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The Affair (2014–2019)
A love affair NOT to remember....
30 May 2024
Sorry to say that as I age, I find myself more distracted by an actor's look and I let it impact my overall opinion of a movie or series. I really don't understand how there can be not one but two female leads, who both naturally have lips like a duck, but make that look even worse with their exaggerated expressions throughout the entire series. I gauged their emotions by the projection of their mouths. This and the fact that they are average looking, at best, made their being objects of desire somewhat laughable. And this desirability is at the heart of the entire series. I watched all five seasons just to see how bad it would get, and I got my money's worth there. The dual POV storyline was senseless. Noah's daughter, Whitney, was a nightmare. Last season a total wash.
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Trust (I) (2010)
Thought this would be a winner with Davis, Keener and Owen....
26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I almost passed on watching this movie, never imagining Ross from friends as a director, let alone for one this serious a subject. But I watched because of Keener, Owen and Viola Davis. I made many mistakes in my youth and continue to do so today, in my 70s, but despite some good dramatic moments from the character Annie, I didn't have much empathy for her character. She seemed pretty one dimensional overall and, other than her interest in sports, not much of her character was shown. The movie opens with her chats with 'Charlie' which set the tone immediately. Her actions are totally irrational. This is not a girl who has no friends in school, is unattractive and needy. She is just the opposite. Yet, she eventually finds that Charlie is not 15, he is not 20, he is not 25. And, she still hangs in there. Unbelievably, she agrees to meet him, and when he finally appears revealing his age of 35, she is extremely upset, cries, and what does she do? Tour the mall with him and then go to a hotel room where the abuse happens, and she is crying, still with the ability to scream, hit/punch him etc. She does not. Annie's friend has noticed what happens, alerting the authorities, which starts the investigation. And, Annie angrily cuts ties with her best friend who only tried to help. The rest of the movie has Annie treating her parents - especially her father- horribly. Keener, who I love as an actress, continually blames her husband for not being there for Annie, totally ignoring the fact that her daughter is treating him like garbage. Does anyone in this movie understand how a normal father would react under the circumstances?? Have we so emasculated the men in this world? Annie continues to refuse to recognize what Charlie has done to her, accusing all of trying to keep two happy kids from being together. We eventually learn that Charlie's DNA has connected him to three other rapes, and it is this alone which makes Annie finally 'recognize' what was done to her. But it is more fueled by jealousy of the three other young girls than by her having had a wake-up call. She has learned nothing. A few other things happen but I have totally lost interest at this point. The only thing that did make an impression on me was Annie's father's reaction at his firm's launch party, seeing his ad campaigns for 'Tweens', all with revealing clothes, sexually enticing poses etc., with very young boys and girls, knowing that this is all a part of his nightmare.
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Outer Range (2022– )
'Time in a Bottle'
24 May 2024
I actually watched the two seasons since I am a glutton for punishment. I watched because I love Lili Taylor and Will Patton. I learned watching Netflix's DARK that there is never any plan by the producers/writers of any program which involves time warps, wormholes, alternate universes and the like. One or two episodes will usually make sense, and then they get too pseudo esoteric for their own good. They throw in as many red herrings, plot holes and twists and turns. When challenged to explain the mysteries, they only make things worse. Putting aside the no-win plot holes with the time travel storyline, my favorite character turned out to be Joy. Her story line could have stood alone with a smaller production. Her performance had the most warmth and humanity.
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When you can't tell what the message is, something is wrong....
12 May 2024
This shouldn't have been a film about anything in the abstract. The juxtaposition of Hoess's family life alongside the Auschwitz camp atrocities should have had only one takeaway, for me, and that the family was totally devoid of conscience, soul and humanity. I don't believe, however, that this movie attempted to have them appear 'normal'. Only a fool would come away with that feeling. I am not Jewish, but I have seen just about every movie about the Holocaust that has been made. I am 74 years old, and my childhood neighbors were concentration camp survivors, so I knew from a very early age about the horrors. Coming from that era, my father and many uncles served in WWII, with one uncle, a pilot, a prisoner of war in Germany for 14 months when his plane was shot down. The opening scenes and the so-called musical score which accompanied it were horrible. I don't like arthouse treatments of heartbreaking subject matter. I think the film "The Boy in the striped pajamas" better delivered Mr. Glazer's message.
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Three Pines (2022)
Gave it three stars because Molina is great, no matter what-lots of spoilers
5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I guess I have seen too many police procedural dramas, which made me focus mostly on how inept the police were in this series, in almost every aspect of the multiple murder mysteries comprising the series. Re murder of Julia Morrow: Gamache's entire team is in the hotel trying to find Julia's murderer; all suspects are under lockdown with no chance of escape, yet none of the team leaves to protect Kevin Kris as they assured him, from the corrupt police connected to Blue Two-Rivers' murder.

