
12 Reviews
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Dear Child (2023)
Really really well done
25 September 2024
I really enjoyed this program. Kept my interest. Good mystery and yet gave you enough to keep you guessing. They depicted the harsh condition of situation without a lot of actual domestic violence shown. I thought the ending was great. I was concerned about the ending due to other reviews but I thought it was very well done. All the actors were excellent. The writing was also well done. I really appreciated that the profanity was a minimum. Made it more realistic.

I was also glad that the kids weren't terrified all the time. Even though it was a creepy relationship. I hate to see kids distressed.
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The Remaining (I) (2014)
Really well done, pulls you into it.
15 June 2021
I thought this movie was very engaging. The action was really well balanced with all the relationship building etc. Gets good right way and then gets better as it goes.
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Soul Harvest (2019)
If you have trouble sleeping, this is your answer
14 March 2020
I kept waiting for something to happen . The back and forth they did between past and present did keep me watching. This movie had so much potential. But I finally ended up watching just to see the end. And that was not worth it.
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Head Count (2018)
Good film al, the way through
21 February 2020
I really enjoyed this movie beginnings end. Well acted, original story (at least to me) and thought provoking mystery.
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Enter Nowhere (2011)
Good story, very original
12 February 2020
I really enjoyed this movie. Great mystery and fulfilling end.
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AfterDeath (2015)
Potential, then fell FLAT
12 February 2020
I wish I could have the time back I spent watching this movie. Goes nowhere. Ending is a total disappointment.
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Take Shelter (2011)
So boring
12 February 2020
I tired to watch this because of great reviews and couldn't get thru it. Then it came up again and I thought. How can the reviews be wrong. Wel THEY ARE WRONG. I made it thru this snoozer and the ending SUCKED. I hated it. And I consider myself a movie enthusiast. This movie is so boring and the end doesn't satisfy.
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Don't bother unless your really desperate to get to sleep.
11 February 2020
I wish I could have my time back. It seemed somewhat promising for a while. Doesn't really take long to build the story. But then it just goes NO WHERE. it spins in a circle with the same sceneries happening over and over. Had to see the ending since I made. It through the movie, but it was not worth it.
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Altered Minds (2013)
Good movie but ending was not enough
28 January 2020
I really enjoyed this movie, but was slightly disappointed in the ending. I don't want to give spoilers so I won't say more. I really enjoy a mystery and this movie provided a good one. And that I do appreciate.
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Fun who done it.
8 January 2020
I really enjoyed this movie. There were some inconsistency with the recaps of events but it's good enough to overlook. Yes, she does some dumb stuff and some smart stuff. At least she didn't walk around in the dark with no weapon in her under ware. Worth watching for sure.
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Ghost Stories (2020)
So bro, slow and anti climatic
2 January 2020
Waiting for it to get good and it never does. Don't waste your time.
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Observance (I) (2015)
Huge waste of time
11 June 2019
I cant believe I spent my time watching this movie that ever came to make any sense. It was a real WASTE OF TIME. Watching and waiting for more ANYTHING. Then nothing all the way to the end. No closure. No explanation.
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