorse. Because of this, it is often hard to get them to stop, and the feelings of helplessness endure as well. This film paints an accurate picture of verbal abuse, and therefore highly recommend we each watch and learn so we may help recognize this in ourselves, along with noticing it on others.

Even if you find yourself seldom recommending a film to another, this one will not lead you to doing it, it would probably be a friend, a coworker, or your family that you ask to watch it. Personally I can think about eight people I will be burning a copy for, sending it over night mail.
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Eddie Redmayne, this is one actor you should follow!
3 January 2016
Never have I watched a movie which there was this much to comment on. The cinematographer responsible for the film gave us some amazing images from the area the story took place. Reflections on the water from the shore, structures each painted a different color could be seen. The period of time was also reflected in this film work.

But there is so much more to be seen in this movie, such as the acting of Alicia Vikander, and Eddie Redmayne. Surprised to see a modern made film which had such superb acting leaving you believing that neither of these actors were actually pretending to play a role. I find this fascinating because usually a person sees a movie actor which leaves you feeling that they were hired to be themselves in the movie, hence there is no such thing as acting. My hat is off especially for Eddie Redmayne, this is one actor you should follow in what is obvious future in his acting career.

Looking deeper, there is something else to comment about. The story line although one may think it is obvious, another look at this film you may see what the actors try to tell us. The story is way more than it's theme about Einar in the movie. Gerda says out loud her complaint, when you watch this film try not to miss her message. Yet all the time she stands by her husband knowing she has no place here, and feels terribly left out. The writer seems complex, yet the message straight forward.

I enjoyed being a part of this movie, and thank everyone who helped make this movie happen. It was nice to watch a film that makes you feel wrapped up into it.
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An empowering film with a great cast.
6 November 2015
What is it that ties ours hands thus keeping us from helping another human being; we each feel this urge to be a good person, but often stopping short of accomplishing anything. So many times we are pulled the opposite way by those interfering; for once can someone please have a spine, and stand up tall. Bleeding Heart filled these expectations, and in a big way.

There were several movies I wanted to watch tonight, and I am glad I picked this first. Jessica Beil and Zosia Mamet carried the movie with a relationship which showed superb acting, and supporting actors played perfect roles with setting up the stage of the movie.

A little known fact, the three brothers that made up Warner Brothers specifically chose to produce movies which had a point to them, hoping the audience would learn something. Watch this movie and let me know if you thought there were characters that their actions just turned your stomach inside out, while others in the script empowered you.
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Bare (I) (2015)
Great to see, just for what it is.
2 November 2015
You can feel how the story portrays something real, unlike the superficial world we all pretend to play in. Although the people around her seem to be in control of their lives, thus knowing best; no one there is even close to noticing what is really going on right in front of them; yet the main character breaks these bounds. Judging anything, to include this movie one should be careful not to fall into the same trap as the majority of the people in script, because everything is valid, and we must look deep inside where we are not comfortable and see the real beauty in front of us.

Dianna Argon played her role in this movie wonderfully, always in tune with what I believe the director had intended. A promising career no doubt.
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