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Commander in Chief: The Elephant in the Room (2006)
Season 1, Episode 16
Why would you cancel such an awesome show?
1 June 2006
This episode was fantastic. There's nothing that compares to the tension and drama that call be felt by just looks that are exchanged between Templeton and the President. That's what makes this show so great. The realness of the actors. They don't have to bombard you with their words, their mere presence says enough. The last few lines in this episode made my day - and left me wishing, once again, that they wouldn't have lost faith in a show that won the lead actress an award! This is a great show, and I pray to God that it comes out on DVD! Even more so, I want someone to pick it up and run with it again. Many people look at this show as a desperate attempt by "the man" to get the American people to want a woman in the Oval Office. I want to assure you, as someone who's faithfully watched every episode, that is just not the case. It's just a point of view of the government that I have not seen matched in other shows. You see how the family interacts. How the children deal with their new fame, and the stress of having a family that is pulled in so many directions while living underneath a microscope. It's true to life. You see how the "first man" deals with the issues that "the first lady" normally would - meanwhile, trying to convince himself and others of his importance and manliness. All in all, this isn't a show that tries to force you to agree with having a woman President, but rather, it teaches us that our leaders are nothing more than real people. They have real problems, just like us. Just, more of them! :)
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