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Madame Web (2024)
I don't get the hate, its not amazing, but it's certainly not a 3 either
16 March 2024
Seeing the 3.7 rating I was a bit dubious going into this, but was pleasantly surprised.

I'd give it a solid 5 to 5 & a half. Worth a look if you're into super hero stuff, specifically when characters realise they have powers etc...

Look, it's not going to win any Oscars obviously but giving this a 1 is ridiculous, I've seen far worse. The action, effects & production values are all good & it's got heart.

And I'm not sure what all the fuss is about re' the script. It wasn't majorly groundbreaking or original or anything, but the story ark was fine & everything made sense.

It's obvious that this project could have been executed a bit better & if you are a fan of the comic or a marvel fan that had been eagerly anticipating its release, then I guess you might be a bit disappointed. It's obviously those people that have scored this a 1/2 due to anger & disappointment rather than objectively rating this.

Anyway as long as you don't go into it expecting anything too amazing I'm sure you'll enjoy, the action, the effects & the heart.
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Don't understand the negative reviews
25 October 2023
Don't know why this wasn't better received by the critics & public. Obviously if you compare it to 1&2 it will always fall short, but can you ever equal those all time cinematic classics of yesteryear? Not usually. As a stand alone terminator movie its a good movie.

I loved it, great action, great effects, decent storyline. And it had heart, it's heartwarming to watch someone or a group of people protecting someone that isn't strong enough to defend themselves. That's noble & heroic.

I watch this all the time now, but I'm a terminator franchise fan, if you're not a diehard terminator fan maybe you'll feel differently. I enjoyed the Sarah Connor Chronicles & 1 & 2. 3, Genesys & Salvation were ok too.

Hoped we'd get a sequel out of this as it sets it up for it at the end. But if this is the end of the franchise then it was a great swansong, thoroughly enjoyed it.
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Moving On (III) (2022)
Comedy drama not a comedy
22 May 2023
There's some strong sections in this film, just so people know what to expect. Its misleading to call this a straight comedy because it's not. Definitely not for young kids.

If you're looking for fairly recent Fonda, I'd go with "our souls at night" or the new baseball fan film she did, now that's a comedy.

It feels like an indie film not big budget and Fonda looks incredible for 84/85. Roundtree still looks great & still has the charisma even about 50 years after doing shaft.

Not much else to say, funny, heartwarming and sad in places, wouldn't watch again though, but too edgy for my pallet.
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The Holiday (2006)
Nancy Meyers sets the standard
10 November 2022
I have two friends, one loves it & the other isn't keen. I put this down to what I call "romantic or realist" ... if realist is the right word.

The realist says, "oh that wouldn't happen" whereas the romantic likes to escape into a movie like this where things like that CAN happen.

Which of the above you believe you're more like, will most likely determine whether you enjoy this or not.

I love Richard Curtis movies: Four Weddings, Notting hill, love actually, About time etc... If Nancy Meyers is the queen of romcoms, then Richard is the King. But Nancy Meyers movies convey a warmth that's absent in all other movies. If you like this try It's complicated, the Intern & somethings gotta give. The father of the bride 1 & 2 are also great, directed by her then husband, but which she produced.
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Cocktail (1988)
...but if you wanna get loaded, then why don't you just order, a shot
19 November 2015
Wow this movie really has taken a beating from the IMDb reviewers. I think the several one star marks it received, is a little harsh but OK, I'll try to highlight the good things about this movie rather than the bad. I've always been of the, if you haven't got anything good to say, don't say it, school of thought.

I think some people watch movies needing them to evoke a strong emotional responses. They want to be moved, they want a journey, or at the very least they want the plot line to be extremely engaging & flawless; Godfather, Shawshank, Schindler's list etc… or those of similar ilk are classic examples. If a movie does not do that, or doesn't meet a preconceived criteria, they feel short changed. These are the "I just wasted 90 minutes of my life" people, the short attention span people, the people that fall asleep 10 minutes in unless there's a court jester juggling in the isle. They are not people that watch all kinds of movies all the time as their primary way of unwinding. When they watch a movie they want it to knock their socks off, pure & simple. A fair point, but Cocktail like many others, is not that kind of movie.

Movies are like eating, there's something for every mood. I've been to New York & like millions of others, it's one of my favourite cities (where half of the movie is shot) & I've been to the Caribbean several times (where the other half is shot), both great locations. I love the electricity of a good bar atmosphere, having a few drinks & a wiggle, the prospect of maybe getting lucky, or at least getting drunk & having a sing song, don't we all? This movie includes all the above and more. The classic rock & roll sound track is great, Everly Brothers, Big Bopper, Little Richard, Hippy Hippy Shake etc... & there's some nice mellow reggae ones thrown in as well.

For the above alone, this deserves more than 1 star. It was never meant to garner dozens of Oscar Nominations, set records or change the face of cinema, It's just good fun. We can vicariously live through Toms charming, cocky & confident Brian Flanaghan as he rises to the top of New York's upper east side bar scene & from then in the Jamaican paradise of Montego bay, lazily serving cocktails on the beach. And for the ladies there's plenty of romance.

No major studios got behind this & it obviously didn't have a massive budget, so like a lot of movies around this time it suffers a bit with production values. There's a section where Cruise has obviously been called back for pickups to strengthen the interview montage at the start. He goes from Cocktail hair, to Rain Man hair, to Cocktail hair again. Same thing happens to Michael J. Fox in Secret Of My Success & that's one of my favourites. I find this comical more than anything else, it's just a period thing. I guess that's because I have a happy, sunny disposition, it's the glass is half full thing again isn't it.