Meanwhile, back at the Sûreté du Québec, the endlessly annoying Rookie Inspector Nichol overhears talk that indicates Gamache is being set up as the killer of Blue Two-Rivers. So, what does she do first - have a few beers with Sargent Beauvoir.

Shortly thereafter, when going to arrest Arthur Ellis's murderer (hanging victim whose death Lacoste deduced was a suicide until onlooker Bea pointed out the two sets of footprints at the scene), both Sargents Beauvoir and Lacoste go to front door, with neither blocking the home's back entrance from which the murderer and his wife escape. Then, Beauvoir, very drunk, decides to drive with Lacoste riding shotgun, running the escapees off the road to their deaths.

The coup de grace closes the series, with Gamache going to arrest his old friend Pierre Arnot, for Blue's murder. He is confronting a man who was involved in illegal activities, murders a young girl to cover it up and is now beyond desperate. So what does Gamache do? He walks ahead of the guy thinking he will just casually arrest him, not even wondering if Arnot will kill himself or HIM, and of course, Gamache is shot. I am a great fan of Mr. Molina, but this is just too much.
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The Devil's Hour (2022– )
The writers' reach exceeded their grasp...
26 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the performances, for the most part. I had to google for an explained ending for this series, and even some of those sites had unanswered questions - not a good sign of a successful plot. I understood what they were trying to do. However, having one live and die in one continuous loop, supposedly fitting into different lives each go-round, was too much of a stretch. Even in programs such as this, I do hope for some sense of possibility. Is everyone else in the world living this loop or just you and your circle of friends and family? The constant shifting of the boy Isaac's interactions with the neighbors, was distracting overall, and the explanation in the last episode did nothing to make it even remotely plausible for me. They might have been better off just going with a story of Lucy's being a clairvoyant and Gideon's simply being a mind-reader, who could enter her mind and stop the course of tragic events, which is basically what he did. Maybe do that in just four episodes and that might have been interesting enough.
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The only 'Marvelous' things were the wardrobe and period set design....
27 May 2023
I have been a fan of Alex Borstein's since her days on the wonderful MAD TV, and she is the reason I stuck with this series. I enjoyed Shalhoub in WINGS and MONK and Marin Hinkle in TWO AND A HALF MEN, but their characters in this series were cartoonish and the exaggerated situations of their total helplessness in doing anything for themselves wore thin. A completely dysfunctional family unit. Joel's parents were also broadly drawn but were funny and you felt that they were at least parents. Midge Maisel is an intensely unlikeable person, and I found few qualities to keep me rooting for her success. Also, I grew up with Joan Rivers, Diller, Lenny et al. Even in those early days, Joan Rivers at her worst could top any of the jokes in Mrs. Maisel's stand-up, delivered as is all of her dialogue, in an extremely annoying, clipped, staccato, whining voice. The producers just threw in two kids who were inconsequential, with Midge constantly depending on her self-absorbed parents or the put-upon housekeeper to do the parenting. It would have been better to have her childless since the only time she included her family was in her perennial need for childcare or her desire to have them watch her performances. I did like Joel. He made one mistake and he paid for it almost the entire series. He should have run for the hills. He was pretty much an afterthought for the entire series, as were her children. I did enjoy the wardrobe and the terrific sets, but not Mrs. Maisel.
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Let Him Go (2020)
More like Rob Zombie's Firefly Family meets Ma and Pa Walton meets Yellowstone
23 March 2023
I watched this due to the overwhelmingly positive critic reviews, which I should do my best to avoid going forth. Through the years, I have probably watched too many lemons based upon great reviews and missed out on some truly good movies because of those negative reviews. Costner and Lane are great actors, but their understated performances were almost lifeless. The scenery should have been beautiful in this film, but even IT was dead, possibly a metaphor for the two lead characters. This is a story which has supposedly intelligent people making the worst possible decisions at every turn. Won't bother with the plot, but it is just a sad movie about sad people, including members of both families, with absolutely nothing uplifting about it, despite its conclusion.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Sorry to say, I binged all four seasons
23 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I heard so many good things about this program, from friends, radio talk show hosts, that I just binged all four seasons, and was housebound anyway due to illness. I am reading all of the negative reviews, praying that no animals were hurt during the filming. I will say this has to be THE most dysfunctional family, EVER. The scary thing is that the writers tease you with bits of humanity mixed in with extreme cruelty, coming from almost all of the main characters, which is what may keep people watching. The most violent of the main characters all have sad back stories, which make things even more morally challenging. Ranch hands who just want to leave are sacrificed, which is horrifying. But again, the family faithful who 'take them to the train station' ultimately have redeeming and heartwarming qualities?? Walker is a sweetheart, and has to almost fight to the death? For what? They have even turned the loveable Jimmy into a murderer, albeit seemingly for a good reason. Am I now an accomplice? Also, was I supposed to miss Jimmy's 'barrel girl' who practically pushed him onto the bucking horse again right after he broke his back? Lee, probably the only viable Dutton son, left too soon. Kayce is torn between two worlds, with THE most annoying son. Jamie kills the reporter, strangling her, but her death is deemed a drowning with no water in her lungs? Beth should have just been skull and crossbones by now but is still a Marlborough woman. Did her intern's parents even know he died? Love Cole Hauser so I take Rip, good and the bad.

