
2 Reviews
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Runaway (I) (2010)
5 May 2019
I have no clue what the hell is happening in this movie. I don't know if it's a concept or if Kanye got bored.
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Fall (2015)
Good story, good acting, decent editing
7 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie can't be expected to be to be the next modern masterpiece. It had little to no budget, and had only one editor, so it was fantastic for what they had. But considering what they had was almost nothing, it wasn't very fantastic. But what they lacked in money they more than made up for in story. It presents itself as a teen drama, with some well delivered comedy from Tim Norton (Sam Pellegrino). Towards the third act, however, it takes a dramatically dark turn with the completely unexpected plot twist that ***SPOILERS*** Viktor Kane (Charlie Barbera) is secretly the killer. While some characters were underdeveloped, like Oliver Creed (Jack Peterson) and Julie Edelson (Laura Dowd), their performances were extremely good, and whatever problems with their characters there were mostly came from the script and not the actors themselves.
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