
12 Reviews
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100 Tears (2007 Video)
Total Gore Fest
27 September 2015
This movie may be a far cry from great, but it is certainly not terrible. I found the acting to be rather mediocre and the plot line to be almost non-existent, but this movie gets an A+ for blood and gore. I counted ten gruesome deaths in just fifteen minutes! This movie is really only for people who are die-hard slasher fans and are looking for a brutal gore fest from start to finish. I've hated a lot of clown horror films lately, but this is not that bad. I agree that it looks much more home made than professional, but to me that just makes the experience even more disturbing. I would recommend this to those few horror movie lovers who can appreciate excessive blood and nothing more.
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Ouija (II) (2014)
26 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After reading up on countless reviews for this movie, most of which warning me against purchasing this film, I decided to buy it and sample it for myself. I should start by saying that this is not a terrible movie, but it is far from being even remotely good. The truth is, it was just very dull. The actors seemed to lack any form of emotion, the plot was difficult to pay attention to and the whole movie was annoyingly predictable. The only thing that I really respected to me was the fact that it at least TRIED to be original, unlike a lot of movies that have been released this year. I yawned from start to finish, finding it difficult to connect with any of the characters at all. I wouldn't recommend this movie to horror fans. It's really, really boring!
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Best Earliest Horror Movie Ever Made
24 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am not normally a fan of silent movies, but as a die-hard horror movie buff, I knew this was one I just had to see...and I am so glad that I did! This movie is creepy, atmospheric and the twist ending just took me completely by surprise. Not to mention that the music is beautifully dark and scary! I am in love. This has to be one of the best earliest horror movies of all time and I think everyone should give it a watch! I adore the way the camera angles so that we see glimpses of shadows; it is incredibly atmospheric throughout, as well as leaving audiences with a sense of maddening danger. Definitely a must see for fans of the horror genre or for those who simply appreciate good, classic cinema.
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Bunnyman (2011)
Bad Beyond Comprehension
23 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I even begin with this movie? The first thing I noticed was that the sound was atrocious. While the sound effects were extremely loud, the voices of the characters were barely audible. I was constantly turning the speakers up and down in order to hear or avoid being deafened by this movie. The second thing I noticed about this mess was the appalling acting. Not a single person in this film could act. Their exaggerated facial expressions and outbursts were just laughable and certainly not believable. Did I really spent £3.99 on this?! So half way through I decided that it must be a comedy horror and that I am surely taking this movie way too seriously...but I was so wrong. This movie neither tried to make me laugh nor tried to scare me, which is a shame because I genuinely expected much more from this low budget "horror" flick. There is one particular scene in which one of the group members is struck down and killed by a man wearing a ridiculous bunny costume, wielding a pathetic looking chainsaw. After we see that she is clearly deceased, her chest moves up and down. She is BREATHING. I could not believe that this movie was even made, let alone spawned not one, but TWO sequels. Finally, I want to conclude by warning anyone who is even slightly entertained by the idea that this movie could possibly be a fun watch. Boring, lame, cringe-worthy and down right silly are a few adjectives that spring instantly to mind when I think of this movie. Save your money, time and attention!
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Creative + Fun!
23 September 2015
I really wanted to hate this movie. Trust me, I really, really did. I thought that from the title alone that it was going to be a lame excuse for a horror flick, but how wrong was I? Very wrong! This might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I found it to be a super fun and creative watch. Killer Klowns From Outer Space does not take itself too seriously, which makes the whole movie just a great film to watch with a bucket of popcorn. I actually ended up purchasing this movie on Blu- Ray after seeing it just once a few months ago on Netflix. Do not go into this movie thinking that you're going to be scared because you'll most likely be disappointed. It's not your conventional horror by any means...but it is definitely a lot of fun! I should also add that the soundtrack in this film is INCREDIBLE. It just gets stuck in your head. I loved every single second of this movie and would highly recommend to any horror/comedy fan out there.
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Alyce Kills (2011)
A Twisted Must-See
23 September 2015
I went into this movie with absolutely no expectations, so I ended up being very pleasantly surprised with the overall movie after I had watched it. Twisted, dark and gritty; Alyce tells the story of a young woman whose life takes a downwards spiral after her friend falls off the roof of her apartment and is left seriously injured. This movie only used blood and gore towards the end to create that kind of "shock factor" that horror fans just love. Apart from the last thirty minutes, the movie is mostly atmospheric and moody, which makes Alyce's descent into madness all the more terrifying. This is a must see for fans of the horror genre and anyone who is looking for a strange and original twist on Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland."