Poor Danny Huston just wanted a piece of the pie, and he bit the dust. Too many other issues to note. There was a brief touching upon the incidence of murder and disappearances of Indigenous women, but one would be better off watching the movie WIND RIVER to get a deeper understanding of those tragedies.

Well, I know I will watch Season 5, for whatever it is worth!
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Bosch: Legacy (2022– )
You're supposed to review the programming content, not complain about Freevee's commercials...
11 June 2022
Why are people giving low reviews of this series simply because they are pissed off that there are commercials? Cancel your Prime subscription if you are so upset. Also, I am really puzzled by the review title 'JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT THE ORIGINAL BOSCH WAS THE WORST TELEVISION SHOW IN HISTORY.' Who watches a series reboot when they hate the original? This series has Bosch a little more emotional because his daughter is now a cop, and I enjoyed that element. Unfortunately, for me his daughter was and is the weakest link in this series and I find her to be a dull, emotionless actor. I am also not a fan of Mimi Rogers, mostly because I find her voice to be annoyingly thin and frail. But, I do think her performance itself was pretty good. Despite the fact that the daughter played such a large part in this series, I watched because of the William Devane storyline, since he is a favorite. I was also glad to see Crate and Barrel from the 'old gang' back.
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Pieces of Her (2022)
Surprised at Netflix.....
8 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was drawn to this because of Toni Collette and stayed with it despite its plodding, convoluted red herring-plot. I found nothing likeable about her character. She endangers her ex-husband. She verbally berates a fellow cancer patient, and just when you think she will make amends to the woman who is sent to hospice, she starts regaling the woman with her life story.

Her daughter, Andi, is a virtual mouse who suddenly turns into both Thelma and Louise in just a few episodes, with a series of totally illogical escapes from the bad guys. My favorite prop is the suitcase full of money, which opens like a kid's jewelry box - no lock, key, combination.

I think the worst character was young Jane/Laura. I haven't seen such an expressionless, lackluster performance in a long time.

The key piece of evidence in the story is a tiny cassette with incriminating evidence, which is destroyed. I guess nobody thought to make a few copies along the way.

