
10 Reviews
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If Namor's mutant power was to bore you to death
12 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well it looks like Marvel butchered yet another well established character. I've read Namor and watched the early cartoon versions of him for decades. Every iteration of his portrayal were consistent throughout the years... until the MCU's version came out. Much like DC's Ocean Master, he was a haughty self absorbed egoist with a high-nobility way of speech to go along with it. This MCU version is basically as introverted, boring, and quiet as possible. When he threatened to kill a person or destroy the world, he said it with the gusto of reading the dictionary. The infamous "Imperius Rex" got replaced with some gibberish I will not bother to learn. Sure the action scenes were all good but that's on the CGI team, not the actor himself. The Atlanteans as a whole got nerfed to hell in this universe, much like the Black Order was in Infinity Wars. The Black Order in the comics were each world destroyers. Proxima Midnight's spear had the weight of a sun that she could lift and throw it at will. They slew armies of Thors like nothing in Battleworld. Yet Black Widow, a normal human, blocked her strikes without becoming a pile of fleshy goo during the Wakanda battle. The same kind of nerf was applied to the Atlanteans in this movie. Even average joe Atlanteans can lift 4 tons because they live in the crushing depths of the oceans. Atlantean warriors are 10 tonners, basically as strong as an elephant. Attuma is an established 60 tonner yet Okoye, yet another normal human, blocked his strikes in fights, without an Iron Woman suit. So I guess either Okoye can block the charge of 6 elephants as well, or Attuma got nerfed to hell in this movie. I'm not even going to touch on how Namor, a 200,000 tonner got beat by Shuri's version of BP. Even weakened, he's as strong as Attuma in the comics and should be able to slap Shuri silly with ease. If DC can portray their Atlanteans accurately, why can't Marvel? DC's average Atlanteans can run through walls and destroy boulders with a punch. Marvel's Atlanteans gets flung and beat by humans. On the Wakanda storyline side, it was ok. The strongest acting came from Angela Bassett. Once she was gone, the acting became Disney Kids shows level.
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Great concept executed near flawlessly
3 October 2022
The people who think this movie is too confusing and loud must be old or slow in the head. Yes the action is non stop but the plot and story is very easy to follow. Besides looking seamless, the action is never boring. There were so many creative kills and "camera shots". Location wise, Henry will take you from the highest of the highs (the sky and building edges) to the lowest of the lows (hiding under a car). Yes, there are some groan worthy moments but this film is superb for their budget. Did I mention that this movie was made on only $2 million? This movie is crazy good for what it cost. If this movie had a Disney movie's budget, it could have been even more incredible.
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Blackout (VI) (2022)
Low budget is not an excuse
3 October 2022
This movie has B/A list actors yet the script and some scenes are awful. Completely cliché and disjointed at the same time. Budget is not an excuse. There are action movies that have way lower budget and were at least interesting if not gripping: Hardcore Henry, Upgrade, The Raid (only 1million), etc. I've even seen better stuff from Youtube creators. Josh Duhamel should just stick to romantic comedies and light hearted stuff like the Mighty Ducks. He hardly felt dangerous or menacing in action roles. Abbie Cornish's acting was also was disinterested and looked like she was just in for the paycheck.
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4 episodes in and I'm bored to death
16 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show doesn't hold a candle to the original trilogies. Sure the cinematography, costumes, visual effects etc. Are top notch but the storyline is weak and the characters are weak. The most compelling part for me in 4 episodes was when Galadriel almost drowned. BTW, that was such a stupid thing she did, who the hell wrote this? There's really is no sense of danger or urgency even when Galadriel keeps telling us that Sauron's coming and the sky will be falling. I felt little for each new character introduced. They mostly seem half baked and lack personality. It's weird that a guy who died 100 years ago can breathe more life into characters than a dozen modern writers. The pacing can be agonizing sometimes. I guess it could be because this is a series and they need plenty of filler times. Some scenes are pretty unbelievable. Like a certain female elf overpowering 4 guards bare handed AND shoving them into an enclosure? That does not fit into Tolkien lore at all! Men are physically stronger than elves. There's no way a 120 lb woman can shove 4 grown men in armor, or 800+lbs so easily. No matter how much more fighting experience she has, she did not have any mystical powers at this point to augment her strength. But ok we just have to accept she's as strong as a super hero for no reason and she has the power to swim across an ocean and fling grown men around easily.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
How to mess up a classic?
26 June 2022
If you inject woke garbage into a great classic book series that took a man decades to write, you get this unrecognizable fast-food for the simple minded programme.
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Turning Red (2022)
Clichéd borefest
12 April 2022
Oh look it's another coming of age rebellion film. We gonna switch it up by making it ASIAN style! Huzzah! How original! 94% Rotten Tomatoes worthy! Nevermind that 99% of the attempts at comedy fell flat, let's just go straight to the moral of the story. Which is that parents should ignore a kid's falling grades, violent tendencies, talking back, and acting irresponsibly because they are growing into their own person/monster and all should be accepted and forgiven cuz of... love. What a wonderful and inspiring film! Made me wish I Molotoved my high school poetry teacher's car instead of repressing my inner monster. I gots to be me yo! Best excuse in da world!
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Candyman (2021)
21 September 2021
This movie was boring as heck for a "horror" film. If you are looking to be scared, look elsewhere. If you are into a certain race's snuff film and street level caricature performance, then enjoy by all means.