Plonk Tom in front of a camera & he'll never disappoint & Elizabeth Shue Is adorable, plus there's great work from the supporting cast. If you are one of the less judgemental & cynical among us, who liked the 80's, a simpler time before technology dictated our every move & who can handle the odd 6 out of 10 without getting their underwear in a twist & having to take half an hour out of their lives to write a scathing review, then go for it.

"This is the upper east side, the saloon capitol of the world, the big time. Are you ready for the big time Mr Flanagan?!"
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Father Of The Bride responds to negative reviews
18 November 2015
This gets a 6.4, which I struggle to believe is an accurate representation. As I write this I'm aware that it's 25 years old & most people have seen it by now & also read the reviews, which makes mine somewhat redundant. Never the less, I felt it necessary to defend this picture against some of the more negative reviews.

Maybe IMDb need to look at the way the ratings work. I've seen this with Thrillers as well like: Copycat, The Bone Collector & Kiss The Girls. All commercial successes & which almost define the 90 minute crime thriller sub genre, or shall we say, are the bench mark in which others are compared. Yet none one of these surpass a 6.6. I've read all the reviews for this particular movie & the majority of people (approximately 80%) give this a positive rating - between 7-10 out of 10. The rest between 3-5 out of 10.

The point I'm making is that the average Joe with a healthy, positive outlook on life will probably enjoy this comedy caper. It's heartfelt & humorous & the photography is wonderful. They may however be put off due to the small amount of embittered & cynical reviews on this page. I get that this is a remake of the Spencer Tracy Elizabeth Taylor classic (big shoes to fill). The original was released in the golden era of Hollywood & it's a wonderful piece of cinema. I get all that, but it's not trying to be the original, nor is it trying to out do or improve on the original. These circumstances are timeless, Daughters will continue to get married & this version simply highlights the subsequent issues & challenges that the current generation face.

I also understand that the Banks's are middle class. I grew up comfortably too in a nice suburban neighbourhood. But I was taught to speak & act correctly & I was not spoiled, neither are Matty & Annie. Also like the Bank's, my parents are not elitist & are the furthest thing from snobbery anyone could ever imagine. George & Nina weren't always that comfortable, they worked hard to get to where they are & they want the best for their kids, don't we all? Although the Banks's may be able to afford it; $250,000 for a wedding? like my parents, George & Nina grew up in a different time when that kind of extravagance simply wasn't entertained, so I can understand George's reservations.

I'm afraid social standing has no bearing on this whatsoever. It seems clear to me, these negative reviews that touch on the classes & sociology come from those that are unhappy with the hand that they were dealt or just simply Jealous. Jealousy is where most negativity stems from in my humble opinion. How can a movie (& a family for that matter) with such a good heart be attacked like this, if not for those reasons

IMDb is amazing, & as a movie fanatic it has been my go to site for many years. However, I think the IMDb fraternity may need to accept a few things. 1: Take negative reviews with a pinch of salt, you can't please everyone. The world would be pretty dull if we were all the same. 2: Although generally speaking in life a 6 or 6 & a half out of 10 may be considered average; don't pass on them due to a few poor reviews bringing the average mark down. That 6 might end up being one of your most favourite movies of all time.

I site one more example. Twins, in my eyes a classic, I am by no means a massive Schwarzenegger or Devito fan, but it's feel good, hysterical in places & the chemistry between the two leads is undeniable. In my 38+ years I have yet to meet a single person that has got a bad word to say about it. Yet this movie has been at times a 5.9.

Apologies if this sounds more like a mission statement than a review. Don't get me wrong, I love Jaws, Shawshank, Godfather, Schindler's etc… But let's face it, we're not always in the mood. Sometimes we just want something goofy we can laugh at. Just because these comedies are not critically acclaimed Oscar worthy 8's & 9's, doesn't mean to say they don't have an equal footing in our hearts and on our shelves. Thanks for reading.
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True Colors (1991)
True colors
22 June 2015
It's odd how some movies really resonate with you as individual but do not necessarily have mass appeal. I think this is a sleeper, not many people have seen it. This is one of my favourites & a movie I go back to from time to time. It's a real journey, picking Spader & Cusack's characters up as they commence college like & following them for the next 10 years or so into there respective careers & personal lives.

While both are high achievers; Spader comes from a successful wealthy family & Cusack from a modest working class back ground. Consequently there attitudes & what drives them is completely different. I found exploring both characters fascinating as there relationship is put under enormous strain.

It's set from 1984 onwards so if you enjoy being nostalgic over that capitalistic age, & enjoyed the brat pack movies, this will help. Also an excellent score by Michael Lang called fanfare. Hope you enjoyed it like it did.
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Stealing Home (1988)
Stealing Home
21 June 2015
Although this may not have won awards & may not appeal to the masses, it really is a wonderfully sentimental & nostalgic piece of cinema. The locations were well chosen & picturesque & the various musical scores from David Foster (of St Elmo's fame) during the emotional & poignant moments, enhance the movie no end. Foster & Harmon turn in engaging performances as the main leads & there's great comic support from Harold Ramis & Jonathan Silverman. I just can't help feeling that McNamara was miss cast as Harmon's younger self. I know we grow, change & mature but I just see no correlation between him & Harman in terms of looks, personality or persona. He looks very slightly awkward in some scenes, like he's winging it, maybe this is compounded by the fact he is opposite the great Jodie Foster. Overall a movie you can lose yourself in & perfect for a quiet relaxing evening or a lazy Sunday afternoon. If you liked Harmon in this & wanted something else from the same era you can try "Prince of Bel Air". It's good fun & lighter fare compared to this but still deals with some important issues & has a similar feel good factor (see if you can spot Swayze's brother).
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