I ended up rooting for Nick.
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Was looking forward to this one....
9 February 2022
I didn't mind the ambiguity of the ending but the movie itself was so lackluster I forced myself to see it through. Ms. Rampling is a great actress and to me, her performances are usually understated. When you couple that with the deadpan, boring performance of Mr. Gleeson, the drab, colorless portrayal by Ms. Wilson, brother Roddy's sorrows, and the utterly depressing 'mansion', it is not an easy viewing. I think it might have been better with more of a focus on the young Faraday. I actually looked forward to the housekeeper's scenes to see some life.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
Oh how I love this show....
6 February 2022
I think Season Two may be even better. Was expecting the usual letdown after a stellar debut but I am loving it. The Sheriff and Deputy Baker are great together. The mayor and his wife are exploring new territories lol and the two kids are great. Love Nathan Fillion and wish he would take more parts where there are more parts of him lol. If anything saves the world, it will be pizza.
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Six of one, half dozen of the other....
1 February 2022
This series can't make up its mind as to whether it is a parody or straight drama, drifting in and out of both genres, and failing at both. I found a few of the scenes to be embarrassingly bad..
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After Life (2019–2022)
Season One OK but....
19 January 2022
I love Ricky Gervais. I totally enjoyed his lambasting of the often hypocritical Hollywood elite through the years. But three seasons of his slinging those barbs and arrows toward his nearest and dearest - all of them trying to help him - lost something. Also, the videos of his dead wife, always seemingly giggling hysterically, became overbearing by the third season, overshadowing the rest of the cast, who were very much alive. I cringed every time I saw him reach for the laptop, hoping the dog would eventually destroy it. Were the constant visuals necessary to keep her memory alive? There's grief and then there's wallowing in grief. Also, , Ashley Jensen, who portrayed 'Emma', a character very much alive, was not given enough screen time.
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Ray Donovan: The Movie (2022 TV Movie)
I will miss those Donovan boys....
15 January 2022
No spoilers. As someone who watched every season of Ray Donovan, I did enjoy the back story, which encompassed much of this series finale. I got a little more insight into Mickey's life and what made him who he was. Jon Voight is a great actor and created a character that you just could not hate, no matter what he did.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
There are serial killers, and then there are serial killers....
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For me, the best series finale ever also starred Michael C. Hall - the great SIX FEET UNDER. Dexter's first Series go-round had a disappointing ending, I guess, but in a weird way it made sense. Debra was really Dexter's last victim and went the way of all of his victims, with a burial at sea. He always referred to 'his table' and the Season 8 finale had him sitting at a drastically different table in his logger cabin, staring into nothingness, which I likened to his own self-imprisonment, in a climate as frigid as Florida was sunny. His own hell, I guess. Dexter: New Blood started with a disadvantage because most of the characters were new, and change isn't always easy. Harrison got on my nerves until the last few episodes, just like his mother did lol. New Blood had Dexter kill Logan without hesitation and I don't believe the 'old' Dexter would have done so with such ease, especially since he recognized the goodness in Logan. It seemingly was done simply to provide Harrison with a motive to end Dexter, which was an easy out for the writers.
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Stay Close (2021)
Don't get too close....
8 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand the success of Harlan Coben novels nor those of James Patterson, whose books have very little content with recycled characters, large fonts and spacing, and short chapters which often end on a page with just a few words. In other words, 'there is no there there'. The latter might have been good back in the day but prolific doesn't mean quality. This series has a 'heroine' who only calls DS Broome in a crisis, despite the fact he is always on the phone or hanging with "Sweet" Lorraine. And DC Cartwright, Broome's partner and former wife (how cute is that) seems to be worthless as a law enforcement official, offering nothing but a never-ending, condescending smile whenever Broome speaks. When Broome and ex-Mrs. Broome find the underground burial ground, they BOTH go inside, not knowing what culprits might have been in the woods, able to trap them both. Terrible cops who needed a civilian to link the killings together. Stupid characters. What does Harry do after the first attempt on his life? Goes right back into his apartment. No comment on Fred and Ginger. The only thrilling thing in this series was The Head. How they spread this over eight hours is the real mystery.
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Wentworth (2013–2021)
Will miss this show....
26 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching the forerunner "Prisoner Cell Block H" decades ago and was hooked. For whatever else, it was ahead of its time. I enjoyed Wentworth immensely but was not necessarily a fan of the 'favorites'. I thought Bea caused a lot of problems for many, especially Liz when she was paroled. I also found the constant attacks on Liz for her 'lagging' to be nonsense since it was done for the benefit of the inmates. Many of my favorites had nice character arcs, such as Frankie, Boomer and Marie, having all done some dreadful things to fellow inmates. This show also showed how the guards and Vera as 'governor' also had their own crimes, but, unlike the inmates, never paid the price. I understand that prison is an ever-changing environment but I was sorry to see Liz go. New characters Rita and Ruby were good but Lou and Reb had absolutely no redeeming qualities, which were necessary for them to hold any interest. Judy, also a monster and too late, got her punishment. I loved the finale in that The Freak saved Vera and walked into the sunset (ok bomb clouds) to possibly leave room for a sequel of sorts. Loved Allie and glad she made it. The one character, Guard Linda Miles, who never ceased to cause trouble and mayhem, survived the blast, which was very frustrating. All in all, great acting!
