
2 Reviews
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Huge plot holes
10 August 2024
I rarely see so blatant solutions to success which were not utilized on. All the US army had to do is fly around with helicopters and shoot the aliens with miniguns. They already have experience of this from previous wars.

My girlfriends review was 7/10 and she usually rates movies higher than me, so not that polarizing.

Also I would much have liked to actually learn where and why these aliens came from. I think it was clear they came with the meteors (space ships?) but was this all just a random migration and they happened to be on those rock by chance, or a liberate invasion?

All in all, if you are into jumpscares and have no better horror to watch, it might be worth it.
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Low budget and it shows, but not in a bad way completely.
18 September 2015
I saw this rated at 8/10 here earlier and thought wow, low budget movie with a genre that I like, with actors I've never heard of.

I had to see it.

Storyline is OK, as it should be as it is based on an ancient story (Atleast I think it is) Actors are bad, sometimes in a comical way, sometimes just in a bad way.

Merlin as a boy in the beginning gives you a cringe on bad acting, but after that its watchable if you like the genre.

There is no "special effects" other than a fog that rises to cover any need for it.

The two main characters have their moments, thats pretty much all there is in this movie.
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