
5 Reviews
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Old (2021)
Loved the concept, hated the execution
20 August 2021
The idea was there , the message was there..the messenger failed. First thing I thought was that maybe the movie was filmed during the pandemic and I was right. It made me realize that for the most part, big movies need big teams. The acting was atrocious, the directing subpar, cinematography mediocre, music non existant, none of the elements that make a movie go from b to a were there. Maybe If this were filmed during normal times , they would have a change to add those elements. You can tell that even the casting was wrong , they prob realized it but could not do anything about it and had to work with what they had. You can literally sense the forced chemistry , if any. I kind of hope they remake this movie. It has potential.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
I'm loving season 4
3 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching season 4 and was getting annoyed at the get caught , escape, get caught again cycle the show seems to love but at around Ep 5 things turn around and I'm loving this season! My favorite part is seeing June turn into Serena or a worst version of her. When she was describing Serena to the attorney , she was describing herself and what she's become. That was the stronger moment of the series for me . Excited to see what happens next with this character.
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Unauthorized Living (2018–2020)
The main actress and some secondary characters ruined it for me
29 March 2020
The main storyline and the main character ,Nemo are enough to keep you watching but there are some situations , mostly driven by poorly acted and written characters, that could make you lose interest in the series. If you can ignore them, you'll be rewarded with a gripping story of loyalty, fragility and some decent action/thrill. I still dont understand the casting choice for the main actress, Lara. Everytime she comes on screen , it runs the whole series. Not sure how to explain it but she is annoying to watch. Maybe is her acting, her script, her inconsistent character development. All of the above? It is just painful. I was hoping they would replace her for season 2 but she came back worse. The colombian hit man is horrible. The show has many annoying characters /actors , the casting director did a horrible job at it.
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The Lion King (2019)
The bad acting ruined it for me
19 July 2019
Forget about the problem everyone has mentioned. Yes, having realistic animals talking is weird at first and takes away the emotion. Yes, the singing was bad . Yes, there is nothing new nor impactful. Yes, it was easy to get distracted and detached from the movie( I planned an incoming trip, rearranged my furniture in my head, solved a couple of work problems ...and sometimes I actually paid attention to the movie )! BUT the one thing I could not tolerate was the horrible voice acting. I did not think fictional animated characters could over act but was I wrong ! The only semi decent ones were mufasa, the bird and the giraffe (cause she didnt talk). Child simba was beyond annoying. I could not for him to grow up just so I could stop listening to that cringeworthy "acting" I kept picturing one of those overly trained Broadway kids that never make it past Broadway when they grow up. It was just unbearable and it ruined the movie for me .
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Hellboy (2019)
First time watching a hellboy movie
12 April 2019
I got a free ticket and was not looking forward to go see this movie. It never really got my attention but boy was i wrong! It surprised me and I am now a new fan. I liked that the movie did not take itself seriously. It was fun , the effects were efficient , the acting was on point and the character likeable. It didn't feel forced or trying to be something that it was not. Which is refreshing in today 's movies. If you want just a fun and entertaining flick. This is it! I didnt want it to end...and that says a lot!
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