
17 Reviews
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Prey (I) (2022)
Enjoyable, but flawed
15 August 2022
Yes, I enjoyed it. I would have enjoyed it a lot more without all the flaws.

Main character: Makes some pretty stupid errors of judgement but goes full Mary Sue invincible grrrl-power warrior princess in the second half. Performs combat miracles a Navy Seal who is also a Ninja Warrior would find hard to equal.

Stone tomahawk throwing super-weapon on a string: very unlikely.

Predator comes across as incredibly powerful... until it fights Mary Sue.

Some anachronisms and geographical errors that are a bit jarring.

Main character comes across as very self-aggrandizing and egoistic to the expense of her tribe.
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Awesome and terrible irony
11 November 2021
A thing of beauty and horror, unexpected twists and turns, simply marvelous. Well done.

So rarely do I get to see a movie that really surprises me, but this one did, over and over.

There is some graphic violence and a little cussing, some drinking and a little drug use... but it's about crime, so what do you expect.

The relative indifference of police to a home burglary at an ordinary person's house is very relatable.

8.5 stars, wonderful film, even a twist at the very end.
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Settlers (2021)
It takes patience and an open mind...
26 October 2021 appreciate this film, and even then it could be better.

Mars does have water, btw, and a breathable atmosphere could be produced through various processes. The huge dome for just one farm is a bit of a stretch.

But this isn't really about Mars, and the sci-fi elements are mainly window dressing.

Many questions are raised, but answers are scant and no more than hints. If you can be patient with that, it tells an interesting story about human nature and desperation, but it is a rather grey and grim story with nothing uplifting.

That, in the end, is why I don't give it more than 5 stars, despite good performances and accomplishing a lot on a limited budget. It's very dystopian, in the most depressing sense.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Be aware this show will be very uncomfortable for many Christians
27 September 2021
Yeah I know, if you're not a Christian you probably won't care, so go read some other review.

It's a pity, its an interesting story but over halfway thru, I don't know if I can finish watching it. The twisting of scripture to fit the madness of the misguided priest is just getting too sacrilegious, perhaps even blasphemous, for me to take.

I know it fits the storyline, but it bothers me and I think it would bother a lot of my fellow believers.

Otherwise, just as a horror show, its a bit slow and there's a huge amount of monologue, as many others have remarked. The setting and premise are interesting but they went all in with the twisted-religion aspect and the way they did it turned me off.

If you're even moderately devout you might want to pass on this one.
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The Good, the Bad, and the Low-budget but still interesting
25 September 2021
Quite a mixed bag in terms of quality and also my feelings about this film. Some beautiful scenery and cinematography; some fairly good acting; a simplistic plot which touches on some deep issues but not with any great depth; character arcs ranging from fair to what-the-heck.

One role in particular takes a sudden improbable turn that just seems very out of place based on everything up to that point. Another is presented as a hard-core survive-at-any-cost type only to make some remarkably careless errors.

The main character Sam has a certain beauty in her naivete about the world, but it seems incongruous given her assumed upbringing by mother.

For a post-apoc survival film, relatively light hearted up until the last ten minutes when we plunge (a bit too abruptly) into the hinted but veiled-to-now darkness.

I could have given it 7.5 stars, but there was a distinct theme of women good/ men bad, religion bad that, while it was more subtle than most was still predictable and tiresome... a character arc was wrenched violently out of line to fulfill that theme, an ill fit to the story. 6.5 stars.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
The good, the not-so-good, and the bad... 6.5 stars
4 September 2021
The space scenes were beautiful and wonderfully done, despite a couple of science/tech/engineering issues. (ie using the Shuttle to go to and from the Moon just isn't very feasible; look it up). Even so I would have given it 8.5 for the space content... except there wasn't quite enough space, and there was too much forced melodrama.

Some of the groundside drama was sufficiently relevant and well done to pass muster... but too much was not.

The ending of Season 2 was too abrupt and wildly improbable, after the buildup it was kind of a fizzle.

Then there was the way social justice themes were overemphasized... look I had no problem with including women in space, even making the issue a central theme... but it was taken too far. By late S2 practically EVERY leadership position or saves-the-day moment was filled by women, and just a couple of token men who mostly had to be directed by a woman before they knew what to do. It got a bit ridiculous... not 50/50, more like 80/20. And throw in an illegal immigrant storyline for no real reason, along with some gay/lesbian issues and improbable out-of-character affairs. All this pulled it down.

Even so, it was worth watching and better than most of what's on TV just the now... but it could have been a lot better.
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Are you not entertained? Well, sort of...
29 July 2021
Popcorn action-comedy. Imitates many other better films like John Wick, Kill Bill, the old Sergio Leone spaghetti westerns, Sin City, etc... but not very well.

It's an entertaining action fantasy, overall... even though some of the action goes beyond ridiculous into flat out silly. Lots of well known actresses involved, and they perform fairly well but not to their actual potential.