I'm not White or Black and the agenda behind this film was obvious and dragged down the movie hard, expelling any real horror elements.
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Might as well be a B movie
13 July 2021
The original Fear Street series by RL Stine were no masterpieces by any means, but it was a still good enough as a guilty pleasure read during my pre-teen years when I eagerly grabbed each new book off the library shelves.

Fast forward nearly 30 years later and I saw that part of my childhood is finally made into "moving pictures"! So... hurray? Nay!

Besides the filming style and special effects, this movie was as good as watching a spinning ceiling fan.

The characters, boring. The scares, nearly non-existent. The kills, predictable.

This movie cared more about breaking-social-norms-messages than adhering to the horror genre. The monsters were treated as bad garnish. They were developed so poorly, I couldn't be more apathetic about any of the monsters or the kids.

If Stranger Things did nostalgia right, Fear Street did it wayyy wrong.

Their laughable idea of nostalgia is to play 15 second clips of hit 90s songs in a non-stop cycle like good o'l America's top 40 by Casey Kasem.

The kids didn't act like or look like they knew anything of the 90s. They may as well have been Marty McFlys from the 2020s that were accidentally sent back in time.

To reiterate, poor acting, poor directing, and a boring "horror" movie. I really don't know what they were going for here and I sincerely hope RL didn't watch his work get butchered into this strange mess.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Not much there
4 January 2021
This show is basically one of those romance drivel novels in 8 episodes form. If you are the type who like those dollar romance novels or movies like 50 Shades, then this is the show for you! I'm sure the show would be popular among girls who seeks romance and empowerment that's not rooted in reality. I.E. 100 lb girl who never threw a punch before knocking out a man with one blow. Besides the "forbidden romance" archetype that's been over done, the show really doesn't have anything of value to offer. No, the sexual and racial politics aren't anything radically insightful. They are just there to fit the palate of the current SJW trends and extremely predictable. Beyond the SJW politics, the acting was blasé and the chemistry was tepid. I've seen B rated softcores more exciting than what this show has to offer. A positive is that the costumes, sets, and production values are pretty high.
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Bland New Rewrite
18 July 2020
The show deviates from the book greatly. None of the main characters are likable. John flip flops between a cuckold and simp. Lenina somehow claims moral high ground while she hurts people left and right without a thought. Once you figure out the direction the show was going, everything became cliche and predictable. Couldn't decide to laugh or cry at the absurd character development by the end.I know the industry can't produce original ideas anymore. But can the brainless writers at least refrain from taking a classic and slapping a Westworld plot with some neo feminism over it? Won't be watching the second season for sure.
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