
4 Reviews
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Live Telecast (2021– )
Failed attempt in copying all horror movies
14 February 2021
Pros- 1. At first looks like a great crew 2. Comedy works in few places.

Cons- 1. None of them can act even kajal fails miserably trying to act. 2. Using unparliamentary words when not required. This doesn't come out naturally 3. Director trying to copy every horror movie he has seen, even Hawa. 4. No idea what kind of power the ghost has. Sometimes it exhibits certain ability and next it can't do shut 5. Unless song I don't know y they need songs in series 6. I won't complain on the story as almost every ghost movie has similar storyline, but this movie makes no sense most of the time.
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Dracula (2020)
A great feast with a very bad last course
5 January 2020
Stop watching after the 2nd episode. The 3rd spoils the flavour.
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Airaa (2019)
One of the worst movies
22 April 2019
The movie would start off with excitement with decent scares comedy and acting. It will also build up to a good suspense and questions the nose dive off all excitement starts with the flash back. It even dives to the deepest pit when they come up with the reasons of all actions.
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Ambuli (2012)
A different attempt - One should encourage if they like Sci-fi movies
5 January 2019
The movie is fairly under-rated. This is a very different attempt in Tamil movies.

Cons: 3D effect of the movie is the major draw back. A better casting would have helped the movie. Climax could have been better.

Pros: Has a strong story that will make you keep watching. Very minimal songs. Good screenplay.

I would definitely advice to give it a watch do not trust the cumulative rating
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