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Just watched this again, many years later...
3 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I know there are many negative reviews about gratuitous violent deaths etc. I can't agree because there were very little gory details, more like end results, which left much to your imagination. There had to be a build up to Mr. Linoge's end claims which would have been truly unbelievable had he just blurted out his powers from the onset. He also appeared to be quite the showman. I imagine he had to give them signs of his power along the way, especially given his end purpose. One negative viewer asked why Linoge just didn't take what he wanted and be gone? I myself liken his actions to what I have been taught in my youth about the devil....he tempts us but, in the end, it is up to us to make the decision. He doesn't, or maybe can't force us to do his bidding, just like the villain in this story. I thought the acting was first-rate - especially that of Tim Daly.
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Torch Song Trilogy horror style
24 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A hodgepodge of every horror movie cliche you can think of, without the comic relief. The best character of the series, Simon, is killed in Part 1.
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Three parts of viewer hell..
19 July 2021
No matter what decade the episode, they are still just nasty kids.
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Great cast, many twists and turns..
17 March 2021
I first thought this was going to be three separate tales, not one intertwining story. Very good cast centered around a serial killer and a serial rapist and their victims both alive and dead, revealing other monstrous characters along the way. Would not have been disappointed in the ending if there were going to be a season 2 to wrap things up. Since this was originally to have aired several years ago on TNT I have no hopes for that second season.
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Supernatural: Carry On (2020)
Season 15, Episode 20
Why don't they EVER think of the fans....
20 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really LOVED this show. I found it belatedly a few years ago and binged watched 13 seasons in one summer recuperating alone from a broken leg, and as such, felt like many were part of my family. When I saw there would be a two-hour finale, I thought that they would have enough time to include the many key players who have been so much a part of Supernatural for 15 years. I do think we deserved that. Instead, the first hour was a retrospective and analysis of the series from various cast members etc., which was redundant for true fans of Supernatural. I didn't need anyone to analyze the show's appeal. The second hour had the brothers settling into a somewhat 'normal' routine but which might have been a bit boring to them, understandably. Very sadly, their last 'hunt' saw Dean die in his brother's arms, halfway through the program. They showed Dean in Heaven, only meeting Bobby, and seemingly no other interest but in riding around in 'Baby'. Didn't show his parents, and, so importantly, Jack or Castiel, who Bobby noted fashioned a new heaven. There were a few scenes of Sam mourning his brother, and the rest of the hour has apparently taken a page from the fantastic Six Feet Under finale, but it doesn't work here. They probably should have ended it with episode 19, with the brothers riding into the sunset. Or, if they had to imitate another classic finale, it should have been Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
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The Lie (2018)
Watched this because of Saarsgard and Enos....big mistake....
13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie because I am a fan of both lead actors but was beyond disappointed. This film dealing with an extraordinary set of circumstances facing a family did not have one modicum of logic. The action starts almost immediately with the lead actors' young daughter confessing to killing her friend, alternately claiming it was accident and then intentional. After a relatively short time, with the daughter seemingly giving an excellent audition for "The Three Faces of Eve" (for the old timers, a movie about split personalities). the parents decide to cover up the crime. Except for a few manic screaming episodes, the daughter seems to just make scrambled eggs. At some point there is the red herring body in the frozen water. Just when you think the parents can't get more detestable, they try to implicate the missing girl's father - a real thorn in their sides - in her disappearance, with Mom even running the poor guy over and killing (?) him. Near the end of the film, the parents are wiping the man's blood off their vehicle with what seems to be a handi-wipe when the missing girl miraculously appears before them, in their garage. I know that is the first place that I would look for my BFF) explaining that it was all a joke gone bad, and she just wanted to hang with her boyfriend. The best laid plans etc. In the closing scene, as the police sirens are heard and police are pounding on the family's front door, they all have a Kumbaya moment with the daughter tearfully explaining that it was a joke but that, gee, it was nice to see her parents getting close again lol. I was waiting for her to get the frying pan out for more eggs. I like to find at least one thing redeeming about a character when I watch a movie but this family is detestable, with the 'missing' girl's father being the only believable character. Very disappointed, too, in Veena Sud, the Director, who was involved in the series THE KILLING and COLD CASE, two favorites.
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