
4 Reviews
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Crimson Peak (2015)
Crimson no peak
29 October 2015
I went to the movies with a friend, we were pretty drunk and we managed to get in a bottle of whiskey in 2 separate 1.l cups. You get the picture!

We knew nothing about the movie and it's plot, so we had no expectations!

The movie was bad! predictable, boring, slow, in no way original and way to long. I think i could have edited the movie's length to 40 minutes, and it would have been twice as good. Needless to say my friend fell a sleep a walked out with 5 minutes remaining; Didn't care for the ending/twist

I have to give it 2 stars because the ghost was really well done. Perhaps the best ghost i have seen

Do not see this film drunk, go watch Rat race instead
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The Danish Californication
20 July 2015
MAnden med de gyldne øre is a show not known by many. I highly recommend every Dane to see this, as i think it is possibly one of the best danish shows ever made.

Nikolaj Steen does a great job as the main character, and is one of the reasons why this show is that good

The show is exciting, funny and interesting and is really well written. The plots, the twist, the jokes aloe cross each other every episode, and it has a great continuity.

The only bad thing about the show is that some of the acting is pretty poor. But Nikolaj Steen does a great job, and the store are strong enough, so it doesn't really ruin anything

Definitely watch this!
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Wild Tales (2014)
Great movie! - Entertaining, original and funny!
20 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a collection of 6 short stories, which all has the theme: revenge in common. The stories doesn't cross each other, and could be seen out of context.

they all have interesting stories, dark humor, action and good acting. they are funny in an absurd way, and will definitely keep you entertained.

The only story i didn't like that much was the one with the car accident, where they had to blame the Mexican. Didn't really think the store reach its' potential, but still i was entertained, and once you have finished the movie you will left back pretty amused.

even though I didn't like all the stories, i still found the whole movie pretty good.
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Sense8 (2015–2018)
Promising story - but too slow and way to much kissing
20 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
When i saw the first episode i was hooked. The story/plot is really interesting, and some of the characters are as well. It has this mysterious theme which you think will be the main plot. But unfortunately the story is too focused on the characters problems, which would have been okay if they all lead up too the same point, but it doesn't. The Mexican story has absolutely no relevance to the main story, except for a silly flirt in the last episode, it could easily had been pulled out of the show. There is way to much focus on the relationships between the homosexuals, it feels like to show is trying to hard to prove something. It doesn't really matter for the main story, but still the show manage to fill at least 2-3 episodes with only kisses and love scenes between to gays and two lesbians (trans).

It bothered me, because the main plot was pretty cool and i wanted to find out what was really going on and why they were being hunted by this mysterious man, but apparently that is not what the show is about, because only 2 or 3 episodes are dedicated to that, the rest is about Love and an extremely annoying Icelandic who cries all the time......And that is not what i signed up for

With that said the show did have some good moments. I for one liked the African Story very much. It was pretty simple, but with a good drive. there was always something happening, and it was a likable and funny character. The Korean story was very interesting as well. It was full of great action scenes, specially when she combined with Jean Claude

This show's first 3-4 episodes will probably catch your attention, and make you want to see the rest, but in the end it will disappoint you, as the story takes a boring turn, and moves way to Sloooooooooow.
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