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What happened? Loved the first, ehhh on the second
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the first movie. What happened with the second? For those who read the books.

First, what happened to the Space Guild Navigators? One of the main plots is that the Space Guild Navigators need spice to fold space and allow travel between the systems. No where to be found in this movie. So, for those who didn't read the books. Spice comes across as a drug used like cocaine in the movie. You have no sense of urgency because if the "Spice must flow" is stopped. It's the end of the empire.

Second, what a waste of of Christopher Walken. He comes across as the enfeebled emperor of the houses. The urgency for the emperor going to Dune is because he doesn't want Paul to tell the other houses about his betrayal? WHAT? I guess since you didn't bring in the Space Guild Navigators you had to invent another reason? Did Christopher's contract stipulate that he only wears robes or did they run out of money for his costumes? At the end of movie he looks like a homeless person walked on set. What was also missing was the pressure by the Witches and the Space Guild on the emperor to continue with spice production. Christopher was less menacing and more like 'Grandpa' needs to go to the memory care facility.

Third, I knew the movie was in trouble when I looked at my watch and realized "There's only nine minutes left in this move, how are they going to end it?". I felt the movie was rushed to reach a conclusion and the ending battle was chaotic and short. Chaotic in not a good way. There is a whole scene about 'the atomics' that made me question on why is it in the movie? We are told about the 'atomics', but there is no follow-up to the ending battle. The fierce emperor warriors come across as incompetent wimps. The ending seemed way to rushed. It's less about a powerful emperor and more like 'how did none of the other houses not take him out?'.

There are other problems that are pretty minor, like nothing is mentioned at all about the other systems. Like the Mentat's or the planet of machines. Too much time spent on 'Fade' killing people in an Arena, but failing to mention who these characters are. If you hadn't seen the first film, there deaths make no sense. Robands death seemed like an after thought. Like we need to get rid of this character, but the movie is going on too long. But, my primary complaint is the lack of 'Space Guild Navigators" and why Spice is so important to these people. There seems to be no urgency by any of the characters to make sure "The Spice Must Flow". Disappointed.
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Black Sheep Squadron (1976–1978)
Great show until Jeb Stuart Adams showed up
9 February 2024
As an Army brat I loved this show until they introduced Jeb Stuart Adams. When he showed up with hair down to his shoulders the show had jumped the shark. I knew this show was wildly historically inaccurate, but as a teen it was a fun show. Since my dad was in the Army I was taught that all military haircuts had to at least be above the ears and above the collar. Clearly Jeb was put on the show to appeal to teenage girls. What it did, was destroy the illusion that the show took place in the early 40's. No way would he be allowed to have his hair so long that it rested on his shoulders and still serve in the Army. Certainly not in the 40's. Ironic that they placed Jeb on the show to improve ratings and it did the opposite. The show was soon canceled.
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Trigger (II) (2016)
Avoid this movie at all costs
14 May 2023
What do you get with a GoPro knock off and $100. A movie so awful that I want to sue the production company to get my time back. This movie makes so little sense that I can't even say any spoilers. Avoid this movie at all costs. My hope is that this awful movie ends the careers of many people associated with this film. The writer must have thought that he/she was so cute by starting off at a certain time and work backwards. Trust me he/she wasn't. This nonsensical awfully produced movie should be shown to all new directors as an example of what movie not to make. RRRRR... It still makes me mad that I watched this awful thing. Do yourself a favor and avoid at all costs.
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Night Court (2023– )
This show is awful and not funny
8 February 2023
Why? Why was this green lighted? IT'S NOT FUNNY! It is awful. It's the kind of awful where you hope that this show kills careers and that these actors never see another acting job again. As several people pointed out the laugh track is super loud. Is that to compensate for unfunny bits? What do these actors say when they go through a read through? Check their bank account to make sure the check went through? This show is so awful it makes me angry. Who are the people who gave this show a 7? People who work on the show? The show is just half an hour of old 1950 TV comedic bits. Does John Larroquette need the money that bad? Has he no shame? All I can say is that Harry Anderson must be spinning in his grave.
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My Son Hunter (2022)
Poorly written and poorly acted Science Fiction
8 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I can't decide if this is Russian propaganda or Trump Cult Members masturbation material. This is pure Trumpican fantasyland. Look, just because you write out in text in the movie with your supposed facts, doesn't make it true. Talk about fake news.

It starts out by proclaiming 'This isn't a true story' Is this to protect the producer and writer from being sued for libel? Then we see 'Except for all the facts'. Wink wink.

The movie looks like someone got a hold of some Iphone 7's and some cheap lights. I've seen better staged sets in Halloween haunted houses than I saw in this movie.

The acting is just awful. It was hard to figure out who was who in this movie because they didn't look like any of the real people. Was that intentional to avoid being sued? In the beginning I couldn't decide if that was Biden getting out of the pool or Trump. Then I remembered that Trump doesn't exercise and there were no 'Big Macs' around. The rest of the movie is Qanon conspiracy theories and Trumpican fantasyland. Was the budget so cheap that you couldn't even afford 'Rudy'?

Then towards the end, the movie imagines that Biden get arrested and Trump wins reelection. Ha, ha, ha. Look members of the cult, Trump lost and there is nothing in the Constitution to reinstate him. Give up on that fantasy. To add insult to injury, the cult that says the don't like biased news has a biased view of Trump getting elected. Irony is truly dead.

Don't bother with this movie. It's one pile of steaming... Well you know, horses do it all the time.
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Wow, this is pretty bad
12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Is there another version of this movie? I get the sense that it was severely edited to have Universal release it. There is a lot of religious references that really don't make any sense in terms of the plot. It's almost like this was going to be released by some sort of church then Universal picked it up. Then Universal told them to tone down this 84 minute movies religious message. The last five minutes of the movie is a blooper reel.

The movie is about kids trying to prevent their parents from getting a divorce. As several reviews have pointed out Scott Baio and Kristie Swanson have zero chemistry together. There is a subplot about Scott Baio's work that literally required Scott Baio's character have a monologue to explain exactly what was going on. This movie is poorly written, poorly acted and just poorly looking. I don't understand why the movie didn't go through some color correction. It's quite jarring to go from vibrant outside color filming to poorly lit sets. This movie cost $1 million. Where? Don't bother with this movie, it's 84 minutes I will never get back.
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