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Killjoy (2000 Video)
Atrocious Excuse for a Movie
23 September 2015
This movie is atrocious beyond comprehension. As a fan of the sillier side of horror, I was actually really looking forward to watching this movie. I wish I had read up on some reviews before I wasted £3.50 on this awful film. From the cover, Killyjoy looks like a terrifying clown who could easily create bloodshed amongst the protagonists...but this movie is anything but scary, or funny. With laughable dialogue, bad acting, horrible special effects and a stupid plot line; this movie takes the cake. The only thing even remotely frightening about this movie is that it was even allowed to be made in the first place. It looks like it was created by a group of teenagers using Windows Movie Maker. Honestly, I would not recommend this movie to anyone whatsoever. Spend your money on better clown movies. Killer Klowns From Outer Space is the perfect example of what a silly, scary horror should be and Killjoy is anything but.
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1 September 2015
Sequels. You either love them or you hate them. For me, I enjoy one or two sequels that enhances the storyline of the first movie. I enjoyed the previous Friday the 13th movies, but this one is definitely the best in the franchise so far. I found Tom Savini's brutal effects to be very scary, and there is a lot of suspense in this film that makes the character of Jason seem even more psychotic. The death scenes are always fun to watch in horror movies and this movie is no exception; gory and brutal killings happen at every opportunity with a few jump scares added for that extra scare. This movie is a must see for anyone who is a fan of the Friday the 13th movie or slashers in general. Crispin Glover's performance should also be praised; I found him to be very likable, which always helps the audience connect to the characters. Good watch.
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Horns (2013)
Surprisingly Good!
20 August 2015
I have to be honest, I put off watching this movie for two years because I thought it was just another typical, generic horror movie that everyone raves about. My boyfriend bought it on Blu Ray the other day and we finally sat down to watch it, and I was pleasantly surprised by the overall movie. Daniel Radcliffe's performance is so believable and impressive. I was impressed with the originality of the story, the soundtrack and special effects. I would definitely recommend this unusual gem to anyone who is a fan of the dark-comedy horror movie or to anyone who appreciates Daniel Radcliffe's acting. Definitely a gem of a movie. 9/10!
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Halloween (1978)
One of a Kind!
26 July 2015
Halloween is one of the those classic horror movies that everyone must see at least once. With little gore and violence, I feel that Halloween is very much a part of the 'it's not what you see, but what you don't see' club. The subtle quizzical look that Michael Myers gives to his victims is more frightening than any amount of blood can do. This movie will make your hair stand on end and send chills down your spine! The character development is excellent; you do not want these characters to die, unlike many horrors that are made today. It is one of the few scary films that the audience is not rooting for the killer! Jaime Lee Curtis plays an unassuming babysitter and her performance is very believable, making it hard not to sympathise with her as she struggles to get away from Michael Myers. I cannot recommend this movie enough. If not for the great casting, music and originality, watch this movie simply to appreciate the simplicity and eeriness of what Halloween has to offer. A must see for both horror movie fanatics and casual viewers!
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21 July 2015
This has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen...and I have seen a lot of terrible movies. First of all, the characters are all completely unlikely, so as an audience, we do not care what happens to them one way or the other. Secondly, most of Bill Boss' dialogue is yelled instead of spoken. This makes it both extremely annoying and inaudible (I actually had to put subtitles on to understand what he was talking about). Don't even get me started on the forced, fake American accent the accountant put on throughout this shocking excuse for a film. Seriously, what was all that about? I like gore in a movie. I do. I am a horror movie addict, but even the scenes of torture were not even scary. Maybe I'm just desensitized now, but I just found the first 'Human Centipede' to be much sicker. So disappointed in this movie - DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME!
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Absolute Classic
21 July 2015
As a child, I used to watch this movie religiously. I loved the chemistry between Doc Brown and Marty McFly, I loved the all too familiar soundtrack and the ridiculous way in which George McFly laughs. This movie has become such a nostalgic and feel-good film for me. I had the good fortunate to see all three 'Back to the Future' movies in cinema last year and it was such an experience to watch this timeless classic with people who enjoy this film as much as I do. Everyone has to see this film at least once in their life! Such an amazing, funny Sci-Fi from the 1980's. I just can't get enough of this movie - it will just never get old. Cannot recommend it enough!
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