
33 Reviews
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Needless DEI and CRT ruined the movie
14 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers

This was disappointing. The writers took a fun-popcorn-movie concept and infused it with needless DEI/CRT which ruined the movie. For those who may be new to the RIPD concept, either not having seen the first movie or read the comic book, the RIPD concept is that law enforcement officers who were killed in the line of duty are recruited by heaven to go back to earth and kill demons, demons who take over human bodies and pose as human; these demons are called "Dead-Os" by the RIPD.

So it's now standard operating procedure in Hollywood that you insert DEI/CRT in every movie regardless of how clunky is presented, or how much it completely stops the movie and its tracks.

The movie. So, of course the lead RIPD male is a bumbling fool (Think Chris Pratt's character in the MCU Guardians of the Galaxy movies), his RIPD partner "girl boss" shows up immediately and of course is excellent and competent at everything, to contrast his personality. Within the RIPD concept when you come back to earth you're in a different identity and appear as a different person to humans. These two RIPD law officers appear as black women in the 1870s west, so we get a little speech about how you may know Black people in the west, but you've not experienced their experience. Also, this theme is shown throughout the movie. Wow, thank you, Hollywood. I now can contemplate the evil of prejudice and slavery. I never would have come to that conclusion without this movie. (insert sarcastic emoji here) Also, within the RIPD concept, the Dead-Os are demons, the ultimate evil. But of course, here, because one of the Dead-Os is Asian, he has to have a redemptive storyline and turn out good in the end. You know, a virtuous, kind, honest demon. (insert eye-roll emoji here.) At the end of the movie, we learn that the RIPD "girl boss" was the famous Joan of Arc when she was alive, having died almost 500 years earlier. This makes the movie even more frustrating because we could've had a separate RIPD movie about her being Joan of Arc within that time period, and also one that takes place in the American West, versus muddled preachy predictable mess.