It could have gotten 7 stars instead of six, if it wasn't for the "smash the patriarchy" vibe that crept in (was tacked on?) along the way.
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Oxygen (2021)
Different. Not great, not terrible.
26 June 2021
It drags on too long, has a number of plot holes and glaring tech mistakes, various annoying contrivances to keep you from knowing what's going on. I'm told Laurent is a good actress; perhaps so, but this film doesn't really prove it. The english dubbing is better than most but still a bit flat. There are a couple of fairly good plot twists but they don't make up for the fact that the movie runs at least 30 minutes too long, and spends too much time getting where it is going.
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Heroes (II) (2006–2010)
I love this show, but....plot holes!
15 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watching it again, and it is very good... but for some huge plot holes!

First of all, "save the world"... NYC is not the world thanks.

Second... why doesn't Peter Patrelli go to the fracking desert like he originally planned!! Then if he goes boom, at least it isn't in a densely populated city.

Third... huge mission to destroy the tracking station? Um... they built it in the first place, is there some reason they couldn't just build it again?

Love the show otherwise, but these plot holes just HURT.
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Slightly less fun than watching mold grow.
9 June 2021
Caricature, not characters. Hard to believe acting and plot. Plot? Hah. There wasn't one. Also this is not sci-fi, it is family melodrama under the thin veil of sci-fi. Aniara was better than this, and Aniara sucked. Watch anything else... watch your toddlers fight over a toy, that will be more fun than this, and also more relaxing.
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Aniara (2018)
Almost as bad as it sounded
9 June 2021
Inconsistent science and tech, mediocre acting, little plot, alternating between scenery chewing melodrama and dry documentary, with sprinkles of debauchery and despair. Do not recommend.
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Replicas (2018)
The odd thing about Keanu...
4 June 2021
... his acting is either very good, or wooden as a chair, no in between. Maybe it depends on the role, maybe on the director, I don't know. In this one, he is pretty wooden. The movie has some interesting ideas and plotlines, also plenty of plot holes. It's watchable, moderately entertaining... the ending is a bit stupid and improbable.
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I can't say enough good about this movie
31 May 2021
Genuine slow-burn suspense, building to a thriller ending. 1959 small town setting perfectly framed and presented. Marvelous script and acting. I'd compare it to Pontypool meets Close Encounters. I've watched it three times now, most recently with my 20-something son who also loved it. Give it 30 minutes to get going and you'll be glad you did.
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Not funny, not interesting, terrible ending.
16 February 2021
No laughs, no plot, not scary or funny or thoughtful or anything good really. And the ending.... it is terrible. I could almost hear the producer say "well I'm out of ideas let's wrap this up quick" (in the stupidest way possible). Glad I didn't pay to see it, I'd be demanding my money back.
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Hallmark Holiday Special in Space, sort of
26 December 2020
It's not terrible... it is quite watchable, but it could have been much more. Not much sci-fi... it presents as hard-sci-fi but there are some fairly overdone errors (hint meteors). A major plot point is never explained, and it is one that SHOULD have been explained at some point. Much of the movie is about poignant nostalgia over choices made in the past, failed relationships, which is why I called it Hallmark in Space. There ARE some very good moments, it just doesn't hang together as a whole so well. Just be aware this is less sci-fi and more heavy melodrama.
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The Beyond (2017)
Tedious, shallow, vague... and I wanted to like it.
13 September 2018
I was prepared for something perhaps a bit low-budget... I've seen some good films done on a limited budget lately. This is not one of them. The dialog is atrociously stilted, the acting wooden. The technobabble is especially appalling and nonsensical... "string together a bunch of science words with some sci-fi concepts at random". Don't even get me started on the FX, I was prepared for poor FX but these were really lame. Worst of all it was boring, it dodged answering the main plot questions in favor of tedious pop-culture moralizing about humanity. Quite awful.
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Wall to wall action, yes. Not much else.
27 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm generally tolerant of action movies lacking much in the way of plot, character development or intelligence, but this movie was remarkably bad.

Most movies have plot holes, especially action movies... this plot is nothing but holes. Huge ones.

The bad guys don't simply make mistakes the heroes can capitalize on, the bad guys BREAK THE STUPID METER every five minutes! I'm generally willing to stretch my suspension-of-disbelief a long way for a good movie, but in this one Alice has "plot armor" thicker than an Abrams Main Battle Tank.

The ending is Deus ex Machina an order of magnitude beyond the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

I can't wait to see what HISHE and Everything-Wrong-With make of it, surely far more entertaining than the film.

In brief, if you're a hard-core Resident Evil fan, OK go see it, MAYBE it is the last RE movie... maybe. Otherwise don't bother.

*** spoiler alert *** Oh, and someone just had to get a little dig in at the Christians too, as if the Dr. Evil character ever exhibited the slightest hint of religiousity before now they've ret-conned it as to-blame-for-everything. What crap.
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