
9 Reviews
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16 June 2019
Movie was impossible to watch due to the editor's total failure on sound. The background music, which was always playing, completely obliterated the dialogue, making it impossible to hear. The premise seemed good, but it was not possible toi critiquethe movie due to the overwhelming music. Usually, loud background music is inserted for the following reasons, 1. Make up for bad acting. 2. Make up for bad dialog. 3. Make up for lack of money and creativity in the setting, scenery, location. We will never know unless the movie is re-released with the music deleted or lowered.
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Unable to enjoy this
20 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I found the beginning of the movie to be insulting. Lori is given the keys to open a locker and finds a dead girl laying on the floor. The detective arrives and says it looks like the girl accidently tripped and hit her head and died..........that is not just a stupid statement, it is IMPOSSIBLE. It HAD to be murder. If the girl had accidentally fallen and died, the gate would still be open. Only the killer of the girl could have closed the gate and locked it with the dead girl inside. I stopped watching after that as I just couldn't stand that nonsense in a mystery.
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Boy in the Attic (2016 TV Movie)
Another: Killers are just misunderstood good people movie
26 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Boy in the attic, boy did I want this movie to be good, boy did this movie suck. The first half of the movie was just a rip-off of "Bad Ronald"(If you haven't seen "Bad Ronald", you must). Unfortunately, this was a chopped-up movie that was poorly directed and pieced together with flash backs that make no sense. Apparently, this "boy", that is over 20, was "forced" to assault his big bad step father and was on the run from the police. Later, he was again "forced" to assault and kill a stranger that he did some work for. The stranger found out the "boy" was a wanted felon and offered to let him go, but, the "boy" demanded his money and was "forced" to kill the stranger. The "boy" apparently felt he was entitled to live in someones house uninvited(reminds me of illegal immigrants). The "boy" than falls in love with a 30 year old "girl" that has a 40 year old mother. In the end, the blood-thirsty white cop is the "real" bad guy and the killer "boy" is the good guy that is saved by the good black cop. The "moral" of this story is that Killers are just misunderstood good people and we should help them evade the law as police are the bad guys. Apparently the writers/director of this crap have been buying the nonsense we've been seeing in the news lately were cops are really the bad guys.
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Newlywed and Dead (2016 TV Movie)
Another "bad" husband gets his in the end
21 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Oedipal complex run amuk. Turns out, ALL the characters in this movie are "BAD".....We have the bad corrupt Sheriff that helps cover the aunties murder. We have the bad mothers: The mother of the bad son regularly locked him up in the basement. The mother of the bad wife hates marriage and is against her daughters marriage without knowing the husband. We have the bad assistant that helps his boss with murder. We have the bad auntie that enables her nephew to get away with the murder of his mother and attempted murder of his girlfriend and than is later murdered by her nephew for needlessly destroying his business plans(didn't see that coming did ya? lol). We have the bad wife(the heroine of this bad movie) that gives us the funniest line in the movie. She says, "I'm supposed to be able to trust my husband"........Meanwhile she's conducting a full-scale background investigation, behind his back, on him. lol. The ending was the most predictable, you know, the bad husband gets his comeuppance. Another 2 hours wasted on mindless crap.
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Fender Bender (I) (2016)
Too many glaring errors that can't be over-looked
4 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Another stereotypical slasher flick where, at the climax, the victim kills the slasher, BUT OOOOOOOOOOOOOH, he's not really dead (didn't see that coming did

Fortunatelly, the director was Politically Correct and made sure to have all the following PC crap on his check-list: 1. Hispanic girl is good 2. Gay friend is good 3. Jock boyfriend is bad 4. White male is an evil killer The only thing missing was a black female hero.

While all of this can be overlooked, the following glaring errors can NOT. Every driver knows that you exchange driver's licenses. If that had been done, the rest of the movie would never have occurred. The cake was drugged, but, the killer could never have known that the victim was going to have her friends over and eat it. Finally, the killer kills the electric off in the house miraculously while he's standing in front of the three friends.

If the producer can't work-out these simple errors, he should not be making movies.
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Abducted (2015 TV Movie)
EXCELLENT worth-while Who Dun-nit
19 May 2016
This is an excellent, well written and well acted who dun-nit mystery that is definitely worth watching. The clues are all there for you to solve the mystery, there are no hidden clues that are often introduced that make them unfair. Everything that occurred in the story is logically introduced and other words, it makes perfect sense of the who and why. You do need to pay very close attention to the characters and their possible motives so you can piece the clues together and solve the mystery.

The actors all did a fine job in their roles. No over-acting and no weird moments nor looks from the actors that often ruin these types of movies. No big stars, but, who cares.

If you are a mystery buff and enjoy solving logic puzzles this is a movie for you. It is written in the genre of Agatha Christie type mysteries where the reader/viewer follows along as the detective gathering clues to ultimately SOLVE THE CASE.
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Willed to Kill (2012 TV Movie)
Excellent who-dun-it thriller
5 May 2016
The clues are laid out thoughtfully through-out the investigation. Clues pointing to many different suspects until only 2 real suspects remain. Many red herrings and dead-ends add to the story and forces the viewer to re-think their conclusions. Everything adds-up, there are no hidden facts. The acting was adequate and the pace was very good. I did not see any glaring errors, that are often seen in these low-budget type movies. Everything was quite logically put together and the suspense built at good pace. A very good crossword style mystery. If you like Agatha Christie style who-dun-its, you should appreciate this movie. Definitely worth watching.
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Final Destiny (2016 TV Movie)
Propaganda movie
28 April 2016
Here's the movies plot: 1. Americans are bad. 2. Government agencies are evil. 3. Muslims don't commit terrorism and are unfairly targeted. 4. If you get to know a homosexual, you will like them. 5. Men are evil and woman are saints.

Goebbels couldn't have produced a better piece of worthless propaganda. Apparently in this NWO of political correctness, the bad guys are good and the good guys are bad. Instead of just making this a who-done-it movie, the producers felt the moral obligation to inject their ideology into it. Hard to judge whether this could have been a good movie or not because of their preaching. The most glaring defect of the movie is the fact that the "hero" of the movie commits numerous felonies, but, that is apparently insignificant since the end justify the means.
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Ticket Out (2012)
Worst movie/story-line ever made
23 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The mother of the children in this movie is supposed to be portrayed as sympathetic, but, she commits numerous felony crimes and is 10 times worse than the supposed "bad guy" father. The mother endangers her children's lives on numerous occasions with actual gun fights. A caring mother would have turned the children over to the police for their protection. She escapes from police custody and commits numerous armed robberies in the vicinity of her children. Her actions should easily warrant 20 years in prison. When her child needs insulin, she decides to commit armed robbery on innocent people at a pharmacy, instead of rushing her child to the hospital. I was sickened watching this and was only thankful it was not based on anything real.
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