In the end, what should've been a fun movie is a platform that bludgeons you with its DEI/CRT, and misses so many opportunities to take advantage of the concept. A positive about the movie is that both the lead actor and actress are very likable. Again, makes you wonder what this movie could've been without Hollywood's always present axe-to-grind.
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Condor's Nest (2023)
Excellent opening that degrades into a whimper - Pass
21 March 2024
No spoilers. This movie open was so much promise. The first half of the movie is excellent. The protagonist is ruthless and it's consistent with the character. However, the second half of the movie the protagonist turns into a beta male, the girl boss shows up and saves the day, and, the scenes with the Nazis are played to whimsical tone. That's almost a separate movie from the first half. Really disappointing that the movie didn't hold it serious tone throughout the movie. What opened as a movie about Obsession and ruthlessness, degrades into standard adventure, fair and inappropriate whimsical scenes that are not consistent with first half of the movie.
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Sea Wolf (2009– )
Faithful, excellent adaptation
26 October 2023
This is an excellent, and faithful adaptation of the book by Jack London. Be warned. If you love, CGI, and endless action and fight scenes, this is not the move for you. The movie itself is beautifully shot, no CGI screens, all shot on the watet. The cinematography is one of the stars of this movie. It makes me long for a time when movies were shot on location, versus CGI. As mentioned, it's a faithful adaptation of the book. The movie focus on two characters, Captain Wolf and Humphrey. Through the journey, we see the best and worst of humanity as the cruel and sadistic Captain Wolf is countered by the humanity of Humphrey. Do yourself a favor and watch this.
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Great movie for young children
27 September 2023
This movie is a faithful adaptation of the prince valiant Newspaper strip. What I find endearing about this movie is that it is something that the entire family can watch without cuss words, or sexual scenes. This movie reminds me of the old Walt Disney adventure movies of the 1960s and 1970s. Too many times today with characters such as Batman, Superman, and the avengers, the movies are really made for teenagers in above, and can scare a little children, and or be inappropriate for them. If you enjoy the Earl Flynn Robinhood movie, or early Zorro movies, which show heroes as being heroic and villains being villains, you will enjoy this movie.
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Deathwatch (2002)
Slow-burn film to the point of no-burn
25 September 2023
The story is pretty simple. It takes place in World War I in the trenches. A British force of nine commandos take over a German trench and find that there's "something" else to fear in the trench then just the Germans. This movie is made well, high-quality, well acted, but the story is so slow that they call it plodding would be an insult to a sloth. Every scene seems to build to a climax that never comes and continually disappoints. I understand the need for the slow burn, but you have to give the viewer something throughout the movie to keep them interested to the next scene. As is, each scene continues to build unto itself, and they're just never seems to be a climax. It's actually somewhat exhausting and frustrating to watch because of this.
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The Shadow Riders (1982 TV Movie)
Whimsical tone undercuts the drama
22 August 2023
This should've been a better movie. Good actors, good production, but the music and overall tone are so whimsical and undercuts the drama. Ex: the music is 100% wrong for this. There are numerous fights and dramatic scenes in the whimsical fun music comes up and completely destroys the trauma of the scene. This would be a great candidate to be remade in the same seriousness of the book. Also, the camera work is so tight obviously a TV movie. They should've at least show the landscapes, and the grandeur of the west. That in itself is an important part of any great western, showing how small the combatants are against the landscape. Overall it's just an average TV movie.
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Vivarium (2019)
Rejected script from tv show, BLACK MIRROR.
21 July 2023
First, I'm a viewer who likes when a movie leaves something to the imagination, and doesn't answer all the questions. But, you have to answer *SOME* questions. Even one! Weird and creepy for its own sake is not interesting. This movie has no pay-off & it's obvious that aside from the solid premise, the creators didn't have a clue as to how to end it in a manner that would honor the premise, or at least be fulfilling to viewers. As is, it feels like a rejected script from the tv show BLACK MIRROR, runs too long, & you can't help but think TWILIGHT ZONE would have done it better in only 30 minutes.
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Blood & Gold (2023)
Sergio Leone meets Quentin Tarantino
23 June 2023
NO Spoilers. This movie is about the waning days of WWII and German soldiers in a race looking for Jewish gold before the allied forces arrive. It's fast paced and well done as well as well acted. Solid action in the traditional World War II movie genre. The music has a deliberate Sergio Leone spaghetti-western tone, and the movie reflects a Quentin Tarantino influence. This is a German movie that is dubbed in English subtitles. I've been enjoying Netflix foreign movies that are dubbed in English. They seem more character driven, and more concerned with plot and storyline than woke politics. Very enjoyable movie.
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Spiderhead (2022)
Avoid this missed opportunity.
19 August 2022
This movie is a complete missed opportunity. He's trying to be a serious psycho-thriller but unfortunately writers and director are not ip to the task. But, the creators were not committed enough. The movie quickly descends into some whimsical tones that completely destroy any drama within the movie. I couldn't help but think that is this movie were made in the late 1960s with early 1970s, it could've been a classic. But again, lesser creators are infected with the cowardness of not being able to be serious about a topic to the point that makes the viewer uncomfortable. Think if the now-legendary television show, "Breaking Bad" interrupted the drama with little whimsical, cute moments. That TV show was a straightahead thriller that was committed to the drama and kept the viewer on edge, as any thriller should. This movie is the antithesis of that. Too cute for its own good. Finally, it also continues the trend of trying to resurrect old music. In this case, classic 1980s songs are peppered throughout the show. They were the best thing about this movie!
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WarHunt (2022)
Serviceable but predictable
21 June 2022
No Spoilers. Serviceable, predictable, well made and well acted. "Monster in the house" type movie. The only real irritable aspect of this movie is that many scenes are filmed to dark. I realize that when production values are low that the fault is to film in low light but it's it's ridiculous when you can't even see what the actors are portraying.
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The Veil (II) (2017)
Slow pace ruins movie
2 October 2021
I was enjoying this movie but the middle is so slow, and so irrelevant to the overall story, that it drags down the film to when they get to the final act you're just glad it's over.
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Green Lantern (2011)
Edit this movie down to 70+ minutes and it's a fun time!
26 August 2021
I recently re-watched this movie and it isn't as bad as everyone makes out. In fact, if it were released today it would be considered an average MCU movie. The major problems with this movie are the major problems with so many of the DC movies and MCU movies, and not specific to this movie. First, why do movie studios feel the need to drag out the first movie with an origin story? Can't this just be a two minute voiceover explaining what happened with jump right into the action of the movie? The second problem with this movie is again universal. The "Josh Wheaton-effect" (A. K. A. Buffy the Vampire Slayer tv show, drop-a-joke-make-a-snarky-comment in every dramatic situation) is so annoying and takes you out of the drama of the moment that ruins most movies. The third and final problem is they introduced too many villains and it's too cluttered if a story. Why not remove the Hector Hammond character, and simply focus on Green Lantern and the corps? After all, it is his movie. *Net-net: This movie could be edited down to about 70-80 minutes and be very loads of fun.*
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Settlers (2021)
Predictable but stylized "Heros Journey"
25 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I predicted a lot of this movie in the first 20 minutes. First, the father is shown as heroic. Because of the anti-patriarchal movement so prevalent in most modern movies, it was predictable what would happen to the father. In movies today, a father is either the villain, absent, a buffoon, or if he is in any way heroic, he will be killed off early in the movie to make way for remaining characters to begin their Joseph Campbell's "hero's journey." This movie is no different. After the heroic father is killed, the characters go through 12 stages of Campbell's Journey. Too bad as I think the actors are very interesting. The movie itself is basically a new turn on an old western, where the settlers are isolated and have to survive against odds and Indigenous peoples.
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Excellent spoliers.
20 July 2021
Robert Mitchum is excellent in the role of a "town tamer." A hired killer who is hired by the law-abiding citizens to clean up a lawless town. I'm typically not a big mission fan because I mostly see him in film-crime Noir movies, which is not my favorite genre. This movie has a very tight plot and story. I enjoyed seeing the early work of western tv show regulars and character actors Leo Gordan, Burt Mustin, Maudie Prickett, and James Westerfield. Also, a young Claude Atkins who would go on to very long and illustrious movie and tv career. Fianlly, an uncredited appearance by a young Angie Dickenson as a "dance hall girl."
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Average Episode
30 January 2020
SJW moment - Riker explains to aliens guests who want to eat live animals that humans "No longer enslaved animals for food purposes."
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Boring - Pass on this episode. You won't be sorry...
30 January 2020
Boring episode. Wesley Crusher *again* solves a technical problem that trained, experience adults could not. Love the series but pass on this episode. You won't be sorry...
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The Spirit (2008)
Boring action movie
4 January 2020
I came to this movie as a huge fan of the source material, the comic series by Wil Eisner. As a fan of that Series this movie is unrecognizable to the source material. As a person coming clean into the movie without any knowledge of the source material, this is just a boring action film and not worth the effort. Complete style over substance, and an annoying style of that.
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Arrowhead (1953)
Underated classic
8 September 2019
Underrated classic made so by the outstanding performances by Jack Palance, and Charlton Heston. A little slow in the beginning but it once it discards the obligatory love interest, which isn't really needed, the movie focuses on the compelling aspect of the movie, which is the rivalry between Palance and Heston's characters.

Worth a look!
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The Six Million Dollar Man (1973 TV Movie)
Pilot is much more serious than I remember as a kid
7 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As a child of the 70s I love the show. I just recently watched the first two episodes, which was the pilot movie. I was surprised at how serious the tone of the movie was. For example, after Steve Austin wakes up from the accident he actually tries to kill himself in the hospital as opposed to living a life without an arm, two legs, and one eye.

Also, his Handler is not Richard Anderson as it was in the series but was a mysterious unnamed government Black Ops person, play beautifully by Darren McGavin, Kolchak The Night Stalker Fame. His presence really added a Sinister aspect to the show which I think wandering welcome throughout the series.

Absolutely love the television show still, and the pilot still holds up.
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Gunsmoke: The Bobsy Twins (1960)
Season 5, Episode 36
5 May 2019
Solid episode. Each character gets their day. Like so many good episodes unflinching violence of the West. 1 error.

Not a spoiler. And one of them or character Focus scenes, and some of the best of the series, you have a scene where Marshall Dillon and the doctor are having dialogue, bantering back and forth. The doctor quotes the verse below and is impressed when Matt response if that's from "Chronicles" They were both incorrect as it's from The Book of Psalms: Psalm 55:21 "The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart:"
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Example of the series best
29 March 2019
Uncompromising look at the Old West. Paladin has to defend a reformed serial killer. Or is he were formed? Once again the show does not take the easy way out it shows brutality
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Have Gun - Will Travel: American Primitive (1963)
Season 6, Episode 21
Strong supporting cast
22 March 2019
This is one of the better episodes of the later season episodes. Mainly because of the strong Supporting Cast, including Harry Morgan.
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Gunsmoke: Ma Tennis (1958)
Season 3, Episode 21
25 February 2019
This is another episode that illustrate why the early years of this television Western Wear some of the best TV at the time. Considering this episode was aired in the late 1950s, it is uncompromising. Unlike many shows today, when this show has a character that is said to be evil, the show takes it to its logical end
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Gunsmoke: Joe Phy (1958)
Season 3, Episode 17
Solid Episode.
22 February 2019
Another episode that illustrates what made this a legendary western; drama, unflinching honesty, and toxic-masculinity.
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Gunsmoke: Never Pester Chester (1957)
Season 3, Episode 10
Matt Dillin Unleasehed...
15 February 2019
This is a favorite episode as it shows how this early TV Western was uncompromising in its scripts and how its characters reacted to tragedy. After Chester is all the dry to death behind a horse by two Cowboys, Matt Dillon is out for revenge, not justice. As if you were we are not disappointed.

This is an episode that shows that the relationship between Marshall Dillon and Chester what's more than false employer but that of true friends
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